Dr. Kanneboina Sruthi, Scientist
Name:- Dr.Sruthi Kanneboina
Designation:- Scientist
Email ID:- यह ईमेल पता spambots से संरक्षित किया जा रहा है. आप जावास्क्रिप्ट यह देखने के सक्षम होना चाहिए.
Official phone number:- 4024591248
Google scholar link:- https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?hl=en&user=ezKNN-4AAAAJ
Research gate link:-
ORCID link:-
Educational Qualification:-
B.Sc(Ag.); 2007-2011; ANGRAU, Agricultural College, Aswaraopet, Khammam.
M.Sc(Ag.); 2011-2014; Genetics and Plant Breeding,ANGRAU, Hyderabad
Ph.D(Ag.); 2014-2020; Genetics and Plant Breeding,PJTSAU, Hyderabad.
Employment Record / Work Experience:- Scientist, ICAR-IIRR, Hyderabad
Area research specialization:- Genetics and Plant Breeding
Important projects under taken:- Establishment and validation of heterotic gene pools in hybrid rice
Award and Honors:-
Foreign Visits:-
Technologies/Products/Varieties/Novel germplasm/Methodologies developed:-
Student Guided:-
Editors/Reviewers of the Journals:-
Member of Scientific Society:-
Training Organized:-
Training Undergone:-
Publications (Top 30):-
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