Dr. A. P. Padmakumari, Head, Principal Scientist

Dr. A. P. Padmakumari, Head, Principal Scientist



Email ID: - padmakumariento@gmail.com; Padma.APK@icar.gov.in

Official phone number: - 

Google scholar link:- https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=K9QPMAoAAAAJ&hl=en

Research gate link:-

ORCID link:- https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2318-2540?lang=en

Educational Qualification: -

Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi -12,  Ph.D, 1994, Entomology 

Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University (APAU), MSc(Ag) , 1990, Entomology                      

Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University (APAU), B. Sc(Ag) , 1988, Agricultural and allied Sciences Agriculture.                                               
                                                                                                                                     Employment Record / Work Experience:-


1 Indian Institute of Rice Research, Principal Scientist (Agril.Ent), 2009, till date                                                                                                              
2 Directorate of Rice Research, Senior Scientist(Agril. Entomology), 2003-2009       
3 Directorate of Rice Research, Scientist, Sr. Scale(Agril. Entomology),1998-2003     
4 Directorate of Rice Research, Scientist, (Agril. Entomology), Dec 1997-1998       
5 Central Institute of Cotton Research, Nagpur, Scientist (Agril. Entomology), July 1995-Nov 1997.

6 NAARM/Attachment training at DRR, Hyd , Scientist (Agril. Entomology),  June1994- July 1995.                                                               

Area research specialization: Agricultural Entomology with emphasis on Insect plant interactions for sustainable pest management

Important projects under taken: -

1 2017-2021 Evaluation of BCSCL 73507 SC against Yellow stem borer in rice. Contractual  resaerch  Project  from Bayer crop Sciences
2 2013-2019 DBT project on "Marker Assisted Introgression for Development of New Generation Varieties" (MAID) (CCPI) DBT- Govt.of India
( Net work Project) To phenotype the developed varieties for gall midge resistance
3 2015-2018 Molecular cross talk- synergism to antagonism – (as CCPI), National agricultural Science Fund   (NASF)ICAR, activity: Phenotyping the lines for gall midge and designing experiments with pest –pathogen to study cross talk
4 2013-2018 Development of high yielding gall midge resistant rice varieties through marker assisted pyramiding of multiple gall midge resistance genes. ( as CCPI) DBT- Govt.of India. To phenotype the developed pyramided lines with R genes for  gall midge resistance
5 2013-2017 Common basis of defense induction in rice and mustard against sucking and gall insect pests” ( as PI) under National  agriculture science fund ( NASF), ICAR, New Delhi To unequivocally prove that the resistant gene ‘Gm4’ is the one involved in imparting resistance to gall midge in rice. Also test the cross functionality of this gene in the mustard plant.
6 2012-2017 Enhancing scope of marker assisted selection in rice (CSIR- CCMB-DRR PLOMICS) ( as  Co-PI) CCMB-CSIR, GOvt. of India, To identify tolerant lines for stem borer and gall midge in BPT mutants and characterize them for mechanism of tolerance.
7 2012-2015 Rnai- for Yellow stem borer management   ( as Co –PI ) DBT, Govt. of India, To test the designed ds Rnai for their toxicity to yellow stem borer.
8 2012-2019 Marker assisted introgression of different traits to develop new generation rice varieties (as CO PI) DBT, Govt. of India, To phenotype the developed varieties for gall midge resistance
9 2005-till date Multilocation evaluation of the rice germplasm against  insect pests
(as Co- PI) ICAR, New Delhi . Evaluation of germplasm against major pests and indentifying new sources of resistance.
10 2008-2012 Research into Decision support systems for major insect pests in rice and cotton. ( as CCPI) NAIP. ICAR, New Delhi To generate basic data on biology, off season survival in cropping systems with reference to yellow stem borer.
11 2004-2007 Entomopathogenic nematodes of major insect pests of rice ( as Co_PI) DBT, Govt. of India, Isolation, and evaluation of indigenous isolates of Entomopathogenic nematodes as a  component of IPM against yellow stem borer and other rice pests.
12 1998-2001 Pest impact assessment in crop residue management (as Co-PI) IRRI, Philippines To  know the impact of crop residues on insect pest incidence.

