Training course on “Fundamentals of Genomic Predictions and Data-Driven Crop Breeding” from November 18 to 22, 2024

Dive into the future of crop breeding with our upcoming course on Fundamentals of Genomic Predictions and Data-Driven Crop Breeding! 
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Course Description

In collaboration with the Indian Council for Agricultural Research – Indian Institute of Rice Research (ICAR-IIRR), the course “Fundamentals of Genomic Predictions and Data-Driven Crop Breeding” offers a thorough exploration of the latest techniques in modern plant breeding. Participants will delve into the areas of quantitative genetics and statistical genomics, acquiring vital knowledge of genomic selection strategies and their practical applications. The curriculum includes advanced statistical models such as linear and mixed models, ridge regression, Bayesian methods, and kernel approaches, giving participants a strong foundation in predictive breeding.

Additionally, the course covers new concepts like the Usefulness Criterion and Optimal Parental Contributions, aimed at enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of crossing strategies. It also addresses the dissection of genotype-by-environment (G x E) interactions in crop breeding, employing predictive tools for their analysis. Attendees will learn about innovative approaches for designing training and testing sets, incorporating sparse testing, and more.

The course features a hands-on approach, allowing participants to work with real-world datasets to implement genomic selection in breeding programs, analyze G x E interactions, and design crossing strategies. This practical experience ensures that participants not only understand theoretical concepts but also develop the essential skills needed to apply genomic selection in their professional endeavors.

Designed for individuals with a basic understanding of crop breeding and genetics, the course is accessible to professionals with varied levels of statistical and R programming expertise, accommodating a diverse audience in the field.

Course Objectives

This course integrates quantitative genetics and statistical genomics with modern breeding approaches, focusing on genomic selection and data-driven decision-making in crop breeding. It enhances understanding of quantitative genetics, statistical models for genomic predictions, and genomic selection implementation in breeding programs. The course covers advanced techniques for parent selection and crossing block design using genotypic and phenotypic datasets. Participants will gain practical skills to apply these concepts in real-world crop improvement scenarios.

By the end of the training course, the participants should be able to:

  • Gain the basic and advanced knowledge of quantitative genetic and statistical genomics relevant to modern breeding
  • Understand the different relationship matrices and their use in genomic predictions and crop breeding
  • Understand the linear and mixed models to perform phenotypic data analysis and genomic predictions
  • Understand and apply the basic and advanced statistical models to perform the genomic selections
  • Understand the fundamentals of genomic selection (3W’s of Genomic selection: Why, When, and Where to apply it in the breeding program)
  • Understand the G x E interactions and design sparse testing design in dissecting G x E interactions and
  • Understand the Usefulness criterion and Optimal Parental Contributions to design the crossing block and predict the performance of cross combinations.

Target Learners

Plant breeders, geneticists, graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, research scholars, and assistants involved in crop breeding programs. This course is mainly intended for those keen to learn the modern data-driven breeding approaches and how to leverage the data sets to perform genomic selection and implement them in breeding programs.

Key Modules:

  • Module 1: Introduction and Learning R and R Markdown
  • Module 2: Fundamentals of Quantitative Genetics and Predictive Modeling
  • Module 3: G x E Interactions Dissection in Predictive Breeding
  • Module 4: Practical Implementation of Genomic Selection in Plant Breeding
  • Module 5: Breeding and Crossing Scheme Optimizations.

Learning Modality

The course will be delivered face-to-face with a mixed modality of synchronous and asynchronous discussions involving theoretical concepts, practical and hands-on exercises, and self-paced e-learning activities.

Participants eligibility

The participant highly encourages a basic understanding of breeding and statistics. Experience in using and running R is highly encouraged.



