Research Associate / Senior Research Fellow / Junior Research Fellow / Technical Assistant / Young Professional I & II Notification
Project: "Evaluating the impact of CleanRise on yield and grain quality improvement in Paddy"
PI: Dr. R. Mahender Kumar
Post: Young Professional - II (01 Position)
Essential Qualifications:
- Master’s Degree in Life Sciences from a recognized University.
Minimum of five years experience in field work related to rice research and laboratory analysis of Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Potassium from soil and grain samples.
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Project: "AICRPR Testing Fees"
PI: Dr. R. Mahender Kumar
Post: Young Professional - II (01 Position)
Essential Qualifications:
Post graduate in relevant subjects or graduate degree in AG sciences/Engineering (B.Tech in IT).
Minimum of 3 years experience in office correspondence. Good knowledge in Microsoft Office related skills data computation and statistical analysis. Especially experience in rice data handling. At least two years of experience in any Government/Autonomous offices, handling PFMS, FMS/MIS, eoffice and virtual meeting.
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Project: "AICRPR Testing Fees"
PI: Dr. M. Srinivas Prasad
Post: Technical Assistant (02 Positions)
Essential Qualifications:
Any degree with Plant Sciences/Life Sciences/any degree or Graduate/ Diploma in Agriculture Sciences.
Experience in conducting of field and glass house experiments. Isolation and culturing of Plant Pathogens. Data recording and basic computer knowledge.
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Project: "IIRR Core Budget"
Post: Young Professional I(IT) (01 Position)
Essential Qualifications:
Graduates with at least 60% marks in Computer Application/ lnformation Technology/Computer Science
Knowledge and Experience in
- CMS based website development
- Android Studio/any other app development technologies
- Management of online meetings in ZOOM, Webex, GoogleMeet etc.
- Web technologies HTML, CSS, BOOTSTRAP, Java Script etc.
- Database Management MySQL, SQL Server, PostGRE, PostGIS etc.
- Programming with .Net/Java/Python/R etc.
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Project: Sree PVF funded "RAISE – Rice AI Stress Evaluator"
PI: Dr. B. Sailaja
Post: Young Professional II (IT) (01 Position)
Essential Qualifications:
Graduates with at least 60% marks in Computer Applications/lnformation Technology/Computer Science with one-year experience in designing web and mobile applications
Masters in Computer Applications/lnformation Technology/Computer Science/ Artificial Intelligence
- Minimum 2 years’ experience in designing web and mobile applications.
- Web technologies HTML, CSS, BOOTSTRAP, Java , Angular JS, React JS etc.
- Database management MySQL, SQL Server, PostGRE, PostGIS, Mango DB etc.
- QGIS, ArcGIS, & Geoserver applications, Python & R languages.
- Machine learning/deep learning algorithms
Post: Young Professional I (01 Position)
Graduates or Diploma holders in Computers/ Engineering/Information Technology
Knowledge and Experience in
- Minimum one year experience in designing web and mobile applications
- Web technologies HTML, CSS, BOOTSTRAP, Java , Angular JS, React JS etc
- Database management MySQL, SQL Server, PostGRE, PostGIS, Mango DB etc.
- Android Studio/any other app development technologies.
Post: Project Assistant (01 Position)
Any Graduates or Diploma holders having experience in MS Office, any photo editing software’s.
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Project: "CRP Bio-fortification"
PI: Dr. C N Neeraja
Post: Young Professional II (02 Positions)
Essential Qualifications:
- Postgraduates in Agriculture Biotechnology/ Plant Breeding/Genetics/ Biotechnology/Plant Molecular Biology / Plant sciences/ Biochemistry
- Experience in field studies or laboratory experiments of rice
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Project: "Development of climate resilient and high yielding trait improved varieties of Swarna; a mega rice variety of India"
PI: Dr. P. Senguttuvel
Post: Scientific Administrative Assistant/Field Worker (01 Position)
Essential Qualifications:
- Graduate degree in Agricultural Science/ or any
- Diploma holders in Agricultural Sciences/Agri polytechnic students.
Job Description: To oversee the field operations from sowing to harvesting, ensuring efficient and timely execution of all tasks. The role includes coordinating field activities, managing data collection and performing crossbreeding/hybridization of rice parental lines.
- Prior experience in an agricultural research setting.
- Expertise in rice crop production, expertise in rice crossing/ hybridization is preferred.
- Skills on data collection and documentation of field observations.
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Project: "SBI CSR Fund Scheme 10: Sustainable rice production –Promotion of DSR in Telangana to increase yield, income and resilience to the climate change"
PI: Dr. R. Mahender Kumar
Post: Research Associate (01 Position)
Essential Qualifications:
M.Sc. Degree in Agriculture / Life Sciences from a recognised university.
- PhD in Agriculture in rice or minimum three years of research experience in rice trial management.
- Fluent in Telugu speaking, writing and should be able to Travel within different districts for Project implementation.
- Experience in Data collection, Farmer interaction, Computer skills and data entry, data analysis, manuscript drafting, and reports preparation
Post: Young Professional I (02 Positions)
Essential Qualifications
- Bachelor of Sciences in Botany/Graduates in Agricultural sciences or
- Diploma holders in Agricultural Sciences /Agri polytechnic students
Job description: Data collection, sample analyses, Data collection from farmer field trials and field maintenance, organization of field days
- Work experience in rice research
- Field experience
- Telugu speaking and writing
- Willing to Travel
- Documentation of field observations.