Award and Honors: - 

• Elected as “Life time Fellow of Entomological society of India” on 31st Dec 2018.
• Recognized as “Fellow of Plant Protection association of India”, Hyderabad in 2012.
• Received Best paper award on IIRR Foundation day for the Research paper on “Rice husk ash and imidazole application enhances silicon availability to rice plants and reduces yellow stem borer damage” in Field Crops Research.Volume 224, 1 July 2018, Pages 60–66
• Received as team member of DRR (Entomology) section, ‘Dr. Bapi Reddy Award for Integrated Pest Management (2000-2002)’ instituted by Plant Protection Association of India, Hyderabad for contributions to integrated pest management in rice.
• Awarded Gold medal for Best communications skills in the 49th FOCARS training programme at NAARM, Hyderabad (ICAR).

As Student
• Awarded National Merit scholarship from 1983-1988 by Andhra Pradesh Govt. for best performance in 10th class exams.
• Recipient of Hexamar Foundation Gold medal  and   Sri Velidandla Tirumala Rao Gold medal for scoring highest  OGPA in MSC (AG) in Entomology from APAU, (Presently ANGRAU)Hyderabad.
*As a trainee at ICRISAT, Patancheru  for execution of MSC (Ag)  Thesis  work on “Mechanisms of resistance to sorghum earhead bug, Calocoris angustatus Lethierry”
•Recipient of ICAR Junior Fellowship during 1988-1990 for pursuing post graduation studies.

Foreign Visits:- Attended an International training programme on "Transgenic Rice : Production and Deployment with special reference to sheath blight and stem borer resistance”at IRRI Philippines on   10-31st October 1999.

Technologies/Products/Varieties/Novel germplasm/Methodologies developed:-

Technology Code 201629094246614 (krishi.support@icar.gov.in).

Aromatic variety as a Trap crop for stem borer Management.

Vareities-2 ( as collaborator).

Genetic stocks -5.

1.STARGRP: A.P.PADMAKUMARI, B.SAILAJA, J.S.BENTUR, G.KATTI, V. JHANSILAKSHMI, CH. PADMAVATHI , S.AMUDHAN  AND B.C.VIRAKTAMATH .2014.Software tool for  assessment of reaction  of genotypes to rice pests(STARGRP) Directorate of Rice Research, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-  500 030.
2. Rice expert system Developed by Dr. B.Sailaja, Dr. AP.Padma Kumari, Dr. D.Krishnaveni, S.Gayatri, Dr. Shaik N.Meera and Dr. V.Ravindra Babu. http://www.ricexpert.in/ in https://krishi.icar.gov.in/ copy rights @2015. ICAR- Indian Institute of Rice Research, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad.

Patents/copyrights:-  *A web based Rice expert system for major varieties , pests and diseases of Rice crop  (http://rice expert.in) computer software .Registered  Copyright No 10076/2020/CO/SW Co-developer As domain expert in Entomology.

Student Guided:- 5- Ph D (As co chair person for 3 students; 2- as member); 3- Msc(Ag)

Editors/Reviewers of the Journals: - Reviewer   of manuscripts  as and when there is a request .

Member of Scientific Society:- Life member of the following Professional   societies:

Plant Protection Association of India (PPAI), Hyderabad

Entomological Society of India (ESI), New Delhi

Association of Rice Research Workers (ARRW), Cuttack

Society for Advancement of Rice Research (SARR), Hyderabad

Association of Agrometeorology (AAM), Anand

Society for Pesticide Science (SPS), New Delhi

Training Organized:- ICAR sponsored Winter schools : 2 as Course coordinators
•     Winter school on ‘Bt rice evaluation and deployment strategies from 7-27 Sept, 2011 at Directorate   of Rice Research, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-500 030.

• Winter school on “Eco-friendly management of pests and diseases in rice and rice based cropping systems” organized during Sept 15-Oct 5, 2009. Directorate   of Rice Research, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-500 030.

