Dr. P. Senguttuvel, Senior Scientist
Name:- P.Senguttuvel
Designation:- Senior Scientist
Email ID:- This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Official phone number:- 4024591297
Google scholar link:- https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=b07M4a4AAAAJ&hl=en
Research gate link:- https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Senguttuvel-P
ORCID link:- https://orcid.org/my-orcid?orcid=0000-0002-2811-7046
Educational Qualification:-
- UG-2007-2001
- PG-2001-2003
- PhD 2004-2008
Employment Record / Work Experience:-
- Senior scientist -2016-Present,
- Scientist -2008-2016
Area research specialization:-
Hybrid rice, Direct seeded aerobic rice, Salinity tolerance, Heat stress, abiotic stress tolerance, MABB.
Important projects under taken:-
- Genetic enhancement of parental lines suitable for aerobic and tolerance to salinity conditions through conventional and molecular approaches (Institutional-PI).
- Marker assisted improvement of popular maintainer and restorer lines of rice for tolerance to abiotic stresses (DBT-PI).
- CRP on Hybrid rice technology (CoPI).
- CRP on Molecular Breeding (CoPI).
- Marker-assisted introgression of yield-enhancing genes in rice (CoPI).
- CRISPR –Cas9 (CoPI).
- NICRA-National Initiative on climate Resilient Agriculture (CoPI).
- RKMP-Rice Knowledge Management Portal (CoPI).
- Green Super Rice (GSR)-Associate scientist.
- Indo-Asean Project (CoPI).
- Mapping and introgression of weed competitiveness in NEH rice genotypes (CoPI).
Award and Honors:-
- Prof Seetharaman Young Scientist award.
- Young scientist award (Astha Foundation, SSDAT,SAAR).
- ISGPB Fellow
Foreign Visits:-
- Collaborative Scientist, International Rice Research Institute, Philippines (5th-26th March 2014).
- Collaborative Scientist, International Rice Research Institute, Philippines (26-31st Oct 2017).
Technologies/Products/Varieties/Novel germplasm/Methodologies developed:-
- DRRH-4, World First Direct seeded aerobic hybrid.
- DRRDhan 55, DRRDhan 57 aerobic rice variety.
- DRRDhan 64-Early transplanted N use efficient variety.
- Associated in release of DRR Dhan 41,DRR Dhan 51, DRR Dhan 53, DRR Dhan 56, DRR Dhan 58, DRR Dhan 59, DRR Dhan 60, DRR Dhan 61, DRR Dhan 62.
- Registered Genetic stock -RP 5690-20- 6-3-2 for BPH.
- Registered Genetic stock -Agammi for high micronutrient.
- Registered Genetic stock -GQ 25, RP6338-9 for high temperature.
- Modified protocol for seedling stage salinity tolerance in rice.
Student Guided:- PhD-5, Msc -9
Editors/Reviewers of the Journals:-
- Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding.
- Electronic Journal of Plant breeding and genetics.
Member of Scientific Society:-
- Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding.
- Journal of Rice Research-SAAR.
- Oryza.
- Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding and Genetics
Training Organized:-
Hybrid rice Seed Production Technologies
Training Undergone:-
- Hybrid Rice Seed Production Technology Nov 3-7th, 2008 DRR, Hyderabad.
- Genetic enhancement in field crops for Input use efficiency and tolerance to abiotic stresses 15th Oct-4th Nov, 2009 CCSHAU, Hisar, Haryana.
- Data Analysis using Statistical Analysis System (SAS) 5 days,2010 NAARM, Hyderabad.
- Communication and presentation skills 23rd to 28th August 2010 Xavier Institute of Management, XIMB, Bhubaneswar.
- IPR and WTO issues 11-14th January 2012 BARC, Mumbai.
- Designer Breeding through MAS Dec 11th -16th 2012 Barwale foundation Hyderabad.
- IPR issues 2014 IIMR, Hyderabad.
- International seminar on CSA:Greenhouses-Sustainable intensification July 8th, 2020 Netherland-India.
- International seminar on Climate Smart Rice Hybrids 21st July 2020 IRRI, Philippines.
- International seminar on Advances in rice research for food security and environmental sustainability 13th August 2020 TRRI, Aduthurai.
- National training on Statistical computing with R software 28-30th September 2020 ANGRAU, India.
- National seminar on Direct seeded rice for economic and environmental sustainability of rice production 15th Oct 2020 SAAR, ICAR-IIRR, Hyderabad.
- International workshop on climate smart agriculture 23-27th October 2020 NIIT, Hiroshima university, Japan and TISS, Hyderabad.
