Dr. S. V. Sai Prasad, Head
Name:- Dr.S.V.Sai Prasad
Designation:- Principal Scientist
Email ID:- यह ईमेल पता spambots से संरक्षित किया जा रहा है. आप जावास्क्रिप्ट यह देखने के सक्षम होना चाहिए.
Official phone number:- 040-24591309
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Educational Qualification:-
- B. Sc. (Agri) 1990 ANGRAU Rajendranagar, Hyderabad, AP First (89.7 %).
- M.Sc. (Ag.) 1992 ANGRAU Rajendranagar, Hyderabad, AP First (92.1 %).
- Ph.D. (Genetics) 1995 I.A.R.I., New Delhi First 4.0 / 4.0.
- PGDMM 1997 Annamalai University, A. Nagar First.
- MBA 2006 IGNOU, New Delhi, India First- Distinction.
- PGDTMA 2013 NAARM, Hyderabad First-Gold Medal.
- PGDIPR 2016 IGNOU, New Delhi, India First.
- Post Doctoral Experience 2010 Training on ‘Molecular Breeding’ sponsored by NAIP, ICAR, New Delhi 3 months CIMMYT, Mexico Area of Post-Doctoral work Molecular Breeding (Crop Improvement - “Optimization and Routine use of Molecular Markers for Marker Assisted Selection for Disease resistance and Quality in Durum Wheat”.
Employment Record / Work Experience:-
- Pr. Scientist, ICAR-IIRR, Hyderabad 24.9.2021 to Till date.
- Pr. Scientist & Head, ICAR-IARI, Regional Station, Indore 6.4.2015 to 14.9.2021.
- Principal Scientist, ICAR-IARI, Regional Station, Indore 1.1.2009 to 5.4.2015.
- Senior Scientist, ICAR-IARI, Regional Station, Indore 9.7.2003 to 31.12.2008.
- Senior Scientist, ICAR-VPKAS, Almora 30.5.2002 to 6.6.2003.
- Scientist (Sr. scale) ICAR-IARI, Regional Station, Indore 2.3.2000 to 29.5.2002.
- Scientist ICAR-IGFRI, Indore 26.12.1995to 1.3.2000.
Area research specialization:-
Breeding on aestivum and bread wheat Breeding on Rice
Important projects under taken:-
- “Quality Improvement of Bread and Durum Wheat” with sub-project.
- “Improving the quality of durum wheat for pasta products” as Co-PI NATP, ICAR 29.27 lakhs.
- “Identification of diverse sources of resistance to stem rust and leaf rust in durum wheat (Triticum turgidum var. durum).” as Co-PI AP Cess fund, ICAR 14.85 lakhs.
- “Bio-fortification of wheat for micronutrients through conventional and molecular breeding approaches” as PI at IARI-Indore DBT, New Delhi 37.15 lakhs.
- “Distinctiveness, Uniformity and Stability testing & documentation project” as Nodal officer at IARI-Indore PPV&FRA, New Delhi 48.25 lakhs.
- “Molecular marker assisted development of biotic stress resistant wheat varieties” as PI at IARI-Indore DBT, New Delhi 42.25 lakhs.
- Indo-Australian Network project entitled “Physiological water use efficiency (root traits) in wheat” as PI at IARI-Indore IIWBR, Karnal 22.60 lakhs.
- CSISA Project – Objective 4 (Wheat Breeding) – “Development of high yielding stress tolerant good quality wheat varieties for current and future cereal systems in Central India” as Co-PI CIMMYT, Mexico 34.43 lakhs.
- CRP-Wheat (CIMMYT) funded project entitled “Improving Productivity of wheat through enhanced nitrogen use efficiency CIMMYT, Mexico 15.0 lakhs.
- BMZ Project entitled “Increasing the productivity of the wheat crop under conditions of rising temperature and water deficiency in South Asia” as Co-PI CIMMYT, Mexico 18.0 lakhs.
- ITC project : “Identification of high yielding wheat varieties with superior quality and adaptability along with end product suitability.” as PI ITC, Bangalore 33.0 lakhs.
- MOU with Syngenta Pvt, Ltd, New Delhi for wheat variety HI 1544 IARI, New Delhi > 20 lakhs.
- MOU with Syngenta Pvt, Ltd, New Delhi for wheat variety HI 1563 IARI, New Delhi > 10 lakhs.
- ICARDA-ICAR Collaborative Project : “Deployment of high-yielding, stress tolerant, and top industrial quality durum wheat elites to targeted regions of India” and “Exploitation of Inter-specific diversity for Durum wheat improvement” ”. ICARDA, New Delhi 11.39 lakhs.