ICAR-IIRR attracts Rs. 4.5 Crore funding under CSR from SBI for promotion of Direct Seeded Rice cultivation

A two-year project on ‘Promotion of Direct Seeded Rice (DSR) for sustainable rice production in Telangana’ with a whopping Rs. 4.5 Crore of budget outlay was approved by State Bank of India Foundation, Mumbai to the premier rice research institute, ICAR-Indian Institute of Rice Research (ICAR-IIRR), Hyderabad. The signing and exchange of MOU was held in glittering ceremony at SBI Local Head Office, Hyderabad on 27th March 2024 which was graced by Mr. C. Srinivasulu Setty, MD (International Banking, Global Markets and Technology), Mumbai; Mr. Rajesh Kumar, CGM, SBI, Hyderabad Circle; Mr. Sanjay Prakash, MD, SBI Foundation, Mumbai and other dignitaries from SBI side while Dr. R.M. Sundaram, Director; Dr. RM Kumar, Head, Crop Production; Dr. MBB Prasad Babu, Head, PMEC; Dr. V. Raghuveer Rao, Head, Plant Physiology, Dr. P. Muthuraman, Head, TTT,  Mr. Shitanshukumar, CAO and other scientists from ICAR-IIRR as well as all the service providers took part in the landmark event. The project assumes importance in view of the rapidly gaining popularity of the DSR technology among farming community, particularly in states like AP, Telangana, Punjab, Haryana etc. It is estimated that the shift from Transplanted Rice (TPR) to (DSR) will result in considerable savings in irrigation water (about 40%), cost of cultivation (20– 30%) and duration (by 10-15 days) with a concomitant reduction in GHG emissions, without significant yield penalty. In this project period, ICAR-IIRR aims to promote the practice of customized, mechanised DSR among the farming community of Telangana with a view to increase the productivity and sustainability of rice with limited use of precious resources like water and labour which will also result in reduced emissions of Green House gases. The institute will be assisted by service providers like Praanadhara, Cheruvu Jammulapalem, A.P.; AGRI BRIDGE, Hyderabad; CultYvate and Intech Harness Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore, Karnataka as well as Prof. Jayashankar Telanagana State Agricultural University, Hyderabad and KVKs based in Telangana.

11th Annual Hill Rice Research Group Meeting

ICAR-IIRR organised 11th Annual Hill Rice Research Group Meeting on 23rd February 2024 in virtual mode

11th Annual Hill Rice Research Group Meeting was conducted online on 23rd February 2024 under the chairmanship of Dr T R Sharma, DDG (Crop Science), ICAR, Co-chaired by Dr S K Pradhan, ADG (FFC), ICAR. The meeting was attended by Dr A K Naik, Director ICAR NRRI, Dr. R.P.Kaushik, Chairman PAMC, PI AICRPR (Dr ASVS Swamy) and Co-PIs of different disciplines from ICAR IIRR and all Co-operators of the Hill locations. Dr. R M Sundaram, Director, ICAR IIRR Hyderabad welcomed the participants and gave brief introductory remarks on Hill workshop. Dr A K Naik expressed that work in Hill ecology should be focused on drought and cold tolerance, iron and Al toxicity tolerance etc. Dr AVSR Swamy presented the Research Highlights of Hill region along with action taken report. Dr. R.P.Kaushik shared his experience on Hill rice ecology for the last 20 years and felt that there is a need for making crosses between rice genotypes of Jammu & Kashmir, Uttarkhand, Himachal Pradesh with genotypes of North Eastern states. Dr S K Pradhan suggested working on candidate genes available for iron toxicity tolerance, Al toxicity tolerance and cold tolerance. Dr T R Sharma emphasised the need of pre-breeding for bringing new genes from wild relatives for Hill ecology. He felt the need for product profiling of Hill ecology by considering the factors like high yield, cold tolerance, resistance to leaf and neck blast, biofortification of Fe and Zn, drought tolerance and early maturity. Host differentials or monogenic lines for blast resistance should be made use for improving disease resistance of Hill ecology. He suggested identifying Japonica variety suitable for export quality. Director IIRR told that genotyping of entries in AVT2 and AVT1 trials is under progress using 1 K Rica and results will be shared with co-operators. He assured to help Hill ecology centres for taking up off-season nursery at ICAR IIRR and ICAR NRRI and also for genotyping of some of the important genotypes. The inaugural session was ended with vote of thanks by Dr M B B Prasad Babu.




