Dr. B. Sreedevi, Principal Scientist
Name : Dr. B. Sreedevi
Designation : Principal Scientist
Email Id : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone : 040-24591235
Mobile : -
Google scholar link : https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=bjjSKXoAAAAJ&hl=en
Research gate link : https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Banugu-Sreedevi
ORCID link : https://orcid.org/my-orcid?orcid=0000-0002-6833-3202
Educational Qualification :
M.Sc. Ag (Agronomy)1988; Ph. D (Remote Sensing)2002
Employment Record / Work Experience :
Area research specialization :
Rice Agronomy (Aerobic rice, weed management, nutrient management in rice based cropping systems, Water saving technologies)
Important projects under taken :
- Development of agronomic package for Aerobic rice and Rice based Cropping Systems.
- Team member in development and release of High Yielding Rice Varieties DRRDhan70, DRRDhan71, DRRDhan55, DRRDhan54, DRRDhan52, DRRDhan46, DRRDhan45, DRRDhan44 and DRRDhan42 and Hybrid DRRH4.
- Integrated Weed management in different methods of Rice establishment.
- Nutrient management in Rice and Rice based cropping systems with special reference to Sulphur nutrition.
- Water management in different methods of Rice establishment.
- Screening of breeding material for agronomic traits in the process of Varietal Development *Rice Area and Production estimations using Remote Sensing and GIS techniques.
Awards and Honors:
- Life Time Achievement Award Agronomy,2024 by Indian Society of Agriculture Science &Technology Research.
- Eminent Scientist Agronomy 2023 by Indian Society of Agriculture and Horticulture Research & Development.
- Adarsh Vidya Saraswathi Rastriya Puraskar 2023 by Global Management Council.
- Outstanding Scientist 2018 Award by The Society of Tropical Agriculture.
- Certificate of excellence in reviewing the 3rd International Virtual Conference on advanced Scientific results 2015 (Science Conf 2015).
- Fellowship Award 2014 during ECOBASM 2014 by Society for Scientific Development in Agriculture and Technology.
Foreign Visits :
- Attended and presented two research papers in “26th Asian Pacific Weed Science Society Conference” at Kyoto, Japan during 19-22 September 2017.
- Participated in International Rice Research Conference 2000 at International Rice Research Institute, Philippines from 31 March to 3 April 2000.
- Attended training program on “GIS techniques for Agro-ecosystems characterization” during 30 March to 30 April 1998 at International Rice Research Institute, Philippines.
Technologies/Products/Varieties/Novel germplasm/Methodologies developed:-
Developed agronomic package for aerobic rice.
- Development of “Weed Information System” for Rice Knowledge Management Portal (RKMP) *Sulphur nutrition in deficient soils for rice cultivation.
- Investigated the influence of seed priming on rice crop growth and yield.
- Evaluated new herbicide molecules in different systems of rice cultivation as Principal Investigator (2001 onwards).
- Associated in development of Mobile App. on IPM in Rice.
- Team member in release of High Yielding Rice Varieties DRRDhan70, DRRDhan71, DRRDhan55, DRRDhan54, DRRDhan52, DRRDhan46, DRRDhan45, DRRDhan44 and DRRDhan42 and Hybrid DRRH4.
Patents/copyrights : --
Student Guided :
- M.Sc. Ag - 6.
- Ph. D- 6.
- Mentor Scientist for MANAGE CFA Trainees -2
Editors/Reviewers of the Journals :
- Reviewer - Plant and Soil; International Journal of Environment and Climate Change; International Journal of Plant and Soil Science; Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology; Journal of Engineering Research and Reports.
- Annual Report 2017-18 ICAR-Indian Institute of Rice Research Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-500030, Telangana,India- Compiled and Edited by S.M.Balachandran, J. Aravindkumar, B.Sreedevi, V.Manasa, P.Sanjeevrao, C.Kannan, Y.Sreedhar, SeshuMadhav, P.Senguttuvel, P.A.LakshmiPrasanna, Divya Balakrishnan, U.Chaitanya.
- Ch. Padmavathi, B. Sreedevi, M. Sampath Kumar, Ladha Lakshmi, S. Arun Kumar 2012. New Frontiers in Integrated Pest Management in Rice and Rice Based Cropping Systems, 13 September to 3 October, 2012, Directorate of Rice Research Hyderabad.
