Dr. R. Mahender Kumar, Head, Principal Scientist

Dr. R. Mahender Kumar, Head, Principal Scientist

Name :  Dr. Rapolu Mahender Kumar

Designation : Principal Scientist

Email Id : Kumar.RM@icar.gov.in

Phone : 040-24591236

Mobile : 

Google scholar link : https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=cW4HE5wAAAAJ&hl=en 

Research gate link : 

ORCID link : 

Educational Qualification : 

  • B.Sc. (Agriculture) Agricultural Sciences Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University, Hyderabad, A.P., India 1984.
  • M.Sc. (Agriculture) Agronomy, Agricultural Sciences Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University, Hyderabad,- 1986.
  • Ph.D. Agronomy, Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University, Hyderabad, 1990.

 Employment Record / Work Experience : 

Area research specialization 

  • Water management- AWD in rice
  • Crop establishment methods
  • IoT based solutions in rice cultivation for sustainabe rice production
  • DSR propularisation for climate reselience and carbon credits to farmers

Important projects under taken :

  • 20 Externally funded projects
  • Institute Research Project on "Strategic Research On Enhancing Water Use Efficiency  And Productivity  In Irrigated Rice System", 2019.
  • EcoSolv Water, Enhancement water technologies, 7.27, ECOSOLV Technologies. 

Award & Honors :

Fellow of Agronomy Society of India 2022:

JICA fellowship  on rice production technology- Japan for a period of 9 months in 1996     JICA – Japan

Use of Biochar in enhancing the productivity of rice systems – University of Edinburgh in 2018      Edinburgh, U.K

Best paper awards (12) 

Award for article id 32049  entitled System of Rice Intensification (SRI): “ A Resource Conserving Method of Rice crop establishments”which got published in Volume 2- Issue _10 in Agriculture & Food: e-Newsletter

International Rice Symposium held during 18-20november 2015 at IIRR Hyderabad “  Entitled Evaluation of mechanical transplanting-a modification of SRI: TV SINGH, RM Kumar, VR Babu and Parul Tiwari  

Foreign Visits :

JICA - Japan- 1996, University of Edinburgh - Scotland -2018

Technologies/Products/Varieties/Novel germplasm/Methodologies developed:-  

6 technologies:

  • Leaf colour chart for Irrigated rice Commercialization (2017)- Nitrogen Parameters Developer.
  • Nutrient Expert (IPNI)    Released during AICRIP workshop 2018 for General Use by rice scientists  Co- developer and Co-ordinator form IIRR.
  • SRI ( Collaborator)            Released Principle of SRI in 2011 for its implementation across the country      Developer in making the technology for Indian conditions  and promoter.
  • Modified Drum seeder 2017       Co-developer with Agri Engineering.
  • AWD pani pipe for water saving in rice and tested  Sensor based water management in irrigated rice         2019                Co- developer.
  • AICRIP experimental data base(http://www.aicrip-intranet.in)SW 12459/2019 Computer soft ware work      Co- developer.

Patents/copyrights :

Associated in 10

New Research Findings - Associated in development of varieties:

  1. DRR Dhan 51: IET 25484 (Recommended for Swarna Growing areas- UP , Gujarath Telangana and Chattisgarh)                CVRC     Co-developer in evaluating the performance related to Agronomy and co-ordinated the agronomy trials of the cultures.
  2. DRR Dhan 54: IET 25653 (RP 5943-421-16-1-1-B) derived from the cross of RP 5124-11-4-3-2-1/IR 78877-208-B-1-1 is suitable for aerobic system of cultivation in water limiting areas of Zone II (Haryana), III (Odisha, Bihar and Jharkand), VI (Gujarat) and VII (Telangana) CVRC     Co-developer in evaluating the performance related to Agronomy and co-ordinated the agronomy trials of the cultures.
  3. DRR Dhan 55:AEROBIC RICE VARIETY DRR DHAN-55 [RP 5591-123-16-2 (IET 26194)]CVRC     Co-developer in evaluating the performance related to Agronomy and co-ordinated the agronomy trials of the cultures.
  4. DRR Dhan 56: IET 26803 (RP 6221-GSR IR1-8-S9-D2-Y2=HHZ 8-SAL9-DT2-Y2) is early duration, tall erect, highly vigorous, non-lodging, non-shattering and dark green in colour. CVRC     Co-developer in evaluating the performance related to Agronomy and co-ordinated the agronomy trials of the cultures.
  5. DRR Dhan 57: IET 26171(Aerobic rice variety)      CVRC Colloboator and helped to evaluate agronomic Performance at IIRR and across locations.
  6. DRR Dhan 58: IET 28784(Salinity tolerant Variety)    CVRC     Colloboator helped to evaluate agronomic Performance.
  7. DRR Dhan 60: IET 28061(tolerant to BLB , Low Phoshorus and fine grain type        CVRC     Co-developer in evaluating the performance related to Agronomy and co-ordinated the agronomy trials of the cultures.
  8. Improved Samba Mahsuri:   Associated in Development of Nutrient use efficiency and pest disease resistance cultivars in Rice (RP Bio-226) is a high yielding fine grain rice variety. In a collaborative project, scientists from CSIR-CCMB and the ICAR-Indian Institute of Rice Research[1] (IIRR, erstwhile Directorate of Rice Research [DRR]), worked together to develop it. The variety was developed using Marker assisted selection and has three major bacterial blight resistance genes Xa21, xa13 and xa5. Improved Samba Mahsuri Identified as one of the highest impact technology of INSA in the year 2018. One of the member in the Award.
  9. Plant Germplasm Registration Certificate (RP Bio Patho-2 of Rice _INGR18001) ICAR-NBPGR Associate
  10. Developed Video programmes on Rice production technologies

