Dr. Jyothi Badri, Senior Scientist
Name:- Dr. Jyothi Badri
Designation:- Senior Scientist (Plant Breeding)
Email ID:- This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Official phone number:- 040-24591328
Google scholar link:- https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=hhIupeAAAAAJ&hl=en
Research gate link:- https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jyothi-Badri
ORCID link:- https://orcid.org/my-orcid?orcid=0000-0001-8355-8883
Educational details
- B. Sc (Ag)-2000-Acharya NG Ranga Agricultural University.
- M. Sc (Ag) [Genetics and Plant Breeding]-2003- Acharya NG Ranga Agricultural University.
- PhD in Genetics and Plant Breeding-2009- Acharya NG Ranga Agricultural University
Employment Record/Work Experience:-
- From 15/12/2022 and continuing as on date- promoted to pay level 13A as Senior Scientist (Plant Breeding) at ICAR-Indian Institute of Rice Research Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-500030.
- From 15/12/2018 to 14/12/2022- promoted to pay level 12 as Senior Scientist (PlantBreeding) at ICAR-Indian Institute of Rice Research and continuing as on date.
- From 15/12/2013 to 14/12/2018- promoted to pay level 11 as Scientist (Plant Breeding) at ICAR-Indian Institute of Rice Research and continuing as on date.
- From 15/05/2012 to 14/12/2013- as Scientist (Plant Breeding) at ICAR-Indian Institute of Rice Research and continuing as on date.
- From 15/12/2009 to 14/05/2012- as Scientist (Plant Breeding) at ICAR-National Academy of Agricultural Research Management (NAARM), Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-500030.
Area research specialization
- Rice yield improvement using both conventional (redesigning the indica plant type) and genomics assisted (marker assisted and haplotype based) breeding with major focus on grain number and strong culm traits.
- Sheath blight resistance breeding.
- Multi-parent crossing for multiple stress tolerance using conventional and molecular approaches.
- QTL mapping.
- All India Coordinated Research Project on Rice (AICRPR)-Varietal testing and identification.3
- Distinctness, Uniformity and Stability (DUS) testing in Rice.
- Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)-Patents, Geographical Indications and PPV&FRA.
Important projects under taken
Institute projects as Principal Investigator
- Identification of donors and gene(s) for developing resistance to sheath blight disease in rice (2012-2016).
- Broadening the genetic base of indica rice and modify plant type by introgressing traits fromTropical japonica (2016-ongoing)
Externally funded projects as Principal Investigator
- DBT-Marker Assisted Introgression of Different Traits to Develop New Generation Rice Varieties (2013-2019).
- DBT-Development of Superior Haplotype based Near Isogenic Lines (Haplo-NILs) for Enhanced Genetic Gain in Rice (2020-Ongoing).
- ICAR-IRRI Collaborative project- Stress Tolerant Rice for Asia and South Africa (STRASA) (2017-2019).
- ICAR-IRRI Collaborative project- Resource Remobilization during grain filling under drought stress in rice.
Externally funded projects as Co-investigator
- Incentivizing Research in Agriculture” Sub-project IV: Molecular genetic analysis of resistance/tolerance to different stresses in rice, wheat, chickpea and mustard including sheath blight complex genomics (2015-Ongoing).
- DUS tests in Rice (2012-Ongoing).
Award and Honors
- Recipient of Sri Vaddadi Narasimha Swamy Memorial Gold Medal -first in PhD during 44th Annual Convocation of Acharya NG Ranga Agricultural University (ANGRAU) on 20 th March 2014.
- Recipient of Best Research paper award during ICAR Annual Awards presented on 21st Dec 2022 (9 th foundation day of ICAR-IIRR) for the research article-Multiparent-Derived, Marker-Assisted Introgression Lines of the Elite Indian Rice Cultivar, ‘Krishna Hamsa’ Show Resistance against Bacterial Blight and Blast and Tolerance to Drought MDPI-published in Plants.
- Recipient of Best Scientist-2021 Award (Crop Improvement) during IIRR Annual Awards 2021 presented on 26 th Jan 2022.