1 1999 Transgenic Rice : Production and Deployment with special reference to sheath blight and stem borer resistance” IRRI, manila  Philippines “ from 10 -31st October 1999.
2 2000 Insect Resistance: role of Bt toxin” Training at “International Centre for Genetic engineering and Biotechnology New Delhi 11-22 December 2000
3 2001 Refresher Course on ‘Information Technology in Agriculture’ National Academy of Agricultural Research Management, Hyderabad 3 – 23 December 2001
4 2003 Summer School on “Recent Advances in Agricultural Research  Project Management’ National Academy of Agricultural Research Management, Hyderabad 9- 29 April 2003
5 2010. Attended the training programme on ‘Data analysis using SAS- component 1  NAARM Hyderabad under SSCNARS 15 Sept. - 21 September 2010.
6 2015 NGS sequencing -data analysis NBAGR, Karnal, ICAR Jan 26-31, 2015 

Publications (Top 30):-
1 Athulya R, A P Padmakumari *, T Uma Maheswari and A Kalaisekar.2023. Morphometrics of male genitalia in rice yellow stem borer Scirpophaga incertulas populations from telangana. Indian Journal of Entomology Online published Ref. No. e23892 DoI. No.: 10.55446/IJE.2023.892
2 R. ATHULYA, T. UMA MAHESWARI, A. P. PADMAKUMARI, M. SHESHU MADHAV and G. UMA DEVI.2022.Reaction of Rice Varieties to Yellow Stem Borer, Scirpophaga incertulas (Walker) Populations.The Journal of Research, PJTSAU.July to Sept 2022. The J. Res. PJTSAU 50 (3) 87-92, 2022
3 A. Sunny Rao, A. P. Padmakumari*, Gajendra Chandrakar and B. Jhansi Rani (2023).Protocol for rearing and maintenance of Asian rice gall midge, Orseolia oryzae (Wood-Mason) in greenhouse. Journal of Experimental zoology J. Exp. Zool. India 26, 643-647. DOI: https://doi.org/10.51470/jez.2023.26.1.643, Doc ID: https://connectjournals.com/03895.2023.26.643
4 Deepak K. Sinha, Ayushi Gupta, Ayyagari P. Padmakumari, Jagadish S. Bentur and Suresh Nair. 2022.Infestation of Rice by Gall Midge Influences Density and Diversity of Pseudomonas and Wolbachia in the Host Plant Microbiome,   Current genomics 23(2): 126 - 136 http://dx.doi.org/10.2174/1389202923666220401101604
5 Ch. Anusha, T. Uma Maheswari, Ch. Damodar Raju, S. Malathi, S. Om Prakash and A. P. Padmakumari* (2022).Identification of new sources of resistance to rice gall midge biotypes prevailing in Telangana, India. J. Exp. Zool. India 25, (1) 793- 803. DocID: https://connectjournals.com/03895.2022. ISSN 0972-003025.793, eISSN 0976-1780
6 Rathod S, Yerram S, Arya P, Katti G, Rani J, Padmakumari AP, Somasekhar N, Padmavathi C, Ondrasek G, Amudan S, Malathi S, Rao NM, Karthikeyan K, Mandawi N, Muthuraman P, Sundaram RM. 2022.Climate-Based Modeling and Prediction of Rice Gall Midge Populations Using Count Time Series and Machine Learning Approaches. Agronomy. 2022; 12(1):22. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy12010022 (MDPI)
7 Potupureddi, G., Balija, V., Ballichatla, S., C G, G., Awalellu, K., Lekkala, S., Jallipalli, K., M G, G., Mohammad, E., M, M., Arutla, S., Burka, R., Gouri Shankar, L., Ayyagari Phani, Padmakumari., Lella Venkata, S., Raman Meenakshi, S., B C, Viraktamath., Vemuri, R. B., Brahma, K., Madnala, R., Patel HK, Sonti RV,… Madhav, M. S. (2021). Mutation resource of Samba Mahsuri revealed the presence of high extent of variations among key traits for rice improvement. PloS one, 16(10), e0258816. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0258816. ISSN: 1932-6203 (online) IF 3.24
8 B.Sailaja, A.P.PadmaKumari, D.Krishnaveni ,S.Gayathri , R.Nagarjuna Kumar ,S.R.Voleti.2020.ONLINE RICE EXPERT SYSTEM FOR EXTENSION PROFESSIONALS VOL. X, ISSUE XXXIV, JULY 2020.MULTILOGIC IN SCIENCE ISSN 2277-7601