- Knowledge on computer operations (MS office)
Post: Technical Assistant (03 Positions)
Essential Qualifications
- Diploma holders in Agricultural Sciences /or Graduates in any discipline/
- Agri polytechnic or equivalent.
Job description: Data collection, sample analyses, Data collection from farmer field trials and field maintenance, organization of field days
- Work experience in rice research
- Field experience
- Documentation of field observations
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Project: "Evaluation of NATCO Pharma Ltd Product against Lepidopteran Pests of Rice"
PI: Dr. Ch. Padmavathi
Post: Technical Assistant (02 Position)
B.Sc. in Agriculture/ Diploma in Agriculture
Knowledge and experience in laboratory analysis/ fieldwork/ conducting of experiments/ computer knowledge.
Any additional qualifications relevant to the project.
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Project: "DST-SERB-EEQ /2023/000944: entitled “Elucidation of biochemical basis of resistance to major insecticides in populations of Brown Plant Hopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stal) in India"
PI: Dr. V. Chinna Babu Naik
Post: Junior Research Fellow (01 Position)
- Master’s Degree in Agricultural Entomology with first division and NET qualification 4 years of Bachelor’s degree
- Ph.D. in Agricultural Entomology
- Knowledge and experience in Molecular work related to insects
- Knowledge and experience in laboratory analysis / field work/ conducting of experiment/computer knowledge
- Research paper in NAAS rated journals
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Project: "Nanoscale Zeolite-Zinc-Carbo-Mycolizes (ZinCarbolyzers) to improve Productivity of Rice"
CO-PI: Dr. R. Gobinath
Post: Project Associate-I (01 Position)
- Master’s Degree in Agriculture (Plant Pathology, Microbiology and Biotechnology) or Life Sciences with first division from a recognized university or institute and
- National Eligibility Test (NET) qualification or equivalent
- Experience in Molecular Biology and laboratory works proven through publications in peer-reviewed journals.
- Any additional qualifications relevant to the project.
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Project: "Molecular tagging of genes related to early seedling vigour in rice using landraces and wild introgression lines to develop climate smart varieties"
PI: Dr. Divya Balakrishnan
Post: Junior Research Fellow (01 Position)
- Master’s Degree in Plant Breeding & Genetics / Biotechnology/ Plant Sciences with first division from a recognized university or institute and
- National Eligibility Test (NET) qualification or equivalent
- Experience in molecular breeding, proficiency in handling molecular genotyping and biotechnological tools laboratory works proven through publications in peer reviewed journals.
- Experience in handling mapping population, wild species, use of advanced statistical and QTL mapping softwares
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Post: Field Assistant /Scientific Administrative Assistant (01 Position)
- Graduate in any discipline
- Qualification in computer applications, data entry, usage of excel & word
- Minimum 2 years’ experience in field management from sowing to harvest and post-harvest data collection, seed multiplication. Knowledge in handling, and crossing wild species, landraces, and phenotyping for seedling vigour.
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Project: ICAR “Incentivizing Research project III-Genetic modifications to improve biological nitrogen fixation for augmenting nitrogen need of rice
PI: Dr. P. C. Latha
Post: Young Professional II (01 position)
Essential: Master’s degree in Agriculture/ Life Sciences/ Microbiology
M.Sc in microbiology with expertise in isolation of bacteria from various soil and plant samples, handling gas chromatograph and florescent microscopy studies of plant microbe interactions.
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Project: "Genomics Assisted Identification of Loci Associated with Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Grain Protein Content in a Novel Donor"
PI: Dr. J. Aravind
Post: Junior Research Fellow (01 position)
Master’s Degree in Plant Breeding & Genetics / Biotechnology / Plant Sciences with NET qualification
- Experience in molecular breeding.
- Knowledge on handling biotechnological tools and laboratory works proven through publications in peer reviewed journals.
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Project: "DUS Testing in Rice"
PI: Dr. J. Aravind
Post: Senior Research Fellow (01 position)
4 years’ bachelor degree in agriculture and post-graduation in Genetics & Plant Breeding from any recognized university and two years’ experience in conducting DUS tests.
3 years of bachelor degree in sciences and 2 years’ post-graduation in botany / genetics from any recognized university plus NET qualification and a minimum of two years of experience in conducting DUS tests.
- Knowledge about IP issues, Patent application filing, Breeder’s Rights and farmers Rights and filing the applications there of for the rights.
- Computer knowledge and skills to handle large sets of data
- 4-5 years’ experience in conducting agricultural field experiments.
Post: Young Professional I (01 position)
Graduates in Agricultural Sciences / Graduates in Life Sciences
- Experience of at least 3 years in rice field studies, crossing work and data collection.
- Computer knowledge and skills to handle large sets of data.
Post: Technical Assistant (01 position)
Graduates in Life Sciences / Diploma in any discipline
- Experience of at least 2 years in rice field studies for graduates.
- Experience of at least 3 years in rice field studies for Diploma.
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Project: Contractual project “DBT- Nanoscale Zeolite –Zinc–Carbo Mycolizers (Zincarbolysers) to improve the productivity of Rice”.
PI: Dr. Kannan
Co-PI: Dr. Gobinath
Post: Junior Research Fellow (01 position)
Master's Degree in Agriculture (Plant Pathology, Microbiology and Biotechnology) with NET qualification (or) PhD in Plant Pathology/Microbiology/Biotechnology with experience in molecular biology without NET qualification.
- Experience in Molecular Biology and laboratory works proven through publications in peer-reviewed journals.