- Recipient of SK Behera Best research paper award on 17 th Dec 2021 during ARRW Diamond Jubilee National Symposium on “GenNext Technologies for Enhanced Productivity, Profitability and Resilience of Rice Farming” from 16-17 th Dec 2021 organized by Association of Rice Research Workers (ARRW), Cuttack, Odisha for the paper entitled “Genetic analysis of dormancy and shattering traits in the backcross inbred lines derived from Oryza sativa cv. Swarna / O. nivara Ac. CR100008” published in Vol. 57 No. 1, 2020 (1-13) of ORYZA.
- Recipient of certificate of appreciation and felicitated with a memento from Society for Advancement of Rice Research (SARR) in recognition of the esteemed contributions and dedicated services as Treasurer, SARR for 2017 and 2018 during the 7th Foundation day of ICAR-Indian Institute of Rice Research (ICAR-IIRR) held on 18 th Dec 2021.
- Recipient of Sri Best Oral Presentation (First prize) Award: Jyothi Badri* et al “Breeding for resistance to sheath blight in rice using land races from north eastern India” during National Conference on Emerging Challenges and Opportunities in Biotic and Abiotic Stress Management (ECOBASM-2014)- Society for Advancement of Rice Research, Hyderabad; Society for Scientific Development in Agriculture & Technology, Meerut and ASTHA FOUNDATION at IIRR (DRR).
- Recipient of Prof. R. Seetharaman Award for Best Young Scientist during the Golden Jubilee Year of AICRIP-2015), ICAR-IIRR, Hyderabad, India.
- Recipient of Best Poster award: V. Prakasam, D. Ladha Lakshmi, G. S. Laha, Jyothi Badri, D. Krishnaveni, C. Kannan, P. Valarmathi, and M. S. Prasad (2015). International Rice Symposium, Nov., 18-20, Hyderabad. P603.
- Recipient of University fellowship for PhD Programme from Acharya N.G Ranga Agricultural University (ANGRAU), Hyderabad for the period 2006-2007.
- Recipient of Senior Research Fellowship for PhD Programme under National Agriculture Innovation Project (NAIP) funded project “Molecular tools for exploitation of heterosis, yield and oil quality in sesame”, Institute of Biotechnology, ANGRAU for the period-2017-2009.
- Recipient of University fellowship for PG Programme Acharya N.G Ranga Agricultural University (ANGRAU), Hyderabad for the period 2000-2002.
- Recipient of Merit Scholarship in Graduation Andhra Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation for the period 1996-2000.
- Recipient of State Government Merit Scholarship during Secondary and Higher Secondary School Education Andhra Pradesh Government for the period 1993-1995.
- Recipient of two Gold medals & Cash Awards for securing highest marks- Secondary School Certificate- Madapati Hanumantha Rao Girls High School, Narayanguda, Hyderabad in 1993.
Foreign Visits
- Trained in “Molecular Breeding Course” held from 28 th Sep to 9 th Oct 2015 at Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines.
- Presented research findings of the DBT funded project-“Marker Assisted Introgression of Different Traits to Develop New Generation Rice Varieties in International Rice Congress (IRC-2018) held from 16-18 th Oct 2018 at Marina Bay Sands, Singapore.
Technologies/Products/Varieties/Novel germplasm/Methodologies developed
- Contributed in the development of 24 rice varieties (21-CVRC and 3-SVRC) as primary associate developer for four varieties (DRR Dhan 47, 48, 52 and 54) and as associate developer/collaborator for 20 other varieties. The varieties include heat tolerant (2)-DRR Dhan 47 & 52, biofortified (3)-DRR Dhan 48, 67 & 69, low soil P tolerant (4)-DRR Dhan 60, 65, 66 & Telangana Vari 8 (4), aerobic (4)-DRR Dhan 41, 54, Swarna Shakti Dhan & Swarna Purvi Dhan, early transplanted (5)-DRR Dhan 56, Swarna Unnat Dhan, MTU Rice 1273, Swarna Purvi Dhan 3 & Swarna Purvi Dhan 2, saline tolerant (2)-DRR Dhan 58 & MTU Rice 1293, direct seed rice (1)-Swarna Shusk Dhan and bacterial blight and/or blast resistant (3)-DRR Dhan 53, 59 & 62 of which eight are near isogenic lines in the background of elite cultivars.