- Annual Report 2008-09, Directorate of Rice Research, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-500 030 India. Compiled and Edited by J.S. Bentur, D. Krishnaveni, N. Somashekhar, B. Sreedevi, G.S.V. Prasad, B. Sailaja and B.C. Viraktamath.
Member of Scientific Society :
Life Member of Indian Society of Agronomy
• Life member, Society of Agronomists (Andhra Pradesh Chapter)
• Life Member, Indian Society of Weed Science.
• Life member, Society for Advancement of Rice Research
• Life member of Indian Society of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning
• Life member of Association of Rice Research Workers
Training Organized :
- B. Sreedevi Training was organized to farm labourers, technical Assistants regarding parthenium control and management in the farm premises; Rythu Vedikas in Telangana State in coordination with District Agricultural Officials, as part of Parthenium Awareness Program from 16 to 22 August Every Year from 2008 onwards.
- Two days training programme (virtual mode) on “Modern Crop production techniques in Rice - Importance of Data collection and coordination in AICRIP ” 22-23 October , 2021 Chairman: Dr. R.M. Sunderam, Director, ICAR-IIRR .Course Directors: Dr. R.M.Kumar PI AICRIP,Dr. K.Surekha , Dr. Subramaniam, Dr. Sanjay Saha NRRI and Dr. Muthu Raman Head TTT Course Coordinators: Drs. B. Sreedevi, Dr. Tuti, Dr. Soumya Saha and Dr. Aaarthisingh, Dr. Bandeppa, Dr. Akshay Sakare and Dr. S. Vijay Kumar.
- 21 day program as one of the Course Coordinators for “ Eco-friendly integrated pest management in rice and rice-based cropping systems” (sponsored by Indian Council of Agricultural Research) from Sept.15-Oct.5 2012( Course director: J.S.Prasad; Course Co-ordinators: Ch. Padmavathi, Ladalakshmi, B. Sreedevi and S. Arunkumar).
- 21 day program as one of the Course Coordinators for “Winter school on eco-friendly management of pests and diseases in rice and rice-based cropping systems” (sponsored by Indian Council of Agricultural Research) from Sept.15-Oct.5 2009.( Course director: J.S.Prasad; Course Co-ordinators: A.P.Padmakumari, G.S.Laha, B. Sreedevi and P.Muthuraman).
Training Undergone :
Management Development Programme on Information and Communication Technologies for Farm Women at NAARM, Hyderabad from 01 to 06 February 2019.
International Training Course on "Increasing Water Use Efficiency in Agriculture" 24 Sep to 14 October 2007 at ANGRAU, Hyderabad.
Scientific Writing and Presentation skills from 10-15 May 2004 at DRR, Hyderabad by IRRI.
Training program on “GIS techniques for Agro-ecosystems characterization” at International Rice Research Institute, Philippines – Attended from 30 March to 30 April 1998.
Publications (Top 30) :
- B. Sreedevi, R.Mahahenderkumar, Mangal Deep Tuti and R.M.Sundaram 2024. Chemical Weed Management in Direct Sown Rice. Technical Bulletin No 123. ICAR-Indian Institute of Rice Research, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-500 030. India. pp. 60.
- Sreedevi Banugu, J.S. Sudharani, R.Mahenderkumar, M.D.Tuti, Arti singh and S.R.Voleti 2022. Growth and yield performance of newly released aerobic rice varieties under varied weed pressure. Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology. Volume41 (Issue6).
- B. Sreedevi 2021. (Integrated Weed Management) Samagra Kalpu Yajamanyamu. Vari sagulo samagra yajmanyam. Bulletin number 108/2021.pp25-27.
- B. Sreedevi, Aarti Singh, Chandulal Thakur, M. Prasant Kumar, Vinod Mehra, R. Mahenderkumar and G. K. Srivastava 2020. Weed Control by Single Post-emergence Combination Herbicide Florpyrauxifen-Benzyl + Cyhalofop Butyl in Aerobic Rice. Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology 39(3): 109-122.
- B. Sreedevi 2020. Climate Smart Aerobic System of Rice Cultivation 132-140. Book Chapter in Agriculture Development and Economic Transformation in Global Scenario. Mahima Publications, Varanasi, India. ISBN: 978-81-943375-3-9.