Publications (Top 30):-
Basavaraj P. S., Gireesh C., Bharamappanavara M., Manoj C. A., Ishwarya L. V. G., Senguttuvel P., Sundaram R. M., Subbarao L. V. and Anantha M. S. 2022. Genetic analysis of introgression lines of Oryza rufipogon for improvement of low phosphorous tolerance in indica rice. Indian J. Genet. Plant Breed., 82(2): 135-142.
Senguttuvel P *, LV SubbaRao, AS HariPrasad, AVSR Swamy, C Gireesh, MS Anantha, Suneetha Kota, RM Sundaram, M Sheshu Madhav, B Nirmala, K Sruthi, GS Laha, B Sreedevi, Brajendra P, Mahender Kumar R, G Padmavathi, MS Prasad, N Somasekhar, Sadath Ali, P Koteshwar Rao, E Nagarjuna, Jaldhani V, P Beulah, P Nagaraju and Y Manasa. 2021. DRR Dhan 55 (IET 26194) - A high yielding, early maturing aerobic rice variety. Journal of Rice Research, Vol 14, No. 1Pp79-80.
Madhusudan, N., Beulah, P., Jaldhani, V. P. Nagaraju, Y. Manasa, R. M. Sundaram, G. S. Laha, M. S. Anantha, Kalyani M. Barbadikar, C. Gireesh, A. S. HariPrasad, M. Sheshu Madhav, R. Gobinath, A. Yugandhar, K. B. Kemparaju, C. N. Neeraja, P. Brajendra, M. D. Tuti, R. Mahender Kumar, K. V. Radha Krishna and P. Senguttuvel* 2022. Stacking of Pup1 QTL for low soil phosphorus tolerance and bacterial blight resistance genes in the background of APMS6B, the maintainer line of rice hybrid DRRH-3. Euphytica 218.
Senguttuvel, P*., Sravanraju, N., Jaldhani, V. B. Divya, P. Beulah, P. Nagaraju, Y. Manasa, A. S. Hari Prasad, P. Brajendra, C. Gireesh, M. S. Anantha, K. Suneetha, R. M. Sundaram, M. Sheshu Madhav, M. D. Tuti, L. V. Subbarao, C. N. Neeraja, V. P. Bhadana, P. R. Rao, S. R. Voleti & D. Subrahmanyam .2021. Evaluation of genotype by environment interaction and adaptability in lowland irrigated rice hybrids for grain yield under high temperature. Sci Rep 11, 15825.
Basavaraj P. S., C., Gireesh., Bharamappanavara, M., C. A., Manoj., V. G., Ishwarya Lakshmi., Honnappa., Ajitha V., Senguttuvel P., Sundaram RM.,. M. S., Ananatha. (2021). Stress tolerance indices for the identification of low phosphorus tolerant introgression lines derived from Oryza rufipogon Griff. Plant Genetic Resources: Characterization and Utilization, 1-11. doi:10.1017/S1479262121000381.
Kale RR, Durga Rani CV, Anila M, Mahadeva Swamy HK, Bhadana VP, Senguttuvel P*, et al. (2021) Novel major QTLs associated with low soil phosphorus tolerance identified from the Indian rice landrace, Wazuhophek. PLoS ONE 16(7): e0254526. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0254526.
Anusha G, Sanjeeva Rao D, Jaldhani V, Beulah P, Neeraja CN, Gireesh C, Anantha MS, Suneetha K, Santhosha R, Hari Prasad AS, Sundaram RM, Sheshu Madhav M, Fiyaz A, Brajendra P, Tuti MD, Bhave MHV, Radha Krishna KV, Ali J, Subrahmanyam D and Senguttuvel P* 2021. Grain Fe and Zn content, Heterosis, Combining ability and its association with grain yield in irrigated and aerobic rice. Sci Rep 10, 13695 https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-90038-4.
Vishalakshi balija, Umakanth bangale, Senguttuvel Ponnuvel. 2021. Improvement of Upland Rice Variety by Pyramiding Drought Tolerance QTL with Two Major Blast Resistance Genes for Sustainable Rice Production [J]. Rice Sci, 28(5): 493-500.
Basavaraj, P.S., Muralidhara, B., Manoj, C.A. Anantha MS, Santosha Rathod, Damodar Raju Ch, Senguttuvel P, et al. Identification and molecular characterization of high-yielding, blast resistant lines derived from Oryza rufipogon Griff. in the background of ‘Samba Mahsuri’ rice. Genet Resour Crop Evol 68, 1905–1921 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10722-020-01104-1.