- Registered two genetic stocks (Phougak and Ngonolasha) with NBPGR for sheath blight tolerance.
Registration of plant varieties under extant category with PPVFRA, New Delhi is under process with PVP No. assigned to the rice varieties – DRR Dhan 47 (PVP No. DL0301220003); DRR Dhan 48 (PVP No. DL0301220007); DRR Dhan 49 (PVP No. DL0301220016); DRR Dhan 50 (PVP No. DL0301220009); DRR Dhan 52 (PVP No. DL0301220017); DRR Dhan 53 (PVP No. DL0301220005); DRR Dhan 54 (PVP No. DL030220004).
Students Guided
PhD-2; M. Sc-12
Editors/Reviewers of the Journals
As Editor
- Topic Editor-Frontiers in Genetics (2022)
- Editor-Journal of Rice Research (2014-2018)
As Reviewer
- MDPI-Genes
- MDPI-Agriculture
- Frontiers in Plant Science
- Frontiers in Genetics
- 3-Biotech
- Planta
- Euphytica
- Nature Scientific reports
- Plant Genetic Resources
- Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution
- Oryza
Member of Scientific Society
- Life member -Indian Society of Genetics and Plant Breeding (ISGPB).
- Life member –Society for Advancement of Rice Research (SARR).
- Life member -Association of Rice Research Workers (ARRW).
- Life member -Journal of Research, ANGRAU.
- Life member -Journal of Research, PJTSAU
Training Organized
- Short Training Course on “Widening the Genetic base in Rice through Pre-Breeding for Developing Next Generation Varieties and Hybrids” (For the benefit of officials of public and private seed organizations) organized at ICAR-Indian Institute of Rice Research (ICAR-IIRR), Hyderabad during 19 - 28 January, 2015.
- Short Training Course on “Quality Improvement, Bio-fortification and Product Development in rice for nutritional security of rice farmers” during 1-10th September, 2015 at ICAR-Indian Institute of Rice Research (ICAR-IIRR), Hyderabad.
Training Undergone
- Online training program on “Breeding Innovation for Crop Improvement to Enhance Genetic Gains” from 20th Oct 2021 to 16 th November 2021 organized by International Rice Research Institute South Asia Regional Centre (ISARC), Varanasi, India.
- Awareness Workshop on “Guidelines for Access to Biological Resources under the Biological Diversity Act, 2002” on 15 th July 2016, Hyderabad.
- “Molecular Breeding Course” organized by IRRI from 28/09/2015 to 09/10/2015 at IRRI,Manila, Philippines.
- “Rice Breeding: recent developments, emerging challenges and future needs” organized by IRRI South Asia Hub, Hyderabad from 5-18 th Sep 2014.
- 12th Hands-on-Training-cum-Workshop on “Designer Breeding through MAS” organized by Barwale Foundation during December 11-15, 2012.
- NAIP sponsored National Training Programme on “IPR and Technology Licensing in Agriculture” from March 2-11, 2011 at NAARM, Hyderabad.
- “TIUG Conference 2011” organised by Thomson Reuters at The Hotel LaLit Ashok, Bengaluru on 28-07-2011.
- Workshop on “Patent Retrieval and Analysis by Ms. Laetitia AYMONIN (Asia Pacific Vice President Questel Orbit Inc.)” on 8 th January 2012, at Maple, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi.
- Workshop on “Technology Licensing, Valuation and Acquisition for Biotech Sector” organised by Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Programme (BIRAP) in association with Biotech Consortium India Limited (BCIL) at Hotel Golkonda, Hyderabad(February 16-17, 2012).