Student Guided : 

20 Students both Msc and PhD

Editors/Reviewers of the Journals :  

National Award of Excellence and  Nominated member of the Glacier Journal of Scientific research  2021

Member of Scientific Society : 

5 Professional societies :

Life Member of Societies

  • Life member of Indian Society of Agronomy- 1985
  • Life member of Indian Society of Weed Science - 1985
  • Life member of Association of Rice Research Workers –ARRW , Cuttack 2000
  • Life member of Indian Science Congress
  • Life member of Society for Advancement of Rice Research –IIRR 2005
  • Life member of Farming Systems Research and Development
  • Member for Indian Soil Science Society- A.P Chapter -2005
  • Life Member for Indian Society of Agronomy – Telangana Chapter -2016
  • Life member of The Indian Society of Dry land Agriculture – CRIDA 2018
  • Life member of the Indian Society of Soil Survey and Land use Planning -2017
  • Member of the American society of Agronomy 2021 ( International )

Positions: 4

  • South zone councilor for Association of Rice Research Workers –ARRW , Cuttack 2000, Cuttack-2015-2018 ( 3 years)
  • Founder Secretary -Indian Society of Agronomy – Telangana Chapter -2016 ( 3 years)
  • Secretary for Society for Advancement of Rice Research –IIRR  2019 – Contd..
  • Zonal Coordinator -Indian Society of Agronomy – Telangana Chapter -2020- Contd..

Training Organized :

20  Trainings on SRI popularisations :

  • Directorate of Rice Research 2005 to 2016. Most of the trainees are involved in popularization of SRI in respective states (Tripura, Tamil Nadu, A.P, Jammu, Punjab, Maharashtra and and Pondicherry) MOA, ICAR.
  • Rice Production Technology Commissioner ate & Directorate of Agriculture - Andhra Pradesh.
  • Hybrid Rice Seed Production and Seed Certification Odisha State OSSOPCA Department of Agrl.
  • MTC on System of Rice Intensification Directorate of Extension, GOI New Delhi.
  • Short course on Water Management and Water Saving Technology in Rice ICAR, New Delhi 

Training Undergone 

20  trainings :

  1. Conducted SRI National conferences as convenior during 2006-2008
  2. 105th Indian Science congress proceedings held at Manipur University Imphal 16-20March 2018 pp87
  3. 105th Indian Science congress proceedings held at Manipur University Imphal 16-20March 2018 pp130
  4. Virtual Nitrogen centers (NEWS, INTRIV, INEW and IVNFC) during 3-5th October 2017
  5. Inter drought. International conference. Organised by ICRISAT, 21-25th February 2017
  6. Organised Winter schools -5
  7. Conducted International Conference on Sustainable crop Intensification during 2022 where in more than 20 countries delegates participated

Publications (Top 30) :

Senguttuvel P. N. Madhusudan Raman Sundaram, Beulah Pasumarthi, Veerendra Jaldhani, M.R.Lakshmikanth, M.S. Anantha, Revathi Ponnuswamy C.Gireesh, Gobinath Rajendran, Mahadeva swamy, Hk A.S. HariPrasad, Rapolu Mahender Kumar, K.V. Radhakrishna (2024) Correction to: Identification of low phosphorus tolerant parental lines of hybrid rice based on stress indices and haplotype analysis using Pup1 linked markers                Cereal Research Communications https://doi.org/10.1007/s42976-024-00531-5   C066      7.6, 2024.