Senguttuvel P*, V Jaldhani, N Sravan Raju, D Balakrishnan, P Beulah, V Bhadana, S K Mangrauthia, C N Neeraja, D Subrahmanyam, P R Rao, A S Hariprasad & S RVoleti (2020) Breeding rice for heat tolerance and climate change scenario; possibilities and way forward. A review, Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, DOI: 10.1080/03650340.2020.1826041.
Bharamappanavara, M., Siddaiah, A.M., Ponnuvel, S. et al. 2020. Mapping QTL hotspots associated with weed competitive traits in backcross population derived from Oryza sativa L. and O. glaberrima Steud.. Sci Rep 10, 22103. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-78675-7.
Kulkarni, S.R., Balachandran, S.M., Ulaganathan, K. Divya Balakrishnan, M Praveen, AS Hari Prasad, RA Fiyaz, P Senguttuvel, Pragya Sinha, Ravindra R Kale, G Rekha, MBVN Kousik, G Harika, M Anila, E Punniakoti, T Dilip, SK Hajira, K Pranathi, M Ayyappa Das, Mastanbee Shaik, K Chaitra, P Koteswara Rao, Sunil S Gangurde, Manish K Pandey, RM Sundaram 2020. Molecular mapping of QTLs for yield related traits in recombinant inbred line (RIL) population derived from the popular rice hybrid KRH-2 and their validation through SNP genotyping. Sci Rep 10, 13695 https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-70637-3.
Rama Devi SJS., Singh,K., Umakanth, B., Vishalakshi, B., Rao,KVS., Suneel,B., Sharma SK., Kadambari,GKM., Prasad, MS., Senguttuvel,P., syamaladevi,DP., and Madhav MS. 2020. Identification and Characterization of a Large Effect QTL from Oryza glumaepatula Revealed Pi68(t) as Putative Candidate Gene for Rice Blast Resistance. Rice 13, 17 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12284-020-00378-4.
Kale, R.R., Anila, M., Mahadeva Swamy, H.K. Bhadana VP, Durga Rani ch V, Senguttuvel P et al. Morphological and molecular screening of rice germplasm lines for low soil P tolerance. J. Plant Biochem. Biotech nol. 30, 275–286 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13562-020-00586-5.
Patroti, P., Vishalakshi, B., Umakanth, B. Suresh J, Senguttuvel P and M Sheshu Madhav. 2019. Marker-assisted pyramiding of major blast resistance genes in Swarna-Sub1, an elite rice variety (Oryza sativa L.) Euphytica 215: 179. http://doi-org-443.webvpn.fjmu.edu.cn/10.1007/s10681-019-2487-1.
Sruthi, K., Divya, B., Senguttuvel, P., Revathi, P., Kemparaju, K.B., Koteswararao, P., Sundaram, R.M., Singh, V.J., Kumar, E.R., Bhowmick, P.K. and Vinod, K.K., Evaluation of genetic diversity of parental lines for development of heterotic groups in hybrid rice (Oryza sativa L.). 2019. Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, pp.1-17. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13562-019-00529-9.
Pranathi K, Barbadikar MB, Viraktamath BC, Balachandran SM, Hajira SK, Rao PK, Kulkarni SR, Rekha G, Anila M, Kousik MBVN, Senguttuvel P, Hariprasad AS, Mangrautia SK, Madhav MS and Sundaram RM (2019). Expression profiling of immature florets of IR58025A, a wild abortive cytoplasmic male sterile line of rice and its cognate, isonuclear maintainer line, IR58025B. 3 Biotech 9: 278.
Phule AS, Barbadikar KM, Madhav MS, Senguttuvel P, Prasad Babu MBB and Ananda Kumar P. (2019). Studies on root anatomy, morphology and physiology of rice grown under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants 25: 197.
Phule AS, Barbadikar KM, Madhav MS, Senguttuvel P, Prasad Babu MBB and Ananda Kumar P. (2019). RNA-seq reveals the involvement of key genes for aerobic adaptation in rice. Nature Sci Reports 9:5235.
Phule AS, Barbadikar KM, Madhav MS, Senguttuvel P, Prasad Babu MBB and Ananda Kumar P (2018). Genes encoding membrane proteins showed stable expression in rice under aerobic condition: novel set of reference genes for expression studies. 3 Biotech. 8(9):383.