- Any additional qualifications relevant to the project.
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Post: Young Professional I (01 position)
Graduates with at least 60% marks in B.Sc. in Agriculture/ Chemistry or M.Sc in Agriculture with specialization in Soil Science
- Knowledge and experience in soil sampling, analysis and interpretation
- Familiarity and experience in operating soil testing equipment
- Experience in field experimentation
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Project: CSIR sponsored FTT/FTC Project entitled “Development of climate resilient and high yielding trait improved varieties of Swarna; a mega rice variety of India”
PI: Dr. R. M. Sundaram
Co-PI: Dr. R. Abdul Fiyaz
Post: Principal Project Associate (01 position)
- Master's Degree in Natural or Agricultural Sciences or Bachelor's Degree in Engineering or Technology or Medicine from a recognized University or equivalent; and
- Eight years' experience in Research and Development in Industrial and Academic Institutions or Science and Technology Organizations and Scientific activities and services
- Doctoral Degree in Science / Engineering / Technology /Pharma/MD/MS from a recognized University or equivalent;and
- Four years' experience in Research and Development in Industrial and Academic Institutions or Science and Technology Organizations and Scientific activities and services
Desirable: Expertise in molecular breeding is preferred.
Post: Senior Project Associate (01 position)
(i) Master's Degree in Natural or Agricultural Sciences/ M. Sc. or bachelor's degree in Engineering or Technology or Medicine from a recognized University or equivalent; and
(ii) Four years' experience in Research and Development in Industrial and Academic Institutions or Science and Technology Organizations and Scientific activities and services
Doctoral Degree in Science / Engineering / Technology / Pharma/ MD/ MS from a
recognized University or equivalent
Desirable: Expertise in molecular breeding is preferred.
Post: Scientific Administrative Assistant/ Field Worker (02 position)
Graduate degree in any discipline
Expertise in rice crop and crossing is preferred.
Post: Project Associate (01 position)
Master's Degree in Natural or Agricultural Sciences / M.Sc. or bachelor's degree in Engineering or Technology or Medicine from a recognized
University or equivalent
Desirable: Expertise in molecular breeding is preferred.
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Project: "SBI CSR Fund Scheme 10: Sustainable rice production – Large scale Promotion of DSR in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh to increase yield, income and resilience to the climate change"
PI: Dr. R. Mahender Kumar
Post: Project Manager (01 position)
PhD Degree in Agriculture Agronomy/Plant Breeding/ Extension/ Soil Science / Entomology/ Pathology Life Sciences
- Research experience Agriculture/ Field trials management
- Experience in Data collection /data analysis, manuscript drafting, and reports preparation.
Desirable qualifications
Research experience in Rice particularly in Farmers Fields; Rice field studies and work experience with NGOs; Organizing/ Conduct of training programs; Data collection and Farmer interaction
Fluent in Telugu speaking and experienced in Report writing, Computer skills and data entry. Should be able to Travel within different districts for Project implementation.
Post: Young Professional I (02 position)
- Bachelor of Sciences in Botony/Zoology
- Graduates in Agricultural sciences/or
- Diploma holders in Agricultural Sciences /or Graduates in any discipline/
- Agri polytechnic students
- Science graduates
- Work experience in rice research
- Field experience
- Telugu speaking
- Travelling
- Documentation of field observations
- Knowledge on computer operations (MS office)
- Experience in rice Research
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Project: "DBT National Network Project on crop Bioinformatics: NNP"
PI: Dr. Kalyani M Barbadikar
Post: Project Associate-I (01 position)
Master’s degree in life sciences or agricultural sciences/ or bachelor’s degree in engineering and technology from a recognized university or institute or equivalent
National Eligibility Test (NET) qualification (ICAR-NET, CSIR-UGC, DBT-BET, GATE)
Proficiency in bioinformatics, statistics, next-generation sequencing data analysis, computer programing (Linux/ python/ C++) for data analysis, developing pipelines, tools or platforms, experience in handling big data sets
Post: Scientific Administrative Assistant (01 position)
Graduate in any discipline, Acquaintance in operating excel, word in computer
Experience in recording observations, data input, data entry in computer applications or mobile apps
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Project: "DBT-Ramalingaswami Re-entry Fellow 2022-2023 Programme"
PI: Dr. Kanakachari Mogilicherla
Post: Technical Assistant (01 position)
Graduates in Agricultural Entomology or Agricultural Science or Diploma holders in Agricultural Sciences or Graduates in any Lifescience discipline.
Experience in Insect Molecular Biology and insect collection, sample preparations for transcriptome and RT-qPCR analysis and Insect Bioassay studies.
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Project: "Elucidation of biochemical basis of resistance to major insecticides in populations of Brown Plant Hopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stal) in India"
PI: Dr. Chinna Babu Naik
Post: Junior Research Fellow –I (01 position)
Master’s degree in Agriculture Entomology/Agricultural biotechnology/Plant Molecular Biology/Plant breeding& Genetics /with first division and NET qualification 4 years/5 years of Bachelor’s degree
Research experience Molecular work with related to rice insect pests.
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Project: "Evaluation of Biostimulant SGNUFIA in irrigated rice"
PI: Dr. K. Surekha
Post: Young Professional –I(01 position)
Graduates with at least 60% marks in B.Sc. in Agriculture
- Knowledge and experience in soil sampling, analysis and interpretation of results
- Familiarity and experience in operating soil testing equipments
- Documentation of field observations
- computer knowledge (MS office)
- Any additional qualifications relevant to the project.