• B. Sreedevi, Aarti Singh, Chandulal Thakur, M. Prasant Kumar, Vinod Mehra, R. Mahenderkumar and G. K. Srivastava 2020. Weed Control by Single Post-Emergence Combination Herbicide Florpyrauxifen-Benzyl Plus Cyhalofop Butyl in Aerobic Rice. Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology. 39(3): 109-122, 2020. - B. Sreedevi, P. Senguttuvel, R. Mahender Kumar, Aarti Singh, P.C. Latha, N. Soma Sekhar, B. Jhansi Rani, G.S. Laha, M.D. Tuti, Soumya Saha, Bandeppa, Shaik N. Meera, S. Arun Kumar, M.N. Arun and S.R. Voleti 2019. Agrotechniques for resource efficient aerobic rice cultivation. Technical Bulletin No. 102/2019. ICAR-Indian Institute of Rice Research, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-500 030. India. pp. 84.
- Sreedevi B. Aarti Singh and M.Tejaswini, 2019. Integrated nutrient management with biofertilizers in different genotypes of rice sown under aerobic conditions. Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology 3394:1-8, 2019.
- B. Sreedevi, M.N. Arun, P. Krishnamurthy, A.Sandhyarani, R. Mahenderkumar and BCViraktamath, 2018. Impact of nutrient management on the performance of rice (Oryza sativa)-blackgram (Vigna mungo L.) cropping system. Indian Journal of Agricultural Research 52(6)2018-637-642.
- Sreedevi, B. R.M.Kumar, Aarti Singh, M.D.Tuti, Soumya Saha and S.R.Voleti.2018. Assessing the efficacy of new low dose herbicide molecule in puddle direct sown rice. Journal of Rice Research, Vol.11. No2 ;45-49.
- B.Sreedevi and Team 2018. Technology 11. Integrated Weed Management in Rice. Rice Technologies for doubling farmers’ income. Editors: Saik N. Meera, S. Arunkumar and S.R.Voleti. Bulletin No.100/2018 p32-34.
- B.Sreedevi and Team 2018. Technology 13. Aerobic system of Rice Cultivation. Rice Technologies for doubling farmers’ income, Editors: Saik N. Meera S. Arunkumar and S.R.Voleti. Bulletin No.100/2018 p36-37.
- B.Sreedevi, B.Dhanunjayareddy, B.Sandhyarani, R.Mahenderkumar, P.Senguttuvelu and V.Ravindrababu 2017. Aerobic cultivation technology for limited water rice farmers. International Journal of Tropical Agriculture Vol.35, No,2. 2017. p. 267-272.
- B.Sreedevi 2017. DRRDhan45, Aerobic rice technology and Integrated weed management technology. Front Line Demonstrations on Rice 2017-18. IIRR. Shaik N.Meera et.al. p.4, 16, 28-30, 78-80.
- B.Sreedevi. 2017. Wild rice and weediness- cause for concern. Compendium of Lecture notes ICAR sponsored Short Course on Pre-breeding using wild species for sustainable yield in crops. P18-27.
- B.Sreedevi 2017. DRRDhan45, Aerobic rice technology and Integrated weed management technology. Front Line Demonstrations on Rice 2017-18. IIRR. Shaik N.Meera et.al. p.4, 16, 28-30, 78-80.
- B.Sreedevi, P.Senguttuvel, C.Kannan, R.L.Verma, H.KJoshi, Shailendrasingh and P.B.Patel.2017. Salicornia brachiata - Multipurpose seasonal herb of coastal saline soils IIRR Newsletter,15 (2&3) p6.
- B. Sreedevi, A. Sandhyarani, D. Sreenivas, B. Venkatanna, A. Vinaykartheek and R. Mahenderkumar 2016. Chemical weed control in aerobic rice. Journal of Rice Research, Vol9: No.2. Page Nos. 28-31.
- B.Sreedevi, P.C.Latha, Hemasankari and T.Ram 2016. Sulphur application in rice-blackgram cropping system-changes in yield, economics and post-harvest quality. Journal of Rice Research, Vol9: No. 1. PP. 20-23.
- B. Sreedevi, P.C. Latha, P. Hemasankari, T. Ram, V. Jhansilakshmi, D. Krishnaveni and Brajendra (2015) Agronomic management of rice based cropping systems in sulfur deficient soils. Technical Book No.85/2015.IIRR, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-500030, Telangana, India. P.57.
