Virtual Training cum Workshop on AICRPR Experiments and Intranet functionalities ( during 3 – 5 September, 2024

ICAR-Indian Institute of Rice Research (ICAR-IIRR)  in association with Society for Advancement of Rice Research and International Rice Research Institute  (IRRI) is organizing Virtual training cum workshop on AICRPR Experiments and Intranet functionalities( during 3 - 5 September 2024.

This program targeted to sensitise AICRPR Co-operators on conduct of experiments and data uploading through Intranet with live demonstrations and discipline-wise hands on training sessions by using current year trial data. 


The last date for the registration is 27 August 2024.

For registration related queries, Kindly contact 

Dr. B. Sailaja

Principal Scientist, ICAR-IIRR, Hyderabad.                      

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Phone: 040-24591281

Mob: +91-9441242295.