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Project: CRP-Biofortification
PI: Dr. C N Neeraja
Post: Laboratory Assistant (01 position)
Bachelor’s degree in life sciences/Diploma in Agriculture from a recognized university or equivalent
Experience in XRF Analysis
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Project: Haplotype-assisted mapping of salinity tolerance at seedling and reproductive stages using MAGIC RILs for climate resilient rice
PI: Dr. K. Suneetha
Post: Junior Research Fellow (01 position)
Master’s Degree in Plant Breeding & Genetics / Biotechnology/ Plant Sciences/ life Sciences with first division and NET qualification.
specialization in Plant breeding and molecular biology
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Project: CRP-Biofortification
PI: Dr. C N Neeraja
Post: Young Professional I (01 position)
Graduates in Agricultural Science or Diploma holders in Agricultural Sciences or Graduates in any discipline
Experience in rice field studies and data collection, sample preparations for protein and XRF analysis
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Project: Contractual project “Evaluation of nano DAP in irrigated Rice”
PI: Dr. V. Manasa
Post: Young Professional-I (01 position)
Graduates with at least 60% marks in B.Sc. in Agriculture / Chemistry / Life Sciences
- Knowledge and experience in soil sampling, analysis and interpretation
- Familiarity and experience in operating soil testing equipments
- Documentation of field observations
- computer knowledge (MS office) any additional qualifications relevant to the project.
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Project: Contractual project “Response of POLY-4 (Dihydrate polyhalite) fertilizer on growth, yield and soil health of irrigated rice crop”
PI: Dr. R. Gobinath
Post: Young Professional I (01 position)
Graduates with at least 60% marks in B.Sc. in Agriculture / Chemistry / Life Sciences
- Knowledge and experience in soil sampling, analysis and interpretation.
- Familiarity and experience in operating soil testing equipments.
- Documentation of field observations.
- Knowledge on computer operations (MS office)
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Project: Tackling emerging diseases and insect pest problem in rice through innovative Genomic approaches
PI: Dr. G. Padmavathi
Post: Project Associate-I (01 position)
Master’s degree in Agricultural Entomology/Zoology/Plant Sciences from a recognized university
A minimum of two years of Research experience in rice planthoppers rearing and screening techniques Publications in peer-reviewed journals
Post: Project Assistant (01 position)
Bachelor’s degree in life sciences/ Diploma in Agriculture from a recognized university or equivalent
Field experience in conducting Plant breeding experiments and lab experiments and working knowledge of computers
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Project: DBT funded network project entitled “Mainstreaming rice landraces diversity in varietal development through genomic predictions: A model for large-scale utilization of gene bank collections of rice"
Co-PI: Dr. C. Gireesh
Post: Technical Assistant (TA) (01 position)
Bachelor Degree in science / Bachelor Degree in Agriculture
Diploma in Agriculture
- Field experience in rice cultivation practices.
- Field management and field data collection
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Project: CRP - Biofortification
Post: Office Assistant (01 position)
Any Graduate including BA / B. Sc. / B. Com
Proficiency in computers operations & bill preparation in FMS & PFMS
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Post: Young Professional II (01 position)
- Post Graduate in Life Science (with minimum 60%marks) from any recognized University
- Minimum one year working experience in extension activities/Socio-economic Projects and working knowledge of computer
- Only SC Community Applicable
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Post: Young Professional I (03 position)
- Any Graduate including B.Com/BBA/BBS etc (with minimum 60% marks) from a recognized University / college (with minimum one year of experience in Audit & Accounts of any Govt. Organization / PSU / Autonomous body / equivalent).
- Knowledge of IT application, virtual meeting platforms and computer skills (MS Word, Access, Excel, Power Point, Tally).
- Proficiency in English and Knowledge in ERP/FMS (Accounting software of ICAR) / PFMS.
- Working Knowledge in ICAR Accounting.
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ICAR sponsored project entitled “CRP- Molecular Breeding”
Post: Young Professional II (01 position)
- Post Graduate Degree in Genetics/ Genetics and Plant Breeding/Molecular Biology/Biotechnology/Botany or any other related discipline of life sciences
- (or)
- M.Sc. (Agri.) and M. Tech in Plant Pathology/ Microbiology/ Plant Breeding and Genetics/Molecular Biology and Biotechnology/Genetics/ Biotechnology or any other related discipline of life sciences.
- Two-year research experience in studies related to Plant biotechnology and Molecular biology. Work experience in the area of rice biotechnology with peer reviewed publication(s) will be preferred.
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Project: NASF Sponsored Project "Identification and characterization of fungal effectors and host factors in rice- false smut pathosystem"
PI: Dr. Ladha Lakshmi
Post: Young Professional I (01 position)
- Graduate in Plant Sciences from any recognized University
- Working experience in rice diseases and conducting field experiments
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Project: AICRP-NSP Crops and ICAR Seed project-Seed Production in Agricultural Crops (Revolving Fund)
PI: Dr. R. Abdul Fiyaz
Post: Research Associate (01 position)
1. Ph.D. degree in Agriculture (Genetics and Plant Breeding/ Seed Science and technology/ Plant Science
Master’s degree in Agriculture (Genetics and Plant Breeding/ Seed Science and technology/ Plant Science with 4/5 years of bachelor’s degree having 1st division or 60% marks or equivalent overall grade point average
2. Three years of research experience as evidenced from fellowship /Associateship / Training / other engagements
- Experience in rice seed production and processing
- Knowledge on handling seeds, seed registers, godowns, and seed related works proven through publications in peer reviewed journals.