9 Shilpi Dixit, Uma Maheshwar Singh1, Arun Kumar Singh , Shamshad Alam , Challa Venkateshwarlu , Vishnu Varthini Nachimuthu , Shailesh Yadav , Ragavendran Abbai , Ramchander Selvaraj , M. Nagamallika Devi , Perumalla Janaki Ramayya , Jyothi Badri, T. Ram, Jhansi Lakshmi , G. Lakshmidevi , Jai Vidhya LRK, Ayyagari Phani Padmakumari, G. S. Laha, M. S. Prasad , Malathi Seetalam, Vikas Kumar Singh and Arvind Kumar.2020.Marker Assisted Forward Breeding to Combine Multiple Biotic-Abiotic Stress Resistance/Tolerance in Rice. Rice (2020) 13:29
10 M. Jeer , K. Suman, , T. Uma Maheswari, S.R. Voleti, A.P. Padmakumari*.2018. Rice husk ash and imidazole application enhances silicon availability to rice plants and reduces yellow stem borer damage. Field Crops Research. Volume 224, 1 July 2018, Pages 60–66 Elsevier publications Received 14 August 2017, Revised 25 April 2018, Accepted 1 May 2018, Available online 24 May 2018.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fcr.2018.05.002
11 Dhanasekar  Divya,    Kanaparthi Ratna  Madhavi, Muralidharan  Ayyappa Dass, Garladinne  Mallikarjuna,  Roshan Venkata  Maku, Raman Meenakshi  Sundaram, Gouri Sankar Laha,  Ayyagari Phani  Padmakumari,  Hitendra Kumar  Patel, Madamsetty Srinivas Prasad, Ramesh Venkata  Sonti and Jagadish Sanmallappa  Bentur*. 2018. Expression Profile of Defense Genes in Rice Lines Pyramided with Resistance Genes Against Bacterial Blight, Fungal Blast and Insect Gall Midge. Rice 11:40. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12284-018-0231-4. Impact factor 4.549(6YR) ISSN: 1939-8425 (print version) ISSN: 1939-8433 (Electronic version) Journal no. 12284. Springer open
12 Abhishek Ojha, Deepak Sinha, A.P. Padmakumari, J.S. Bentur, and Suresh Nair*.2017. Bacterial Community Structure in the Asian Rice Gall Midge Reveals a Varied Microbiome Rich in Proteobacteria. [Paper #SREP-17-16850A], Scientific Reports 7, Article number: 9424(2017) doi:10.1038/s41598-017-09791-0
13 P. Renuka, Maganti S. Madhav*,  A. P. Padmakumari, Kalyani M.  Barbadikar, Satendra K. Mangrauthia, K. Vijaya Sudhakara Rao, Soma S. Marla, and V. Ravindra Babu. 2017. RNA-seq of Rice Yellow stem borer Scirpophaga incertulas  reveals molecular insights during four larval developmental stages. G3: GENES, GENOMES, GENETICS Early online July 17, 2017;https://doi.org/10.1534/g3.117.043737Volume 7 | September 2017Supplemental material is available online at www.g3journal.org/lookup/suppl/ doi:10.1534/g3.117.043737/-/DC1. 1 in association with HighWire Press Publisher: Genetics Society of America
14 V. Abhilash Kumar & C. H. Balachiranjeevi & S. Bhaskar Naik & G. Rekha & R. Rambabu & G. Harika & K. Pranathi & S. K. Hajira & M. Anila & M. Kousik & R. Kale & T. Dilip Kumar & M. S. Prasad & A. S. Hari Prasad & A. P. Padmakumari & G. S. Laha & S. M. Balachandran & M. S. Madhav & P. Senguttuvel & K. B. Kemparajau & A. R. Fiyaz & J. S. Bentur & B. C. Viraktamath & V. Ravindra Babu & R. M. Sundaram*. 2017. Marker-assisted pyramiding of bacterial blight and gall midge resistance genes into RPHR-1005, the restorer line of the popular rice hybrid DRRH-3. Mol Breeding  (2017) 37:86.DOI 10.1007/s11032-017-0687-8.Springer Science+Business Media B.V. Impact factor 2.465
15 Padmakumari, A.P*, Katti, G. and Reddy, V. Rajender Kumar (2017). Aromatic variety as a trap crop for stem borer management in rice. Agric. Update, 12 (TECHSEAR-9) : 1-8; DOI: 10.15740/HAS/AU/12.TECHSEAR(9)2017/1-8.