Balachiranjeevi C. H. , Bhaskar Naik S. , Abhilash Kumar V. , Harika G., Mahadev Swamy H. K., Hajira Sk, Dilip Kumar T., Anila M., Kale R. R., Yugender A., Pranathi K., Koushik M. B. V. N., Suneetha K., Bhadana V. P., Hariprasad A. S., Laha G. S., Rekha G., Balachandran S. M., Madhav M. S., Senguttuvel P., Fiyaz A. R., Viraktamath B. C., Giri A., Swamy B. P. M., Jauhar Ali , Sundaram R. M. (2018) Marker-assisted pyramiding of two major, broad-spectrum bacterial blight resistance genes, Xa21 and Xa33 into an elite maintainer line of rice, DRR17B. PLoS ONE 13(10): e0201271. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0201271.
Yugander, A., Sundaram, R.M., Singh, K, Senguttuvel P, Ladhalakshmi D, Kemparaju KB, Madhav MS, HariPrasad AS, Laha GS. (2018). Improved versions of rice maintainer line, APMS 6B, possessing two resistance genes, Xa21 and Xa38, exhibit high level of resistance to bacterial blight disease. Mol Breeding. 38: 100. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11032-018-0853-7I.
Satendra K. Mangrauthia, B. Sailaja, Madhu Pusuluri, Biswajit Jena, Vishnu V. Prasanth, Surekha Agarwal, P. Senguttuvel, N. Sarla, V. Ravindra Babu, Desiraju Subrahmanyam, S.R. Voleti.2018. Deep sequencing of small RNAs reveals ribosomal origin of microRNAs in Oryza sativa and their regulatory role in high temperature. Gene Reports, Vol11, Pp 270-278.
Rekha, G., Abhilash Kumar, V., Viraktamath, B.C. ,K. Pranathi.,M. B. V. N. Kousik.,B. Laxmi Prasanna., C. Backiyalakshmi., Pragya Sinha., R. K. Ravindra.,S. Bhaskar.,S. K. Hajira., C. H. Balachiranjeevi., K. Swapnil., R. Rambabu., G. Harika., E. Punniakotti., M. Anila., H. K. Mahadev., T. Dilip Kumar., A. Yugander., K. Chaitra., M. Praveen., K. R. Madhavi., M. S. Prasad., G. S. Laha., C. N. Neeraja., S. M. Balachandran., P. Senguttuvel., R. A. Fiyaz., J. Badri., A. Giri., L. V. Subba Rao., V. Ravindra Babu and R. M. Sundaram.2018. Improvement of blast resistance of the popular high-yielding, medium slender-grain type, bacterial blight resistant rice variety, Improved Samba Mahsuri by marker-assisted breeding.J. Plant Biochem. Biotechnol. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13562-018-0455-9.
Umakanth B, Vishalakshi B, Sathish Kumar P, Rama Devi SJS, Bhadana VP, Senguttuvel P, Kumar S, Sharma SK, Sharma PK, Prasad MS and Madhav MS (2017). Diverse Rice Landraces of North-East India Enables the Identification of Novel Genetic Resources for Magnaporthe Resistance. Front. Plant Sci. 8:1500. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017.01500.
V.Abilash Kumar, C.H.Balachiranjeevi, S.K.Hajira, M Anila, M Kousik, R.Kale, T.Dilip Kumar, MS Prasad, AS HariPrasad, AP Padmakumari, GS Laha, SM Balachandran, MS Madhav, P Senguttuvel, KB Kemparaju, AR Fiyaz, JS Bentur, BC Viraktamath, V RavindraBabu and RM Sundaram. 2017. Marker-assisted pyramiding of bacterial blight and gall midge resistance genes into RPHR-1005, the restorer line of the popular rice hybrid DRRH-3. Molecular Breeding 37:86.
K. Pranathi. B. C. Viraktamath. C. N. Neeraja. S. M. Balachandran. A. S. Hari Prasad .P. Koteswara Rao. P. Revathi. P. Senguttuvel. S. K. Hajira. C. H. Balachiranjeevi .S. Bhaskar Naik. V. Abhilash. M. Praveen. K. Parimala. S. R. Kulkarni. M. Anila .G. Rekha. M. B. V. N. Koushik. B. Kemparaju. M. S. Madhav. S. K. Mangrautia .G. Harika. T. Dilip. R. R. Kale. V. Vishnu Prasanth. V. Ravindra Babu. R. M. Sundaram.2016. Development and validation of candidate gene-specific markers for the major fertility restorer genes, Rf4 and Rf3 in rice. Mol Breeding 36:145.
28. P.Senguttuvel, N.SravanRaju, G Padmavathi, RM Sundaram, S Madhav, AS HariPrasad, S.Kota, VP Bhadana, D Subbrahmanyam, L V Subbarao, Brajendra, and V.RavindraBabu.2016.Identification and quantification of salinity tolerance through salt stress indices and variability studies in rice (Oryza sativa L.). SABRAO Journal of Breeding and Genetics. 48(2) 172-179.