- Workshop on “Empirical Research on WTO and other issues in International Trade”organized by UNCTAD-India, Taj Ambassador, New Delhi, from 6-8 July, 2010.
- National conference on “Building Next Practices of IP Management” organised by CIIAPTDC, Taj Krishna, Hyderabad, from 15-16 July, 2010.
Publications (Top 30)
- Jyothi Badri*, Gandhudi Lakshmidevi, L. R. K. JaiVidhya, Madamsetty Srinivasa Prasad, Gouri Shankar Laha, Vattikutti Jhansi Lakshmi, Subhakara Rao Isetty, Revadi Padmashree, Divya Balakrishnan, Yasaswini Vishnu Priya Varanasi, Aravind Kumar Jukanti, Uma Maheshwar Singh, Vikas Kumar Singh, Arvind Kumar, T. Ram, Lella Venkata Subba Rao and Raman Meenakshi Sundaram (2022) Multiparent-Derived, Marker-Assisted Introgression Lines of the Elite Indian Rice Cultivar, ‘Krishna Hamsa’ show Resistance against Bacterial Blight and Blast and Tolerance to Drought. Plants 11(5), 622; https://doi.org/10.3390/plants11050622.
- Santosh Kumar, Santosh Tripathi, Suresh Prasad Singh, Archana Prasad, FahamidaAkter, Md Abu Syed, Jyothi Badri, Sankar Prasad Das, Rudra Bhattarai, Mignon A Natividad, Marinell Quintana, Challa Venkateshwarlu, Anitha Raman, Shailesh Yadav, Shravan K Singh, Padmini Swain, A Anandan, Ram Baran Yadaw, Nimai P Mandal, S B Verulkar, Arvind Kumar and Amelia Henry* (2021) Rice breeding for yield under drought has selected for longer flag leaves and lower stomatal density, Journal of Experimental Botany, 72 (13): 4981–4992, https://doi.org/10.1093/jxb/erab160.
- Singh UM, Dixit S, Alam S, Yadav S, Prasanth VV, Singh AK, Venkateshwarlu C, Abbai R, Vipparla AK, Badri J, Ram T (2021) Marker assisted forward breeding to develop a drought, bacterial leaf blight, and blast resistant rice cultivar. The Plant Genome. Nov 29:e20170.
- Janaki Ramayya P, Vinukonda VP, Singh UM, Alam S, Venkateshwarlu C, Vipparla AK, Dixit S, Yadav S, Abbai R, Badri J, Phani Padmakumari A (2021) Marker-assisted forward and backcross breeding for improvement of elite Indian rice variety Naveen for multiple biotic and abiotic stress tolerance. Plos one. Sep 2; 16(9):e0256721.
- Deepika K, Lavuri K, Rathod S, Yeshala CM, Jukanti AK, Reddy SN, LV SR, Badri J*. (2021) Multivariate analysis of geographically diverse rice germplasm for genetic improvement of yield, dormancy and shattering-related traits. Plant Genetic Resources. 19 (2):144-52.
- Ram T, Jyothi Badri*, Subba Rao LV, Revathi P, Abdul Fiyaz R, Sreedevi B, Prasad MS, Laha GS, Jhansi Lakshmi V, Mahender Kumar R and Nirmala B (2021) DRR Dhan 54 [IET 25653 (RP 5943-421-16-1-1-B)]–A new aerobic rice variety. Journal of Rice Research 14 (1): 77-78.
- Laha GS*, RM Sundaram*, LV Subba Rao, MS Prasad, R Abdul Fiyaz, P Senguttuvel, Jyothi Badri, D Ladhalakshmi, A Yugander, SK Hajira Masood, T Dilip and Kuldeep Singh (2021) DRR Dhan 53 (RP-6113-Patho-BB9; IET 27294)- a high yielding, bacterial blight resistant, fine grain type rice variety. Journal of Rice Research 14 (1): 75-76.
- Dey S, Badri J, Eswari KB, Prakasam V (2020) Diversity analysis for yield traits and sheath blight resistance in rice genotypes. Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding. 11(01): 60-4 (NAAS Rating: 5.15).