16 Jeer, M., Telugu, U. M., Voleti, S. R. and Padmakumari, A. P *. (2016).Soil application of silicon reduces yellow stem borer, Scirpophaga incertulas (Walker) damage in rice J. Appl. Entomol. Vol 141 (2017) 189–201 Journal of Applied Entomology Version of Record online: 26 MAY 2016 DOI: 10.1111/jen.12324 (Impact factor 1.65).
17 Kola VSR, Renuka P, Padmakumari AP, Mangrauthia SK, Balachandran SM, Ravindra Babu V and Madhav MS* (2016) .Silencing of CYP6 and APN Genes Affects the Growth and Development of Rice Yellow Stem Borer, Scirpophaga incertulas. Front. Physiol. 7:20. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2016.00020.
18 Ruchi Agarrwal, Ayyagari Phani Padmakumari, Jagadish S. Bentur and Suresh Nair*. 2016. Metabolic and transcriptomic changes induced in host during hypersensitive response mediated resistance in rice against the Asian rice gall midge. Agarrwal et al. Rice (2016) 9:5.DOI 10.1186/s12284-016-0077-6 .
19 A.P. Padmakumari*, G. Katti, V. Sailaja, Ch. Padmavathi, V. Jhansi Lakshmi, M. Prabhakar and Y.G. Prasad .2013.Delineation of larval instars in field populations of paddy yellow stem borer, Scirpophaga incertulas (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Oryza . Vol 50. 3: 259-267.
20 Ch. Padmavathi, G. Katti, A. P. Padmakumari, S. R. Voleti & L. V.  Subba Rao.2012. The effect of leaffolder Cnaphalocrocis medinalis (Guenee) [Lepidoptera: Pyralidae] injury on the plant physiology and yield.loss in rice. Journal of Applied Entomology doi: 10.1111/j.1439-0418.2012.01741.x.
21 S.R. Voleti, A.P. Padmakumari, V.S. Raju , Setty Mallikarjuna Babu, Subramania Ranganathan. 2008. Effect of silicon solubilizers on silica transportation, induced pest and disease resistance in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Crop Protection 27 :1398– 1402.
22 A.P. Padmakumari*, J.S.  Prasad, Gururaj Katti and M. Sankar. 2007. Rhabditis sp.     (Oscheius sp). A biocontrol agent against rice yellow stem borer, Scirpophaga incertulas . Indian  Journal of Plant Protection..35(2)255-258.
23 Ranganathan S,Suvarchala V,Rajesh Y,Srinivasa Prasad M,Padmakumari AP,Voleti S Effects of silicon sources on its deposition, chlorophyll content, and disease and pest resistance in rice. Biologia Plantarum (2006) 50(4) 713-716. DOI: 10.1007/s10535-006-0113-2.
24 K.Surekha*, K Pavan chandra Reddy,  A.P.Padmakumari., and P.C. Sta cruz. 2005. Effect of straw on yield and yield components of rice (Oryza sativa ) L under rice-rice cropping system . Journal of Agronomy and Crop Sciences .192(2) : 92-101
25 A.P. Padmakumari*, J.S.Bentur, I.C.Pasalu. 2004. Echinochloa spp- host of asian     rice gall midge  Orseolia oryzae. Indian Journal of Entomology. 66(1):33-36.
26 Ramesh,S, Nagadhara,D., I.C.Pasalu.,  A.P. Padmakumari., N.P.Sarma, V.D.Reddy and K.V.Rao*. 2004. Development of stem borer resistant  transgenic parental lines involved in the  production of   hybrid rice. Journal of Biotechnology.111: 131-141.
27 K.Surekha, A.P.Padmakumari., M.N,Reddy., K.Satyanarayana and P.C. Sta cruz. 2003. Crop residue management to sustain soil fertility and irrigated rice yield .Nutrient cycling in Agroecosystems.67:145-154.
28.G.Katti, A.P.Padmakumari J.S.Prasad . 2003. An entomopathogenic nematode infecting rice yellow stem borer, S.incertulas. Indian  Journal of Plant Protection. 31(2) :80-84
29. A.P. Padmakumari* and I.C.Pasalu. 2003. Influence of planting pattern of trap crops on yellow stem borer , Scirpophaga incertulas   (Walker) damage in rice. Indian  Journal of Plant Protection. 31 (1): 78-83.

Any other Information: - Associated with the All India coordinated Research Program on Rice  - Entomology component   since 2000  till date.


22 December 2020




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