Kumar, V.A., Balachiranjeevi, C.H., Naik, S.B., Rambabu, R., Rekha, G., Madhavi, K.R., Harika, G., Vijay, S., Pranathi, K., Hajira, S.K. and Srivastava,A.,H. K. Mahadevaswamy, M. Anila, A. Yugander,J. Aruna, A. S. Hari Prasad, M. S Madhav, G. S. Laha, B. C. Viraktamath, S. M. Balachandran,P. Senguttuvel, B. Kemparaju, V. Ravindra Babu, R. M.Sundaram , M. S. Prasad. 2016. Marker-assisted introgression of the major bacterial blight resistance gene, Xa21 and blast resistance gene, Pi54 into RPHR-1005, the restorer line of the popular rice hybrid, DRRH3. Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology pp.1-10.
Pranathi,K.,Viraktamath,B.C.,Neeraja,C.N.,Balachandran,S.M.,Hariprasad,A.S.,Rao,P.K.,Kulkarni,S.R.,Senguttuvel,P.,Hajira,S.K.,Balachiranjeevi,C.H.Naik,S.B.,V. Abhilash, M. Anila, H. K. Mahadevaswamy, G. Rekha, M. S. Madhav, P. Revathi, G. Harika,T. Dilip, B. Kemparaju, R. M. Sundaram. 2016. Comparative analysis of sequences of mitochondrial genomes of wild abortive male sterile (WA-CMS) and male fertile lines of rice, development of functional markers for WA-CMS trait and their use in assessment of genetic purity of seeds of WA-CMS lines. Molecular Breeding, 36(3), pp.1-1.
CH Balachiranjeevi . Naik S. Bhaskar . V. Abhilash . S. Akanksha . B. C. Viraktamath . M. S. Madhav . A. S. Hariprasad . G. S. Laha . M. S. Prasad . S. M. Balachandran . C. N. Neeraja . M. Satendra Kumar . P. Senguttuvel . K. B. Kemparaju . V. P. Bhadana . T. Ram . G. Harika . H. K. Mahadeva Swamy . S. K. Hajira . A. Yugander . K. Pranathi . M. Anila . G. Rekha . M. B. V. N. Kousik . T. Dilip Kumar . R. K. Swapnil . Archana Giri . R. M. Sundaram. 2015. Marker-assisted introgression of bacterial blight and blast resistance into DRR17B, an elite, fine-grain type maintainer line of rice. Mol Breeding 35:151 DOI 10.1007/s11032-015-0348-8.
P Senguttuvel, C Vijayalakshmi, K Thiyagarajan, JR Kannanbapu, Suneetha Kota, G Padmavathi, S Geetha,N Sritharan and BC. Viraktamath.2014. Changes in photosynthesis, chlorophyll fluorescence, gas exchange parameters and osmotic potential to salt stress during early seedling stage in rice (oryza sativa l.). SABRAO Journal of Breeding and Genetics 46 (1): 120-135.
Senguttuvel.P, K.Thiyagarajan, C.Vijayalakshmi, J.R.Kannan Bapu and B.C.Viraktamath.2013. Physio-biochemical basis of salinity on Na/K ratio and total dry matter content in rice. Indian Journal of Agricultural sciences. 83(11):1239-46.
P. Revathi, Pavani Medoju, Arun Kumar Singh, R. M. Sundaram, Sravan Raju, P. Senguttuvel, K. B. Kemparaju, A. S. HariPrasad, M. S. Ramesha, C. N. Neeraja, N. Shobha Rani and B. C. Viraktamath. 2013. Efficiency of Molecular markers in identifying fertility restoration trait of WA-CMS. Indian J. Genet., 73(1): 89-93 .DOI: 10.5958/j.0019-5200.73.1.012.
Senguttuvel.P, K.Thiyagarajan, C.Vijayalakshmi, S.Geetha, G.Padmavathi and B.C.Viraktamath. 2012. Differential response of rice seedlings to salt stress in relation to antioxidant enzymes activity and membrane stability index. Archives of agronomy and soil science. Vol 59: (10) 1359-1371.
P. Revathi, Arun Kumar Singh, R. M. Sundaram, P. Senguttuvel, K. B. Kemparaju, A. S. Hariprasad and B. C. Viraktamath. 2010. Molecular screening for the presence of wide compatibility gene S5 neutral allele in the parental lines of hybrid rice. Indian J. Genet., 70(4): 373-376.
Any other Information:-
Good Quality passport size Photograph:- https://drive.google.com/open?id=19SoZpU9l5rn0jNRP8dAvzYuJ98tBA0L9