- B. Sreedevi, 2014. Aerobic rice –An alternate cultivation method under water limited conditions, e publication in oryza.com on 16-10-2014.
- B. Sreedevi, P. Krishnamurthy, PC.Lata, T.Ram and S.P. Singh2014 Impact of Sulphur fertilization on paddy-sunflower system in deficient vertisols. Progressive Research, Vol.9.365-366.
- Sreedevi, B., Krishnamurthy, P., Mahender Kumar, R. and Viraktamath. B. C. 2012. A ready reckoner for rice weeds. Technical Bulletin No. 64, Directorate of Rice Research, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad – 500030, A.P., India. pp 105.
- B.Sreedevi and Aarti Singh 2016. Aerobic rice cultivation techniques. Kheti March 2017. P31-33.
- B. Sreedevi, Reena Mathew, Nimmi Jose, Leenakumary, Ch. Padmavathi, D.Subramanyam, JyothiBadri and N.Sivakumar.2016. Problem of weedy rice in Kerala and its management in participatory mode. IIRR Newsletter Vol.14.No.4,2016 .P.5-6.
- B.Sreedevi, Chandulal Thakur, P.Senguttuvel, A.Sandhyarani, B.Dhanunjayareddy, R.Mahenerkumar and V.Ravindrababu 2015. Energy dynamics of herbicidal weed control in aerobic rice. IIRR News Letter Vol. No.1 2016.p 8-9.
- B. Sreedevi 2014. Management of Sulphur nutrition in Rice. Vyavasaya Padipantalu, October, p.8-9.
- B.Sreedevi.2013. Weeds of rice- Cyperus difformis (umbrella nutsedge/small flower umbrella sedge). Directorate of Rice Research News Letter, Vol.11, No.4. p 11.
- B.Sreedevi.2013. Echinochloa crusgalli (barnyard grass)- A serious weed of rice Directorate of Rice Research News Letter,Vol.11, No.1. p 11.
- B.Sreedevi 2013. Rabi varilo samagara kalupu Yagamanyamu. 43-44, March 2013, Vyavasaya Padipantalu.
- B.Sreedevi 2013. Vari Samagra Paryavarava Parirakshan. B. Sreedevi April 2012 P. 34 Vyavasaya Padipantalu.
- B. Sreedevi, 2013. Management of Sulphur nutrition in Rice. Vyavasaya Padipantalu, October, p.8-9.
- B.Sreedevi, 2013. Fertilizer application in Aerobic rice. Vyavasaya Padipantalu, December.p.8-9.
- B.Sreedevi, 2011.Aerobic rice. Padipantalu (A.P.State Dept. of Agrl. Publication) August. 2011.
- B. Sreedevi, S.P. Singh and P.Krishnamurthy, 2009.Dhan ki upaj par chakrey yevam lagatar simchaye our beej astaran ka prabhav. In “Dhanutpadan badhane ki takanekiya”. Editors K. Muralidharan, D.Venkateswarlu, S.P.Singh and Vanita. Technical Bulletin No. 35.1-3.
- R. Mahender Kumar, B. Sreedevi, Mangal Deep Tuti, S. Vijay Kumar, Aarti Singh, Soumya Saha, M.N. Arun, K. Surekha, C.N. Neeraja, D. Subramanyam, B. Nirmala, Brajendra, M.B.B. Prasadbabu, Mohibbe Azam, Vidhan Singh, L.V. Subbarao, A.S. Hariprasad, P. Muthuraman, Jhansi Rani, M. Srinivas Prasad, R.M. Sundaram and M. Narayana Reddy. 2022. Rice Agronomy. Book No. 100 /2022. ICAR-Indian Institute of Rice Research, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-500 030, Telangana State, India, 105 pp.
- Kumar R.M., Sreedevi B., Mangaldeep Tuti, Aarti Singh, Soumya Saha, M.N. Arun, B. Gangaiah, K. Surekha, Brajendra, T. Vidhansingh, M. Sreenivasaprasad, V. Prakasam, Gururaj Katti, CH. Padmavathi, N. Somasekhar, B.Nirmala, L.V.Subbarao, P.Muthuraman and S.R.Voleti 2019. Sustainable Rice and Rice Based Cropping Systems (All India Co-ordinated Rice Improvement Program-AICRIP Experiences). Technical Bulletin No. 105/2019. ICAR-Indian Institute of Rice Research, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-500030, India.p.128.