- Rachana Bagudam, Eswari KB, Jyothi Badri*, Lakshmi Devi G, Jai Vidhya LRK, Bhavani P, Gattu Swathi, Bharath M, Raghuveer Rao P, Jukanti Aravind Kumar, Abdul Fiyaz R, Neeraja CN, Subba Rao LV and Ram T (2020) Morphological and molecular characterization of new plant type core set for yield and culm strength traits in rice (Oryza sativa L.) Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13562-020-00581-w.
- Arvind Kumar*, Anitha Raman, Shailesh Yadav, Verulkar SB, Mandal NP, Singh ON, Swain P, Ram T, Jyothi Badri, Dwivedi JL, Das SP, Singh SK, Singh SP, Santosh Kumar, Abhinav Jain, Chandrababu R, Robin S, Shashidhar HE, Hittalmani S, Satyanarayana P, Challa Venkateshwarlu, Jana ki Ramayya, Shilpa Naik, Swati Nayak, Manzoor H. Dar, Hossain SM, Amelia Henry and Piepho HP (2020) Genetic gain for rice yield in rainfed environments in India, Field Crops Research https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fcr.2020.107977.
- Shilpi Dixit, Uma Maheshwar Singh, Arun Kumar Singh, Shamshad Alam, Challa Venkateshwarlu, Vishnu Varthini Nachimuthu, Shailesh Yadav, Ragavendran Abbai, Ramchander Selvaraj, M. Nagamallika Devi, P Janaki Ramayya, Jyothi Badri, T Ram, Jhansi Lakshmi G. Lakshmidevi, Jai Vidhya LRK, AP Padmakumari, GS Laha, MS Prasad, Malathi S, Vikas Kumar Singh and Arvind Kumar (2020). Marker Assisted Forward Breeding to Combine Multiple Biotic-Abiotic Stress Resistance/Tolerance in Rice 13:29 https://doi.org/10.1186/s12284-020-00391-7.
- Basavaraj PS, Muralidhara B, Manoj CA. Anantha MS, Santosha Rathod, Damodar Raju Ch, Senguttuvel P, Madhav MS, Srinivasaprasad M, Prakasam V, Basavaraj K, Jyothi Badri, Subbarao LV, Sundaram RM, Gireesh C* (2020) Identification and molecular characterization of high yielding, blast resistant lines derived from Oryza rufipogon Griff. in the background of ‘Samba Mahsuri’ rice. Genetic Resource and Crop Evolution https://doi.org/10.1007/s10722-020-01104-1.
- Anusha G, Eswari KB, Lakshmidevi G, Jai Vidhya LRK, Narender Reddy S, Krishnam Raju A, Divya Balakrishnan, Subrahmanyam Desiraju, Aravind Kumar Jukanti, Subba Rao LV and Jyothi Badri* (2020) Genetic analysis of dormancy and shattering traits in the backcross inbred lines derived from Oryza sativa cv. Swarna / O. nivara Ac. CR100008 Oryza 57 (1): 1-13 DOI https://doi.org/10.35709/ory.2020.57.1.1.
- Jyothi Badri*, Jai Vidhya LRK, Lakshmidevi G, Subhakara Rao I, Nandini V, Chiranjeevi M, Laha GS and Subba Rao LV. 2020. Performance of zinc rich rice cultivar - DRR Dhan 48 in farmers’ fields. Journal of Rice Research 13 (2): 73-76.
- Rachana B, Eswari KB, Jyothi B*, Lakshmi Devi G, Jai Vidhya LRK, Laxmi Bhavani P, Bharath M, Raghuveer Rao P, Aravind Kumar J, Fiyaz Abdul R, Neeraja CN, Subba Rao LV and T Ram. 2019. Characterization of new plant type core set of rice (Oryza sativa L.) using QTL/gene- linked markers. Oryza 56 (4): 352-360. https://doi.org/10.35709/ory.2019.56.4.2.