Award and Honors:-
- BGRI-Gene Stewardship Award as member by Borlaug Global Rust Initiative, USA in 2018.
- Fellow – NAAS in 2018.
- “ICAR Award for Outstanding Inter-disciplinary Team Research in Agricultural and Allied Sciences” as member 2009-10 (2012).
- Nanaji Deshmukh ICAR Award for Outstanding Inter-disciplinary Team Research in Agricultural and Allied Sciences” as member 2015-16 (2019).
- V.S. Mathur Memorial Award (2017).
- Prof. S. Nagarajan Memorial Award (2019).
- XXI Sukumar Basu Memorial Award 2017–18 (2020).
- Prof. M. S. Swaminathan Best Scientist Award (2019).
- Fellow of Andhra Pradesh Academi of Sciences, Vijayawada (2020).
- Fellow of Indian Society of Genetics & Plant Breeding, New Delhi (2016).
- Fellow of Society for Advancement of Wheat and Barley Research, IIWBR, Karnal (2014).
- Fellow of Bose Science Society, Pudukkottai, Tamilnadu (2019).
- “Outstanding Achievement Award: in Plant Breeding” (2014).
- “Distinguished Scientist Award - Agriculture” Nomination Code : VIFRA 2015 / 697.
- “Outstanding Interdisciplinary Team Research Award” as Team Leader (2015).
- “Distinguished Scientist Award – Genetics and Plant Breeding (2018).
- “Gold Medal” for securing First position in 2nd batch of PGDTMA (2016).
Foreign Visits:-
- Marrakech, Morocco “BGRI Technical Workshop 2018” 2018.
- Bologno, Italy “International Conference : From Seed to Pasta & Beyond : A sustainable Durum Wheat Chain for Food Security and Healthy Lives”) 2015.
- Kathmandu, Nepal Annual Review & Work Plan Meetings of BMZ Project and CSISA Project - Objective 4 (Wheat Breeding)” 2014.
- CIMMYT, Bangladesh Workshop on CSISA Objective 4 (Wheat Breeding)” and BMZ project 2013.
- NSA, Italy Invited oral presentation at “International symposium on Genetics and breeding of durum wheat” 2013.
- CIMMYT, Nepal “4th workshop on CSISA Objective 4 (Wheat Breeding)” 2012.
- CSIRO, Canberra As a ‘Visiting Scientist’ to experience the methods of root coring, use of Win Rhizo system, markers to use in marker assisted selection for various wheat architecture traits. 2011.
- CIMMYT, Nepal “3rd workshop on CSISA Objective 4 (Wheat Breeding)” 2011.
- CIMMYT, EL Batan, Mexico Training in the area of Molecular Breeding (Crop Science) on “Optimization and Routine use of Molecular Markers for Marker Assisted Selection for Disease resistance and Quality in Durum Wheat” 2010.
- CIMMYT, Nepal ‘Roving Wheat Seminar’ on CSISA Objective 4 (Wheat Breeding)” 2009.
- CIMMYT, Nepal “1st workshop on CSISA Objective 4 (Wheat Breeding)” 2009.
- CIMMYT, Mexico CSISA meeting (Objective 4) – for collaboration 2009.
- CIMMYT, Mexico Technical workshop of “Borlaug Global Rust Initiative” 2009.
Technologies/Products/Varieties/Novel germplasm/Methodologies developed:-
- Developer : 26 wheat varieties.
- Associate : 19 wheat varieties.
- Developer : 6 varieties of other crops
Patents/copyrights:- 12 varieties registered in NBPGR, New Delhi
Student Guided:- 12
Editors/Reviewers of the Journals:- 4
Member of Scientific Society:- 4
Training Organized:- 6
Training Undergone:- 8
Publications (Top 30):-
- Wasson A.P., R.A. Richards, R. Chatrath, S.C. Misra, S.V. Sai Prasad, G.J. Rebetzke, J.A. Kirkegaard, J. Christopher and M. Watt. 2012. Traits and selection strategies to improve root systems and water uptake in water limited wheat crops. Journal of Experimental Botany 63 (9) pp. 1-14. (Impact factor : 6.09).