- Ch.Padmavathi, B.Sreedevi, D.Krishnaveni,K.Surekha, G.Padmavathi, M.S.Prasad, R.Maheneder kumar, Gururaj Katti and V.Ravindrababu.2016. Vari Pocket Book. Bulletin No.93/2016. Indian Institute of Rice Research, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-500030. P64.
- JS Sudha Rani, B Sreedevi, KP Vani, M Venkata Ramana, PC Latha, P Surendrababu, M Yakadri and C Lokesh.2024. Seedling Vigour Index (SVI), weed competitiveness and root traits of aerobic rice under organic and inorganic sources nutrient management. International Journal of Research in Agronomy 2024; 7(1): 110-118.
- J. S. Sudha rani, B. Sreedevi, K. P. Vani, M. Venkata ramana, P. C. Latha , P. Surendrababu and M. Yakadri.2022. Root dynamics of aerobic rice under organic nutrient sources and inorganic nutrient levels. The J. Res. PJTSAU 50(2) 48-56, 2022.
- J. S. Sudha Rani, B. Sreedevi, K. P. Vani, P.C. Latha, M. Venkata Ramana, P. Surendra babu and K. Naganjali 2022. Effect of Organic and Inorganic Sources of Nutrients on Yield Attributes and Yield of Maize in Aerobic Rice- Zero Till Maize Cropping System Under Sandy Clay Loam Soils in Southern Telangana Agro-Climatic Zone. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change 12(10): 449-461. ISSN: 2581-8627.
- JS Sudha Rani, B Sreedevi, KP Vani, M Venkata Ramana, PC Latha and M Yakadri.2023. Growth, yield attributes and yield of aerobic rice under organic and inorganic sources nutrient management. International Journal of Statistics and Applied Mathematics 2023; SP-8(6): 733-737.
- Prakash C.R, Sreedevi.B, Kishore K.Y, Venkatesh J,Dwivedi R.S and Mahbooba Asra, 2015, Zonal-Level Urban Sprawl Analysis using Digitally-Merged Resourcesat-Liss IV and Cartosat-PAN Bitemporal Data, Cloud Publications, International Journal of Advanced Remote Sensing and GIS 2015, Volume 4, Issue 1, PP 1239-1252.
- Prakash C.R, Sreedevi B, Mahbooba Asra and Dwivedi R.S, 2015, Feature Selection for Urban Land-Cover Classification using Landsat-7 ETM+ Data, Cloud Publications, International Journal of Advanced Remote Sensing and GIS 2015, Volume 4, Issue 1, PP 1229-1238.
- A.P. Padmakumari, B. Sreedevi and K. Sivakrishna, 2019. Effect of herbicides on feeding, survival and development of Haltica cyanea, a biocontrol agent of dicot weed, Ammania baccifera L. in rice ecosystem. Journal of Biological Control, 33(2): 117-121, 2019.
- M. Tejaswini, B. Sreedevi, Baby Akula, B. Anil Kumar, Aarti Singh.2017. Effect of Cultivars and Biofertilizers on Growth, Yield and Nutrient Content of Aerobic Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Environment & Ecology 35 (4C): 3022—3027.
- Krishnamurthy P, B. Sreedevi, T. Ram, G. Padmavathi, R. Mahendra Kumar, P. Raghuveer Rao, N. Shobha Rani, P. C. Latha and S.P.Singh. 2010. Evaluation of rice genotypes for phosphorous use efficiency under soil mineral stress conditions. Oryza. 47(1): 29-33.
- P. Krishnamurthy, B.Sreedevi, T.Ram, G.Padmavathi, R.Mahendrakumar, P.Raghuveer Rao, N. Shobha Rani, P.C. Latha and S.P.Singh. 2010. Evaluation of rice genotypes for phosphorus use efficiency under soil mineral stress conditions. Oryza 47(1):29-33.
- S.P. Singh, B. Sreedevi and R.M. Kumar 2009. Integrated nitrogen management for seed production of Hybrid rice. Oryza 46(3): 254-256.
- S.P. Singh, B. Sreedevi, R.M. Kumar and S.V. Subbaiah 2009. Response of Hybrid rice to nutrient application in vertisols of Andhra Pradesh. Oryza 46(3):75-77.