Success Story 8

Success Story 8: Rice Knowledge Management Portal (RKMP)

Vision 2025 document of DRR envisages bridging the yield gap by improving the access to the rice knowledge amongst the rice stake holders. Accordingly a flagship initiative RKMP is undertaken (funded by NAIP). The first ‘extension’ centric semantic portal in Indian Agriculture is built and launched in the presence of Hon’ble Prime Minister of India. The portal URL is RKMP now serves as an information highway for sharing rice knowledge across the country. It has several global firsts in terms of comprehensiveness and utility. Built on web 2.0 standards, this portal caters to location specific information needs of many stakeholders in local languages. With about 20 platforms, more than 13,000 pages of content, 3000 minutes of audio, 50 video clips, this is the first comprehensive agricultural portal of the country. Wherever Internet connectivity is not there, offline CDs and brochures/ flyers are prepared and distributed. This dream of any Indian extension professional to provide the right information at the right time and context in the local languages to the ever “Information-seeking” farmers is realised through RKMP (, the one stop shop for rice related information