Diamond Jubilee

60 Annual Rice Group Meeting - 26 - 28 April, 2025 


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Brief Biodata of Dr. R. M. Sundaram, Director, ICAR-IIRR

Brief Biodata of Dr. Raman Meenakshi Sundaram, Director, ICAR-Indian Institute of Rice Research (ICAR-IIRR), Hyderabad, India  

Dr. Sundaram completed his B.Sc. (Agri) from PAJANCOA, Karaika (a constituent colleague of TNAU- Coimbatore), M.Sc. (Agri) in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology from the G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology as a DBT Research Fellow and PhD in Plant Sciences at University of Hyderabad as a CSIR-JRF. He joined ICAR-IIRR (then known as Directorate of Rice Research) through Agricultural Research Service as a Scientist in the Biotechnology Section in 1998 and his studies are focused biotic stress resistance, hybrid rice applications of biotechnology and product development through transgenic breeding. 

He was appointed by Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board (ASRB) as Director of ICAR-IIRR, since April 2021, and he is also leading the Coordinated Research in rice in India, through All India Coordinated Research Project on Rice (AICRPR) and also serving as the coordinator ICAR Consortia Research Platform on Crop Biofortification (CRP-Biofortification). 

He is very well known for his work in trait characterization, molecular studies and molecular breeding in rice, which has culminated in identification of few novel genes, development of several products, high-impact publications and a few National awards and laurels. 

In collaboration with CSIR-CCMB, Hyderabad, his research team was instrumental in development and release of one of first biotech products in rice, which is a high yielding, bacterial blight resistant, fine-grain type rice variety possessing low glycemic index (50.9), named Improved Samba Mahsuri (RPBio-226). It is one of the first marker-assisted selection (MAS) products in the country and is being cultivated in > 7,00,000 ha across the country. This development has paved the way for marker-assisted improvement of several improved breeding lines of varieties and hybrids for multiple traits by various research groups in the country, including that of Dr. Sundaram. Recently, his team has developed four other MAS derived varieties, viz., DRR Dhan 53 (Samba Mahsuri durable bacterial blight resistance and 10 % more yield), DRR Dhan 58 (Samba Mahsuri with bacterial blight resistance + Salinity tolerance), DRR Dhan 59 (Akshayadhan with bacterial blight resistance),   DRR Dhan 60 (Samba Mahsuri with bacterial blight resistance and low soil phosphorus tolerance) and DRR Dhan 62 (Samba Mahsuri with bacterial blight resistance and blast resistance), DRR Dhan 66 (MTU1010 with low soil P tolerance) besides contributing towards release of more than 10 rice varieties. His team has also made significant contribution towards application of biotechnological tools in hybrid rice. 

He has undergone intensive training on rice biotechnology at International Rice Research Institute, Philippines, Cornell University and Iowa State University, USA. He has also handled and coordinated several externally funded research projects, published his works in many International (> 140) and National (> 30) Journals and has authored > 40 books/book chapters, technical bulletins and popular articles related to biotechnology and rice. 

He is the recipient of several awards and recognitions which include Lal Bahadur Shastri Outstanding Young Scientist Award of ICAR in 2011, Indo-US Research Fellowship in 2011, Hari Om Ashram Trust Award of ICAR in 2012, CSIR Innovation Award for Rural Development in 2013, PN Behl Award for Excellence in Crop Sciences (2012-13), DBT Award for Biotechnology Product and Process Development and commercialization (2015), etc. 

Besides these, he is a Fellow of National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (2019), Fellow of National Academy of Sciences, India (2020), Fellow of Indian Society of Genetics and Plant Breeding (2017), Associate of NAAS (2013) and has received USAID fellowship (2005), IUSSTF Fellowship (2011) and DST-Alexander Von Humboldt Foundation Travel grant (2014). He is serving as Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Rice Research, Academic Editor of PLos One Journal, Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding and is also serving as a member of several National and International Committees