Rapolu Mahender Kumar, Padmavathi Chintalapati, Santosha Rathod, Tapeshwar Vidhan Singh, Surekha Kuchi, Prasad Babu B. B. Mannava, Patharath Chandran Latha, Nethi Somasekhar, Bandumula Nirmala, Srinivas Prasad Madamsetty, J. V. N. S. Prasad, Shanmugam Vijaya Kumar, Dayyala Srinivas, Banugu Sreedevi, Mangal Deep Tuti, Melekote Nagabhushan Arun, Banda Sailaja and Raman Meenakshi Sundaram (2023) Comparison of System of Rice Intensification Applications and Alternatives in India: Agronomic, Economic, Environmental,Energy, and Other Effects     Agronomy, 13(2492)1-19, A115, 9.7, 2023.

R Mahender Kumar and R Meenakshi Sundaram S Vijayakumar, Sanjay Saha, P Saravanane, E Subramanian (2023) Barnyardgrass (Echinochloa crus-galli) seed production and shattering in response to its emergence time and transplanted rice geometry               Indian Journal of Weed Science, 55(2) 162-168    I110       5.42, 2023

P. Chintalapati, S. Rathod, N. Repalle, N.R.G. Varma, K. Karthikeyan, S. Sharma, R.M. Kumar, G Katti (2023) Insect Pest Incidence with the System of Rice Intensification: Results of a Multi-Location Study and a Meta-Analysis Agronomy,13(1100)1-15 A115, 9.7,2023.

Muralidhara Bharamappanavara , Manoj Appaiah Chikkahosahalli , Basavaraj Siddanagouda Patil , Ajitha Vijjeswarapu , M. Siddaih Anantha , Lokesha Ramappa , Jayateertha Diwan , Jayaprakash Mohan Nidagundi , Umesh Rangappa Mathada , Suma Chandrasekhara Talagunda, Lokesh Yellaiah Guddalahalli , Rajanna Byanna, Santosha Rathod , Raman Meenakshi Sundaram, Lella Venkata Subbarao , Mahender Kumar Rapolu and Channappa Gireesh (2023) Genetic analysis and identification of QTLs associated with yield-enhancing traits in Oryza sativa IR64 × Oryza glaberrima interspecific backcross populations       Crop & Pasture Science, 74(11), C178, 7.9, 2023.

Muralidhara Bharamappanavara, Anantha Siddaiah Madhyavenkatapura, Manoj Chikkahosahalli Appaiah, Basavaraj Siddanagouda Patil, Ajitha Vijjeswarapu, Ponnuvel Senguttuvel, Maganti Sheshu Madhav, Santosha Rathod, Tapan Kumar Mondal, Lokesha Ramappa, Umesh Rangappa Mathada, Raman Meenakshi Sundaram, Sreedevi Palakolanu, Brajendra Parmer, Mahender Kumar Rapolu, Lella Venkata Subba Rao & Channappa Gireesh (2023) Genetic analysis of early seedling vigour in Oryza glaberrima accessions under laboratory and direct-seeded rice conditions           Cereal Research Communications, 51, 991-1002  C066      7.6, 2023.

Manoj, CA; Muralidhara, B; Basavaraj, PS; Gireesh, C; Sundaram, RM; Senguttuvel, P; Suneetha, K; Rao, LV Subba; Kemparaju, KB; Brajendra, P; Kumar, R Mahender; Rathod, Santosha; Salimath, PM; Lokesha, R; Anantha, MS (2023) Evaluation of rice genotypes for low phosphorus stress and identification of tolerant genotypes using stress tolerance indices      Indian Journal of Genetics And Plant Breeding, 83(1)24-31             I070        7.32, 2023.

Tuti, Mangal Deep; Rapolu, Mahender Kumar; Sreedevi, Banugu; Bandumula, Nirmala; Kuchi, Surekha; Bandeppa, Sonth; Saha, Soumya; Parmar, Brajendra; Rathod, Santosha; Ondrasek, Gabrijel (2022) Sustainable intensification of a rice–maize system through Conservation Agriculture to enhance system productivity in Southern India      Plants, 11(9)1229, A240      8.9, 2022.

Madhusudan, N; Beulah, P; Jaldhani, Veerendra; Nagaraju, P; Manasa, Y; Sundaram, RM; Laha, GS; Anantha, MS; Barbadikar, Kalyani M; Gireesh, C, R.M.Kumar (2022) Stacking of Pup1 QTL for low soil phosphorus tolerance and bacterial blight resistance genes in the background of APMS6B, the maintainer line of rice hybrid DRRH-3    Euphytica,218(4)37 , E128, 7.9, 2022.