- Any additional qualifications relevant to the project.
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Project: DBT project entitled "Development of superior haplotype based near isogenic lines (Haplo-NILs) for enhanced genetic gain in rice"
PI: Dr. Jyothi Badri
Post: Project Associate - II (01 position)
M.Sc (Ag) in Genetics and Plant Breeding /Agricultural Biotechnology from a recognized University and 4 years of research experience
Doctoral Degree in Genetics and Plant Breeding / Agricultural Biotechnology / Genetics/Biotechnology/ Botany from a recognized University
- Expertise in R software
- Expertise in QTL mapping
- Experience in rice field work and Genomics assisted breeding
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IIRR Core Budget Notification
Post: Young Professional II (01 position)
Graduates with at least 60% marks in Computer Applications/Information Technology/ Computer Science with one-year experience in related field
Masters in Computer Applications/Information Technology/ Computer Science
Knowledge and experience in designing and managing CMS based HTTPS websites, satellite image processing and geospatial analysis using ERDAS, ARCGIS, Web GIS and QGIS, validating crop and climate models , developing machine learning/deep learning models with Python/R programming
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Project: DST-SERB-CRG project entitled "Molecular mapping of novel brown spot resistance in Oryza rufipogon derived introgression line and pathogen diversity analysis of Bipolaris oryzae"
PI: Dr. K. Basavaraj
Post: Junior Research Fellow (JRF) (01 position)
Master’s Degree in Plant Pathology/ Plant Breeding & Genetics/ Biotechnology/ /Plant Sciences/ life Sciences and NET qualification.
Specialization in Resistance breeding and molecular biology /Molecular Plant Pathology
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Project: DBT funded project entitled “Tackling emerging diseases and insect pest problem in rice through innovative Genomic approaches”
PI: Dr. G. Padmavathi
Post: Senior Project Associate (01 position)
Essential: Doctoral degree in Plant breeding and Genetics/ Plant sciences/Biotechnology/Plant Biotechnology from a recognized university or equivalent
Desirable: A minimum of five years of Research experience in Plant breeding/ Biotechnology conducting field experiments and laboratory experiments related to Marker Assisted Selection.
Post: Project Associate-I (01 position)
Essential: Master’s degree in Plant breeding and Genetics/ Plant sciences/ /Biotechnology/Plant Biotechnology from a recognized university or equivalent
Desirable: A minimum of two years of Research experience in Plant breeding/Biotechnology
Post: Project Assistant (02 positions)
Essential: Bachelor’s degree in life sciences/ Diploma in Agriculture from a recognized university or equivalent
Desirable: Research experience in Plant breeding experiments and working knowledge of computers
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Project : Evaluation of Penflufen 240 g/l fs (Emesto Prime) against sheath blight of rice” (MIS 1014172)
PI : Dr. V. Prakasam
Post: Project Assistant (01 position)
- Any degree with Plant Sciences/Life Sciences or Graduate/ Diploma in Agriculture Sciences.
- Experience in conducting of field and glass house experiments. Isolation and culturing of Plant Pathogens. Data recording and basic computer knowledge
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Project : DST-SERB-Haplotype-assisted mapping of salinity tolerance at seedling and reproductive stages using MAGIC RILs for climate resilient rice
PI : Dr. Suneetha kota
Post: Junior Research Fellow (01 position)
- Master’s Degree in Plant Breeding & Genetics / Biotechnology/ Plant Sciences/ life Sciences with first division and NET qualification
- specialization in Plant breeding and molecular biology
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Project : ICAR Plan project -Incentivizing Research in Agriculture-Project IV
PI : Dr. G. S. laha
CO-PI : Dr. Jyothi Badri
Post: Technical Assistant (01 position)
- Graduate in Life Sciences/Agriculture/Zoology, Botany/Chemistry/Genetics/ Biotechnology or any other related discipline from a UGC recognized university.
- Diploma in Agricultural Sciences
- Experience in rice field work is desirable
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Project : DST-SERB funded project entitiled "Genomic selection for development of rice genotypes tolerant to low soil Phosphorus"
P I : Dr. Anantha M S
Post: Junior Research Fellow (01 position)
- Masters degree in Agriculture (Genetics and Plant Breeding/Plant Biotechnology/ Plant Molecular Biology/ Plant Science with four years of Bachelor’s degree
- NET qualification from ICAR/CSIR or equivalent organizations
- Experience in mapping complex traits, GWAS, Genomic selection in crops,
- Knowledge in molecular breeding and biotechnological tools, bioinformatics and laboratory works proven through publications in peer reviewed journal.
- Any additional qualifications relevant to the project.
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Project : "Resistance monitoring study for rice sheath blight pathogen (Rhizoctonia solani) against fungicide"
P I : Dr. Prakasam
Post: Young Professional I
Graduates in Agriculture / Botany/ Microbiology/ Plant Protection/ Biotechnology/ Molecular Biology and Biotechnology/ or any other related discipline of life sciences.
- Knowledge and experience in lab and field research work for minimum one year.
- Plant Pathological techniques, isolation of fungi and molecular characterization.