- Sandhu N, Dixit S, Swamy BPM, Raman A, Kumar S, Singh SP, Yadaw RB, Singh ON, Reddy JN, Anandan A, Yadav S, Venkataeshwarllu C, Henry A, Verulkar S, Mandal NP, Ram T, Jyothi Badri, Vikram P and Kumar A* (2019). Marker Assisted Breeding to Develop Multiple Stress Tolerant Varieties for Flood and Drought Prone Areas. Rice 12:8 https://doi.org/10.1186/s12284-019-0269-y.
- Ravi D, LV SR, Jyothi B, Sharada P, Venkateswarlu G, RK RC, Prasad KV, Blümmel M (2019) Investigation of fifteen popular and widely grown Indian rice varieties for variations in straw fodder traits and grain-straw relationships. Field Crops Research. Sep 1; 241:107566.
- LR Vemireddy*, G Kadambari, GE Reddy, VSR Kola, E Ramireddy, VRR Puram, Jyothi Badri, SN Eslavath, SN Bollineni, BJ Naik, S Chintala, R Pottepalem, S Akkareddy, R Nagireddy, LVB Reddy, R Bodanapu, SP Lekkala, N Chakravartty & EA Siddiq (2019) Uncovering of natural allelic variants of key yield contributing genes by targeted resequencing in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Scientific Reports 9:8192| https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-44708-z.
- Aditi Bhandari, Pawan Jayaswal, Neera Yadav, Renu Singh, Yashi Singh, Balwant Singh, Nisha Singh, Sangeeta Singh, Amitha Sevanthi, Vandna Rai, Satish Verulkar, Ramana Rao PV, Girija Rani M, Anuradha T, Satyanarayana PV, Krishnamurthy SL, Prabodh Sharma, Deepika Singh, Singh PK, Nilanjay, Rajesh Kumar, Sanjay Chetia, Ahmad T, Mayank Rai, Jawahar Katara, B. Marandi B, Padmini Swain, Sarkar RK, Singh DP, Reddy JN, Nimai Mandal, Paramsivam K, Nadarajan S, Thirumeni S, Jyothi Badri, Padmavathi G, Ram T and Nagendra Singh (2019) Genomics assisted backcross breeding for infusing climate resilience in high yielding green revolution varieties of rice. Indian Journal of Genetics 79(1) Suppl. 160-170 DOI: 10.31742/IJGPB.79S.1.5.
- Subba Rao LV, Fiyaz RA, Jukanti AK, Padmavathi G, Badri J, Anantha MS, Nagarjuna E and Voleti SR (2019) Coordinated Rice Improvement Project in India: Its Significant Achievements and Future prospects. Oryza 56 (special issue): 82-91 21. Jyothi Badri*, Jai Vidhya LRK, Lakshmidevi G, Laxmi Bhavani P, Sreedevi B, Mangrauthia SK,Abdul Fiyaz R, Subba Rao LV, Prasad MS, Jhansi Lakshmi V, Raghuveer Rao, Amtul Waris, Arvind Kumar and Ram T (2019) DRR Dhan 52 [IET 23354 (RP5125-12-5-3-B-IR84898-B- B)]. Journal of Rice Research 12 (2): 72.
- G Rekha, V Abhilash Kumar, BC Viraktamath, K Pranathi, MBVN Kousik, B Laxmi Prasanna, C Backiyalakshmi, Pragya Sinha, RK Ravindra, S Bhaskar, SK Hajira, CH Balachiranjeevi, K Swapnil, R Rambabu, G Harika, E Punniakotti, M Anila, HK Mahadev, T Dilip Kumar, A Yugander, K Chaitra, M Praveen, KR Madhavi, MS Prasad, GS Laha, CN Neeraja, SM Balachandran, P Senguttuvel, RA Fiyaz, J Badri, A Giri, LV Subba Rao, V Ravindra Babu, RM Sundaram (2018) Improvement of blast resistance of the popular high-yielding, medium slender-grain type, bacterial blight resistant rice variety, Improved Samba Mahsuri by marker-assisted breeding Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology https://doi.org/10.1007/s13562-018-0455-9 (NAAS rating: 6.95).
