Archived Tenders



Tenders are invited for AMC for Man Power at ICAR-IIRR

Gem Bid document for procurement of Gene Gun - Biolistic (1 No.)

 Tenders are invited for Auction of  condemned items

Gem Bid document for Procurement of Gel  Documentation Unit (1 No.)

Gem Bid document for Procurement of Temperature Controlled Incubator Shaker

Gem Bid document of Repair, Renovation, Re-modelling of Plant Breeding section

Gem Bid document for Raising the height of  cement bunds of G1 Block

Tenders are invited for Auction of  condemned items

Gem Bid document for Procurement of Gel  Documentation Unit (1 No.)

Gem Bid document for Procurement of Temperature Controlled Incubator Shaker

Tenders are invited for Gas Chromatography (Q3) 

Tenders are invited for Annual Maintenance Contract for Air Conditioners

Tenders are invited for Hitech Retractable Rainout Shelter

Tenders are invited for Scrap Items located at IIRR

Tenders are invited for Furnishing of Soil Science and Microbiology lab at IIRR Hyderabad

Tenders are invited for Purchase of  Workstation

Tenders are invited for Purchase of Chemicals Glassware Plasticware Consumables 

Tenders are invited for Outsourcing of Services : : 1k RICA genotyping of rice samples 


Tenders are invited for Purchase of Chemicals Glassware Plasticware

1. GeM-Bidding-5781998

2. Gem-Bidding-5757651

3. Gem-Bidding-5757625

4. Gem-Bidding-5757575

5. Gem-Bidding-5757672

GeM Bidding Documents-Purchase of Chemicals, Glassware and Plastic Ware

1. GeM Bidding-5609953

2. GeM Bidding-5610062

3. GeM Bidding-5610144

4. GeM Bidding-5609718

 Tenders are invited for 

  1. Office Equipment / Broken Furniture items and other scrap etc.;
  2. Wooden Logs
  3. Tyres & Tubes and other Automobiles scrap etc.;

Download :  Tender Document

Cancelation of Tender for ARC DNA/RNA/PROTEIN Sequencing services

Tenders are invited for ARC for DNA/RNA/Protein Services

Tenders are invited for Annual Rate Contract for Field Consumables

Tenders are invited for supply of Refrigerator BOD Incubator

Tenders are invited for the supply of RT-PCR

Tenders are invited for Electrical  Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) 2021 - 2022

Tenders are invited for GBS analysis 144 samples 

Tenders are invited for Power Tiller

Tenders are invited for Rice Grain Grinder

Tenders are invited for Power Tiller Tractor

Annual Rate Contract for Outsourcing of services for the year 2021-2022   -  Corrigendum

Tenders are invited for GBS Analysis 

Tender Notice for Annual Rate Contract for Chemicals / Glassware / Plasticware for the year 2021 - 2022 

Tenders are invited for Supply of ManPower

Tenders are invited for Field Consumables

Tenders are invited for repairs to Net House of Biotechnology

Tenders are invited for SNP Genotyping Hybrid Rice 

Tenders are invited for supplying Erection of distribution Panel Board