- Documentations of research data and knowledge on computer operations (MS office)
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Project : CRP-Biofortification
PI : Dr. Sanjeeva Rao
Post: Technical Assistant (01 position)
Essential Qualifications:
Graduates in Agricultural sciences or equivalent with chemistry or Biochemistry or Diploma holders in Agricultural Sciences
- Experience in laboratory and field analysis
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Project : DBT – “Nanoscale Zeolite-Zinc-Carbon-Mycolizers (ZincCarbolysers) to improve Productivity of Rice”
PI : Dr. Gobinath
Post: Junior Research Fellow (01 position)
Essential Qualifications:
- Post graduate degree in (Agricultural Sciences/Life Sciences with specialization in Plant Pathology/Biotechnology/Microbiology) with NET from ICAR/CSIR/UGC or any equivalent test conducted by Government of India.
- Age as prescribed by GOI
- Experience in culturing and characterization of microbes.
- Knowledge in techniques/equipment like PCR, GC, Genome studies, etc.
- Research papers in the relevant field of the project
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Post: Young Professional I (one position)
Essential Qualifications:
Graduates with at least 60% marks in B.Sc. in Agriculture/ Chemistry or M.Sc in Agriculture with specialization in Soil Science and Agronomy.
- Knowledge and experience in soil sampling, analysis and interpretation.
- Familiarity and experience in operating soil testing equipment.
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Project : SCSP
Post: Young Professional - I (01 position)
Essential Qualifications:
B. Tech (Computer Science) Graduate from a recognized University.
Proficiency in English and Knowledge in ERP/EHRMS/FMS/PFMS & Gem.
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Project title: "Mapping genomic regions associated with bacterial leaf blight resistance derived from Oryza glaberrima"
PI : Dr. C. Gireesh
Post: Junior Research Fellow (01 position)
Essential Qualifications:
Masters degree in Agriculture (Genetics and Plant Breeding/Plant Biotechnology/ Plant Molecular Biology/ Plant Science with four years of Bachelor’s degree and NET certificate
Masters degree in Agriculture (Genetics and Plant Breeding/ Plant Biotechnology/ Plant Molecular Biology/Plant Science with three years of Bachelor’s degree and NET qualification
- Experience in mapping complex traits, GWAS, NGS, transcriptome analysis
- Knowledge in molecular breeding and biotechnological tools, bioinformatics and laboratory works proven through publications in peer reviewed journal.
- Any additional qualifications relevant to the project.
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Project title: "AICRP Rice"
PI : Dr. C. N. Neeraja
Post: Young Professional I (01 position)
Essential Qualifications:
Graduates in Agricultural sciences/or Diploma holders in Agricultural Sciences /or Graduates in any discipline with experience in rice field studies and data collection.
Experience in rice laboratory studies.
Job description: Data collection, sample analyses and Laboratory maintenance.
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Project title: Adaptation of Nilaparvata lugens (Stal) brown planthopper to resistant rice: characterizing the role of salivary gland plasticity in insect virulence
PI : Dr. V. Jhansi Lakshmi
Post: Field Assistant (01 position)
Essential Qualifications:
Graduate in Agriculture (B.Sc (Ag)) or General Science B.Sc. (with Botany or Zoology subjects) from a recognized University
Work experience with rice planthoppers – rearing and screening techniques, Field experience with varietal multiplication
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Project title: ICAR-IIRR Core budget
Post: Young Professional II (01 position)
Essential Qualifications:
Post Graduate or Graduate holders in Engineering/Computer Science/Information Technology
- Programming with ASP.NET with C#.
- Database Management SQL Server and MySQL.
- CMS based website development (Preferably WordPress/Joomla/Drupal) with e- commerce/Woo Commerce applications.
- Web technologies HTML, CSS, BOOTSTRAP, Java Script, ReactJS, PHP etc.
- Android studio.
- Knowledge and Minimum one year experience in the following applications.
- Hosting and managing web applications with security plugins and SSL certificates
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Project title: " Evaluation of herbicide combinations in Direct Seeded and Transplanted Rice "
PI : Dr. B. Sreedevi
Post: Young Professional (02 position)
Young Professional I
Essential Qualifications:
B.Sc Agriculture
M.Sc. Agricutlure (Agronomy)
Rice weed management.
Young Professional I
Essential Qualifications:
B.Sc Agriculture
M.Sc. Agricutlure (Economics)
Rice weed management.
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Project title: " Towards product development in rice using mutants that have traits of agronomic importance: Phase-II (WP-II; MLP0121) "
PI : Dr. Abdul R. Fiyaz
Post: Administrative Assistant (01 position)
Essential Qualifications:
Graduate degree in any discipline
One year experience in FMS, PFMS, and GEM Portal will be preferred.
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IIRR core budget
Post: Young Professional - I
Essential Qualifications:
Graduate in Science having chemistry/Biochemistry/Organic Chemistry/Agricultural Chemistry/or any other branch of chemistry, as one of the subjects
Knowledge and experience in
- chemical Aspect of rice
- handling of UV-VIS Spectrophotometer
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Project title: " DUS Tests in Rice "
PI : Dr. L. V. Subba Rao
Post: Senior Research Fellow (01 position)
Essential Qualifications:
4 years bachelor degree in agriculture and Post- graduation in genetics & Plant Breeding from any recognized university and two years’ experience in conducting DUS tests.
3 years of bachelor degree in sciences and 2 years post-graduation in botany/genetics from any recognized university plus NET qualification and a minimum of two years of experience in conducting DUS tests.
- Knowledge about IP issues, Patent application filing, Breeder’s Rights and farmers Rights and filing the applications there of the rights.
- Computer knowledge and skills to handle large sets of data
- 4-5 years’ experience in conducting agricultural field experiments.