Adrea Móring, Sunila Hooda, Nandula Raghuram, Tapan Kumar Adhya, Altaf Ahmad, Sanjoy K Bandyopadhyay, Tina Barsby, Gufran Beig, Alison R Bentley, Arti Bhatia, Ulrike Dragosits, Julia Drewer, John Foulkes, Sachin D Ghude, Rajeev Gupta, Niveta Jain, Dinesh Kumar, R Mahender Kumar, Jagdish K Ladha, Pranab Kumar Mandal, CN Neeraja, Renu Pandey, Himanshu Pathak, Pooja Pawar, Till K Pellny, Philip Poole, Adam Price, DLN Rao, David S Reay, NK Singh, Subodh Kumar Sinha, Rakesh K Srivastava, Peter Shewry, Jo Smith, Claudia E Steadman, Desiraju Subrahmanyam, Kuchi Surekha, Karnam Venkatesh, Aimable Uwizeye, Massimo Vieno, Mark A Sutton (2021) Nitrogen challenges and opportunities for agricultural and environmental science in India.             Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 5, 505347, F109,10.7,2021.

HK Mahadeva Swamy, M Anila, RR Kale, G Rekha, VP Bhadana, MS Anantha, P Brajendra, CH Balachiranjeevi, SK Hajira, B Laxmi Prasanna, K Pranathi, T Dilip, MBVN Kousik, G Harika, K Surekha, R Mahender Kumar, C Cheralu, V Gouri Shankar, GS Laha, MS Prasad, LV Subba Rao, MS Madhav, SM Balachandran, RM Sundaram (2020) Marker assisted improvement of low soil phosphorus tolerance in the bacterial blight resistant, fine-grain type rice variety, Improved Samba Mahsuri    Scientific reports, 10(1)21143, S023, 10.6, 2020.

H.K. Mahadeva Swamy, M. Anila, Ravindra R. Kale, V.P. Bhadana, M.S. Anantha, P. Brajendra, S.K. Hajira, C.H. Balachiranjeevi, B. Laxmi Prasanna, K. Pranathi, T. Dilip, S. Bhaskar, V. Abilash Kumar, M.B.V.N. Kaousik, G.Harika, K. Swapnil, G. Rekha, C. Cheralu, V. Gouri Shankar, S. Narendra Reddy, Sudhir Kumar, S.M. Balachandran, M.S. Madhav, R. Mahendra Kumar, R.M. Sundaram(May, 2019). Phenotypic and molecular characterization of rice germplasm lines and identification of novel source for low soil phosphorus tolerance in rice.         Euphutica (2019) 215:118. Pp. 1-15. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10681-091-2443-0, E128,     7.9, 2019.

Subramaniam Gopalakrishnan, R Mahender Kumar, Pagidi Humayun, V Srinivas, B Ratna Kumari, R Vijayabharathi, Amit Singh, K Surekha, Ch Padmavathi, N Somashekar, P Raghuveer Rao, PC Latha, LV Subba Rao, VR Babu, BC Viraktamath, V Vinod Goud, N Loganandhan, Biksham Gujja, Om Rupela (2014) Assessment of different methods of rice (Oryza sativa. L) cultivation affecting growth parameters, soil chemical, biological, and microbiological properties, water saving, and grain yield in rice–rice system         Paddy and Water Environment,12(1)      P002 , 8.2, 2013.

Nirmala. B. Gulshan Mahaja and R.Mahneder Kumar ( 2018). Farm level and aggregate economic impact of direct seeded rice in Punjab.   Journal of experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences , February-2018; Volume 6 ( 1) 253-257     J236       6.6, 2018.

R.Mahedner Kumar, T. Vidhan Singh, B.Sreedevi, K. Surekha, CH.Padmavathi, M.S. Prasad, B.Gangaiah, T.Sudhaker, D.Srinivas, L.V. Subba Rao, Muthuraman P, Mangaldeep Tuti and V.Ravindra Babu. (2016). Mechanized weed management in System of Rice Intensification (SRI) to enhance the productitivity of irrigated rice.   Indian Journal of Weed Science. Vol.48 (3) pg:1-5, I110       5.42, 2016.

S. Praneeth, D. Vishnu Vardhan Reddy, R. Mahender Kumar, P.C. Latha, T. Ramesh and Raguveer Rao1 (2018). Yield and yield attributes influenced by different planting methods and nitrogen treatments. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(8):3061-3067  DOI: https://doi.org/10.20546/ijcmas.2017.608.366    2319-7692, 5.38,2018.

