Success Story 5: Trap Crop for YSB management
The trap crop technology has been tested in many of the AICRIP locations. The trap crop was demonstrated as a module of IPM in the farmers’ field in both kharif and rabi seasons under AICRIP. The grain yield in the treatments with main crop + trap crop were more than that in the treatment with main crop alone and the B:C ratio varied from 1.18-4.17 across locations and the monetary gain obtained varied from 3.27-8.25%. The technology was also tested in the farmers’ fields at Rangareddy, Mahaboobnagar and Medak districts of Andhra Pradesh in 25 acres of land through FLDs with mega varieties like BPT 5204, HMT Sona, MTU1010, Swarna, PA 6444, Krishna Hamsa, Prakash as main crops. The use of trap crop reduced the damage by half in the main crop and the cost benefit ratio was around 1:1.5.