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Post: Young Professional - I
Essential Qualifications:
B.Sc (Ag) or B.Sc degree with specialization in Genetics / Botany from a recognized University in the country.
Experience in conducting the field trials; Knowledge about PPV & FR Act; computer knowledge, skills and ability to maintain database using MS Excel/Access
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Project title: " NSP Revolving Fund Scheme "
PI : Dr. L. V. Subba Rao
Post: Young Professional - II
Essential Qualifications:
M.Sc degree with specialization in Genetics/ Botany from any recognized University in the country.
Minimum 5 Yrs Field experience in rice seed production and germplasm maintenance.
Experience in conducting AICRP trials, Germplasm maintenance, Breeder seed production, Farm maintenance and seed related activities.
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Project title: " ICAR - CRP Biofortification "
PI : Dr. C. N. Neeraja
Post: Senior Research Fellow (01 position)
Essential Qualifications:
Master’s degree in Agriculture Biotechnology/ Plant Breeding/Genetics/ Plant Biotechnology/Plant Molecular Biology /Plant sciences/ Biochemistry / Life sciences with 4/5 years Bachelor degree
Master’s degree in Plant Breeding /Genetics/ Plant Molecular Biology/ Plant Biotechnology/ Plant sciences /Botany/Biochemistry with 3 years Bachelor degree and NET qualification.
Research experience in rice field studies and plant molecular biology experiments
Post: Young Professional - I
Essential Qualifications:
Graduates in Agricultural sciences/or Diploma holders in Agricultural Sciences /or Graduates in any discipline with experience in rice field studies and data collection.
Experience in rice laboratory studies
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Project Title : CRP Bio-fortification
PI : Dr. C. N. Neeraja
Post: Young Professional - II
Essential Qualifications:
B.Com with minimum of 60% marks and MBA (Finance) with minimum of 60% marks
Minimum 2 years experience in accounts, knowledge of computers, PFMS, FMS, BRS and maintenance of cash books, ledgers
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Project title: DBT project “Development of superior haplotype based near isogenic lines (Haplo-NILs) for enhanced genetic gain in rice
PI : Dr. Jyothi Badri
Post: Field Worker
Essential Qualifications:
B. Sc (Ag)/ B. Sc with specialization in Botany/Genetics/ Biochemistry/Microbiology/Life sciences
Experience in Rice field work
Project title: Evaluation of TERI nano urea in irrigated Rice
PI : Dr. V. Manasa
Post: Technical Assistant
Essential Qualifications:
Bachelor’s Degree in Agriculture / Life Sciences.
Knowledge and experience in soil analysis / field work / laboratory work/ computer knowledge Any additional qualifications relevant to the project
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IIRR Core Budget Notification:
Post: Young Professional II (01 Position)
Essential Qualifications:
B. Tech Graduate from a recognized University with atleast 60% marks.
Minimum two-year experience in Stores, Accounts & Cash & Bills having Knowledge of FMS/MIS & PFMS.
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Project title: "Targeting Pup1 independent mechanisms for improving low soil phosphorus tolerance and use-efficiency in rice"
PI : Dr. Satendra Kumar Mangrauthia
Post: Junior Research Fellow (02 position)
Essential Qualifications:
Masters Degree in Agriculture Biotechnology/ Plant Biotechnology/Plant Molecular Biology/Genetics/Plant Breeding/Biochemistry/Plant Sciences/Life Sciences/Biotechnology/Bioinformatics with 4 years/5 years of Bachelor's degree
Masters Degree in Agriculture Biotechnology/ Plant Biotechnology/Plant Molecular Biology/Genetics/Plant Breeding/Biochemistry/Plant Sciences/Life Sciences/Biotechnology/Bioinformatics with 3 years of Bachelor's degree and NET Qualification
Research experience in rice crop, especially mapping population development, phenotyping, genotyping, gene cloning and tissue culture.
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Project title: "Identification and characterization of fungal effectors and host factors in rice- false smut patho system"
PI : Dr. D. ladha Lakshmi
Post: Senior Research Fellow (01 position)
Essential Qualifications:
Master’s degree in Agriculture (Plant Pathology/ Genetics and Plant Breeding/ Plant Biotechnology/ Plant Molecular Biology/ Plant Science with four years of Bachelor’s degree
Master’s degree in life science (Plant Pathology/Genetics and Plant Breeding/ Microbiology/Biochemistry/ Biotechnology/ Molecular Biology/ Plant Science) with three years of Bachelor’s degree and NET qualification
- Experience in Fungal Biology, NGS, bioinformatics, GWAS, QTL mapping proven through publications in peer reviewed journal.
- Any additional qualifications relevant to the project.
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Post: Young Professional I (01 position)
Essential Qualifications:
Graduate in Life Sciences / Agricultural Sciences/ Diploma holders in Agricultural Sciences with four years’ experience
- Experience in Microbial/biotechnological and Molecular related experiments and field experiments
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Project title: "Accelerated Genetic Gain in Rice (AGGRi-Allaince)-Irrigated Ecology"
PI : Dr. A. V. S. R. Swamy
Post: Young Professional I (01 position)
Essential Qualifications:
Diploma in Agriculture / Bachelor’s degree in life Sciences from any recognised university in the country
- Experience in conducting field experiments at least one Year.
- Computer Knowledge, skills and ability to maintain data base using MS office.
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Project title: " Evaluation of herbicide combinations in Direct Seeded and Transplanted Rice "
PI : Dr. B. Sreedevi
Post: Field Assistant I (01 position)
Essential Qualifications:
- Diploma in Agriculture/ Polytechnic.