I.Thirupathi, G.E.CH. Vidya Sagar, R. Mahender Kumar, K. Surekha, J.V.N.S Prasad and S. Narender Reddy (2018). Assesment of energetics of rice with irrigation and nitrogen management practices under different establishment methods.               International Journal of Current  Microbiology and Applied Sciences. ISSN: 2319-7706 Volume 7 Number 01(2018). https://doi/org/10.20546/ijcmas.2018.701.279.    2319-7692, 5.38, 2018.

K.Surekha, R.M. Kumar, D. Subramanyam, C.V. Neeraja, K. Rajesh and S.R. Voleti (April, 2019). All India Co-ordinated Rice Improvement Programme Approaches on Improving Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Rice.    Indian Journal of Fertilisers 15(4) : 388-399, April, 2019, 0973-1822 5.29, 2019.

T.M.Sudhakara, A. Srinivas, R.M.Kumar, T. Ram Prakash and G.A.Rajanna ( 2017). Energy saving and profitability of rice(Oryza sativa) under mechanized and conventional system of rice intensification.          Indian Journal of Agronomy 62(2): 57-62 (June 2017)     0537-197X, 5.21, 2017.

R.Mahender Kumar, S. Gopala Krishnan, P.C. Latha, K. Surekha, CH.Padmavathi, N. Somashekar, P.Muthuraman, M.S. Prasad, D. Srinivas and P Brajendra. (2017) Influence of different methods of rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivation on microbes, soil health, water productivity and grain yield.   Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry. SP1:394-399, 2349-8234, 5.21, 2017.

Any other Information:

Significant Achievements of the nominee in the field of rice research (maximum 200 words). 

  • Development and commercialization of LCC for nitrogen use efficiency which reduces 25% of Nitrogen requirement for rice. Worked on SRI cultivation in rice ( 15 years )  and has been validated and modified to suit and implemented  in Large scale in India ( 10,000,00 acres ). First SRI ICAR bulletin was prepared and circulated as guidelines to all States of Agriculture department..
  • Collaborated in developing Nutrient Expert (NE) – Rice with IPNI which is a nutrient management decision support tool
  • Associated in Development of Nutrient use efficiency and pest disease resistance cultivars in Rice.
  • Associated in development of production technologies for basmati, hybrid and latest released varieties.
  • As principal investigator ( past 10 years ) of the AICRIP ( 35 funded and 15 voluntary centres)  monitored and evaluated  agro techniques of rice in different ecosystems for recommendation of site specific agro techniques across the country .
  • Got advanced training on Rice cultivation Technology in rice in Japan as JICA trainee  ( 1996) and Biochar utilization in rice and rice based cropping systems under guidance of the Dr. Saran Sohi, Head Biochar Unit , University of Edinburgh , UK ( 2018)
  • Acted as South Zone councilor of ARRW for the year 2015 to 2018 and also working as Secretary for SARR and Telangana Zonal Cordinator for ISA- New Delhi in organizing conferences and workshops for promotion of rice research.
  • Presently working on DSR promotion and Carbon credits to farmers of Telangana state through SBI CSR funding ( Rs. 4.5 crores )

   Field application of findings

  • Working with10,000 farmers for promoting DSR for sustainable rice production (SBI-CSR Funding )
  • Government of Andhra Pradesh, Govt. of Tamilnadu has implemented the programmes of SRI promotion aggressively in every districts and blocks (Allocated Rs.4.00 crores )
  • At present, Tamilnadu Andra Pradesh Tripura and Bihar has the target of implementing SRI in an area of 8.5 , 3.5, 1 and 3.5 m ha in their respective states  to enhance the rice productivity and profitability.
  • Government of Karnataka allocated Rs.3,75 crores for the purpose and intend to use NGO media to popularize it in the dry areas.
  • Many SAUs and coordinated schemes have been conducting SRI experiments in various ecosystems.
  • ICAR found 48% yield advantage of SRI over the normal rice and helped to keep SRI as one of the component for enhancing the rice production
  • NABARD is involved in funding as well as associating in various NGO’s to promote SRI in different states. In A.P itself , SRI has been promoted in 17 districts and in collaboration with Department of Agriculture , ANGRAU, DRR in four totally water scarce situations( Nalgondsa, Khammam, Medak and MahaboobNagar)
  • Many Donor agencies and NGO’s are actively involved in spreading the technology




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