- भाचाअनुसं
- अतिथि गृह
- संगोष्ठी हॉल
- बीज
पता : भाकृअनुप – भारतीय चावल अनुसंधान संस्थान
राजेन्द्रनगर, हैदराबाद - 500 030
ई-मेल: निदेशक : director.iirr@icar.gov.in
फैक्स: +91-40-24591217
फोन: निदेशक प्रकोष्ठ : +91-40-24591218
प्रशासनिक: +91-40-24591258
पी.एम.ई. प्रकोष्ठ : +91-40-24591241
प्रौद्योगिकी हस्तांतरण: +91-40-24591291
IIRR is having well furnished single/double bed room air conditioned/non-air conditioned accommodation facilities in both Jaya guest house and Trainee hostel. Modern canteen, well equipped library facilities are also available to the participants.
Caretaker Incharge --- Ms. K. Kousalya
Email ID: Kowsalya.K@icar.gov.in
Contact no : 040- 24591331
IIRR have well furnished two seminar halls equipped with projector and computer facilities.
In charge --Dr.P. Muthuraman, Principal Scientist
Email Id.-- Muthuraman.P@icar.gov.in / mpm63@rediffmail.com
Contact No. --040 - 24591291
फसल उन्नयन
संपर्क नंबर. : 040-24591252भांडागार संपर्क नंबर. : 9704295435
ई-मेल : LV.SubbaRao@icar.gov.in