- Knowledge and experience in rice cultivation.
- Herbicide sprayings, fertilizer application, irrigating the field experimental plots, weeding, field data recording.
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Project title: " Response of POLY-4 (Dihydrate polyhalite) fertilizer on growth, yield and soil health of irrigated rice crop"
PI : Dr. R. Gobinath
Post: Young Professional I (01 position)
Essential Qualifications:
Graduates with at least 60% marks in B.Sc. in Agriculture / Chemistry / Life Sciences
- Knowledge and experience in soil sampling, analysis and interpretation
- Familiarity and experience in operating soil testing equipments
- Documentation of field observations
- Knowledge on computer operations (MS office)
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Project title: " Evaluation of in irrigated rice"
PI : Dr. K. Surekha
Post: Young Professional I (01 position)
Essential Qualifications:
Graduates with at least 60% marks in B.Sc. in Agriculture / Chemistry / Life Sciences
- Knowledge and experience in soil sampling, analysis and interpretation
- Familiarity and experience in operating soil testing equipments
- Documentation of field observations
- Knowledge on computer operations (MS office)
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Project title: " ICAR-NASF Project on “Deciphering and deploying low phoshorus tolerance and nitrogen use efficiency in rice using targeted genomics approach"
Co-PI : Dr. M. S. Anantha
Post: Senior Research Fellow (01 position)
Essential Qualifications:
- Masters degree in Agriculture biotechnology/ plant biotechnology/Plant Molecular Biology/Plant breeding/ Genetics/Bio-chemistry/Plant Sciences with 4 years/5 years of Bachelor’s degree
- Two years of research experience
- Masters Degree in Agriculture Biotechnology/Plant Biotechnology/ Plant Molecular Biology/Plant breeding/Genetics/ Biochemistry/Plant Sciences with 3 years of Bachelor’s degree and NET qualification.
- Two years of research experience.
- Research experience in gene cloning and rice tissue culture
Post: Young Professional I (01 position)
Essential Qualifications:
B. Sc. (Agriculture) / B. Sc. (Botany/ Biotechnology) / B. Sc. (Life Sciences)
Research experience in the field of Agriculture/ Plant Breeding / Plant Biotechnology/plant molecular biology. Experience in recording morphological data in rice research
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IIRR Core Budget
Post: Young Professional-II (01 position)
Essential Qualifications:
Post Graduation degree in MBA/MCA from a recognized University
- Knowledge of computer skills & MS Office
- Minimum three year of work experience in Establishment section.
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Project title: " Harnessing haplotype diversity of genes controlling yield, stress tolerance and resource use efficiency traits in rice for accelerating genetic gains "
PI : Dr. M. Sheshu Madhav
Post: Senior Research Fellow (01 position)
Essential Qualifications:
Master’s degree in Agriculture (Genetics and Plant Breeding/ Plant Biotechnology/ Plant Molecular Biology/ Plant Science with four years of Bachelor’s degree.
- Master’s degree in life science (Genetics and Plant Breeding/ Plant Biotechnology/ Plant Molecular Biology/ Plant Science) with three years of Bachelor’s degree and NET qualification
- Experience in NGS, bioinformatics, GWAS, QTL mapping proven through publications in peer reviewed journal.
- Any additional qualifications relevant to the project.
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Project title: " Evaluation of herbicide combinations in Direct Seeded and Transplanted Rice "
PI : Dr. B. Sreedevi
Post: Young Professional II (01 position)
Essential Qualifications:
M.Sc Botany/ M.Sc Agriculture (Agronomy)
A minimum of 5 years experience in identification of rice weeds (species and group wise) field weed data collection. Detecting and scoring herbicide toxicity.
Experience in nutrient analysis and statistical analysis of field data, weed data and knowledge in MS Office for preparation of report.
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Post: Young Professional I (01 position)
Essential Qualifications:
B.Sc Agriculture
M.Sc. Agricutlure (Agronomy) Rice weed management.
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Post: Technical Assistant I (01 position)
Essential Qualifications:
Degree / Diploma in any discipline in Agricultural sciences.
- A minimum of 5 years experience in rice weed management experiments, herbicide applications, heribicide toxicity observations, herbicide residue, rice weed identification, weed population, weed biomass recordings and soil sampling.
- Aerobic rice, Puddled Direct Seeded rice systems, executing experiments on field cultivation from seed to seed.
- Collection and processing of rice crop growth parameters, yield attributes.
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Post: Field Assistant I (01 position)
Essential Qualifications:
Diploma in Agriculture/ Polytechnic.
- Knowledge and experience in rice cultivation.
- Herbicide sprayings, fertilizer application, irrigating the field experimental plots, weeding, field data recording.
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Project title: " DUS Tests in Rice "
PI : Dr. L. V. Subba Rao
Post: Senior Research Fellow (01 position)
Essential Qualifications:
4 years bachelor degree in agriculture and Post- graduation in genetics & Plant Breeding from any recognized university and two years’ experience in conducting DUS tests.
3 years of bachelor degree in sciences and 2 years post-graduation in botany/genetics from any
recognized university plus NET qualification and a minimum of two years of experience in conducting DUS tests.
- Knowledge about IP issues, Patent application filing, Breeder’s Rights and farmers Rights and filing the applications there of for the rights.
- Computer knowledge and skills to handle large sets of data
- 4-5 years’ experience in conducting agricultural field experiments.
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