- Yugandar A, Sundaram RM, Singh K, Ladha Lakshmi, LV Subba Rao, MS Madhav, Jyothi Badri, MS Prasad and GS Laha (2018) Incorporation of the novel bacterial blight resistance gene Xa38 into the genetic background of elite rice variety Improved Samba Mahsuri. PLOS ONE doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0198260.
- G. Haritha*, B. P. M. Swamy, M. L. Naik, B. Jyothi, B. Divya, S. Malathi and N. Sarla (2018) Yield Traits and Associated Marker Segregation in Elite Introgression Lines Derived from O. sativa × O. nivara . Rice Science 25(1): 19−31.
- B. Jyothi*, B. Divya, L. V. Subba Rao, P. Laxmi Bhavani, P. Revathi, P. Raghuveer Rao, B. Rachana, G. Padmavathi, J. Aravind Kumar, C. Gireesh, M. S. Anantha, R. Abdul Fiyaz, C. Suvarna Rani and A. R. G. Ranganatha (2018) New plant type trait characterization and development of core set among indica and tropical japonica genotypes of rice. Plant Genetic Resources: 1–9 doi:10.1017/S1479262118000084.
- Rachana Bagudam, KB Eswari, Jyothi Badri and P Raghuveer Rao (2018) Variability, heritability and genetic advance for yield and its component traits in NPT core set of rice (Oryza sativa L.) Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding 9(4): 1545-1551.
- Divya B*, D Subrahmanyam, Jyothi B, AK Raju, YV Rao, B. Kavitha, S Mesapogu, Revathi P, Padmavathi G, Ravindra Babu V and N Sarla (2016) Genotype × environment interactions of yield traits in backcross introgression lines derived from Oryza sativa cv. Swarna /Oryza nivara. Frontiers in Plant Science 7:1530. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2016.01530 (NAAS rating: 9.68).
- Susmita Dey, Jyothi Badri*, V. Prakasam, V. P. Bhadana, K.B. Eswari, G. S. Laha, C. Priyanka, Aku Rajkumar and T. Ram (2016) Identification and agro-morphological characterization of rice genotypes resistant to sheath blight. Australasian Plant Pathology. 45: 145–153 DOI 10.1007/s13313-016-0404-9.
- Jyothi Badri*, Vijay Y, Anuradha G, Sivaramakrishnan S, Siddiq EA (2014) Development of microsatellite markers in sesame (Sesamum indicum L). Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 38: 603-614 © tubitak doi: 10.3906/tar-1312-104.
- Badri Jyothi*, Nisar Ahmed Ansari, Yepuri Vijay, Ganta Anuradha, Ananta Sarkar, Ravuru Sudhakar and E. A. Siddiq 2011 Assessment of resistance to Fusarium wilt disease in sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) germplasm. Australasian Plant Pathol. 40: 471–475. DOI 10.1007/s13313-011-0070-x.
Any other Information
- NCBI GenBank Depositions: 25 Sesame nucleotide sequences deposited with National Centre for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) with Gen Bank accession ID from HQ224869.1-Hq224876.1; 236477.1-236493.1 (Jyothi B, Sivaramakrishnan S, Anuradha G, Vijay Y and Siddiq E.A Isolation and characterization of microsatellite markers and their validation for diversity assessment in sesame).
- Oral presentations in the research arena on various platforms: 16.
- No of compilations: 10; Compilation of Progress Report-AICRIP Volume 1 (Varietal Improvement): 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 (Published by ICAR-IIRR, Hyderabad).
- Compilation of Training/Lecture/Lab manuals: 5.
- Abstracts in National/International Symposia/Conferences:26.
- As resource person on IPR issues to various national, international and state level organizations like International Rice Research Institute-South Asia Hub-Hyderabad, National Academy of Agricultural Research Management, IIRR, PJTSAU, Agricultural Commissionarate, Govt. of Telangana, NIMSME, MANAGE etc.