Rice Riche cream for cracked heel and dry skin

Rice Riche cream for cracked heel and dry skin

This product is useful for therapeutic and cosmetic applications such as cracked heels, dry skin disorder. It softens the heel and the foot skin, preventing the feet and other parts from forming thick and hard skin.


Product composition

  • The product comprises rice bran oil up to 60%, brown rice extract up to 40%, humectant up to 30%, sequestrant up to 1.0%, preservative, fragrance in acceptable range and sufficient quantity of water to make the formulation 100%.
  • Gamma oryzanol, tocopherols,  tocotrienols,  sterols etc are other bioactive minor components present in the product

Features of the product

  • The formulation, apart from healing the cracks on heels, is useful in arresting the bleeding due to cracks and reducing the pain.
  • The cream has the excellent effects of softening the heel and the foot skin. It enhances skin elasticity.Interestingly, compared to commercially available products, the recurrence of crack is less severe.
  • The composition of the formulation is new, very safe, eco-friendly and does not produce any harmful effects. 

Effectiveness of the products

  • Cracks in heal disappeared within a week, this was reported by the all users (100%).
  • Majority of the respondents (82.0%) considered this product better / much better than the available products in the market.

Production cost

  • At laboratory scale, the production cost of 50 g of the product is Rs. 25.50 which can be further reduced it prepared at commercial scale.