- Deepender Kumar, Animesh Kumar, Vinod Chhokar, Om Prakash Gangwar, Subhash Chander Bhardwaj, M Sivasamy , S V Sai Prasad, T L Prakasha, Hanif Khan, Rajender Singh, Pradeep Sharma, Sonia Sheoran, Mir Asif Iquebal, Sarika Jaiswal, Ulavappa B Angadi, Gyanendra Singh, Anil Rai, Gyanendra Pratap Singh, Dinesh Kumar, Ratan Tiwari. 2021. Genome-wide association studies in diverse spring wheat panel for stripe, stem and leaf rust resistance. Frontier in Plant Science 11:748 Doi:10.3389/fpls2020.00748. (Impact factor : 5.44).
- S. Mondala, R.P. Singh, J. Crossa, J. Huerta-Espinoa, I. Sharma, R. Chatrath,G.P. Singh, V.S. Sohu, G.S. Mavi, V.S.P. Sakaru, I.K. Kalappanavar, V.K. Mishra, M. Hussain, N.R. Gautam, J. Uddin, N.C.D. Barma, A. Hakim, A.K. Joshi. 2013. Earliness in wheat: A key to adaptation under terminal and continual high temperature stress in South Asia. Field Crops Research 151 :19–26. (Impact factor : 5.39).
- Arun K.Joshi, N.C.D.Barma, M. Abdul Hakim, I.K.Kalappanavar, V. Rudra Naik, Suma S.Biradar, S.V.S.Prasad, Ravi P.Singh and Michael Blümmel. 2019. Opportunities for wheat cultivars with superior straw quality traits targeting the semi-arid tropics. Field Crops Research 231, p.51-56. (Impact factor : 5.39).
- Pask A., A.K. Joshi, Y. Manes, I. Sharma, R. Chatrath, G.P. Singh, V.S. Sohu, G.S. Mavi, V.S.P. Sakuru, I.K. Kalppanavar, V.K. Mishra, B. Arun, M.Y. Mujahid, M. Hussain, N.R. Gautam, N.C.D. Burma, A. Hakim, W. Hoppitt, R. Trethowan and M.R. Reynolds. 2014. A wheat phenotyping network to incorporate physiological traits for climate change in south Asia. Field Crops Research 168 :156-167. (Impact factor : 5.39).
- Shashikumara Puttamadanayaka, Harikrishna, Manu Balaramaiah, Sunil Biradar, Sunilkumar V. Parmeshwarappa, Nivedita Sinha, S. V. Sai Prasad, P. C. Mishra, Neelu Jain, Pradeep Kumar Singh, Gyanendra Pratap Singh & Kumble Vinod Prabhu. 2020. Mapping genomic regions of moisture deficit stress tolerance using backcross inbred lines in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Scientific Reports. DOI 10.1038/s41598-020-78671-x. (Impact factor: 4.58).
- Sarah M. Rich, Anton P. Wasson, Richard A. Richard, Trushna Katore, Renu Prashar, Ritika Chowdhary, D. C. Saxena, H. M. Mamrutha, Alec Zwart, S. C. Misra, S. V. Sai Prasad, R. Chatrath, Jack Christopher and Michelle Watt. 2016. Wheats developed for high yield on stored soil moisture have deep vigorous root systems. Functional Plant Biology 43 (2) : 173-188. (Impact factor : 3.10).
- Sharma S.K., B. N. Johri, A. Ramesh, OP Joshi and S. V. Sai Prasad. 2011. Selection of Plant growth promoting. Pseudomonas spp. that enhanced productivity of soybean-wheat cropping system in Central India. J. Microbiol.Biotechnol. 21(11) : 1127-1142. (Impact factor : 2.35).
- Matthew P. Reynolds, …….,Sakuru V. Sai Prasad, …………and Arun K. Joshi. 2017. Strategic crossing of biomass and harvest index—source and sink—achieves genetic gains in wheat. Euphytica 213:257. (Impact factor : 1.61).
- Akhilesh N Mishra, G. S. Shirsekar, Sita Ram Yadav, Kamini Kaushal, Vijay G Dybey and Sakuru V Sai Prasad. 2015. Sources of resistance to Indian pathotypes of Puccinia graminis tritici and P. triticina in durum wheat. Plant Breeding doi:10.1111/pbr.12295 (Impact factor : 0.36)
Akhilesh N Mishra, Kamini Kaushal, Vijay G Dybey, Sakuru V Sai Prasad and Prakasha TL. 2015. ‘CPAN 1842’: a new source of adult plant leaf rust resistance in bread wheat. Plant Breeding doi:10.1111/pbr.12307 (Impact factor : 0.36). - Mishra SM, K.N. Tiwari and S. V. Sai Prasad. 2007. Reclamation of alkali soils: Influence of amendments and leaching on transformation and availability of phosphorus. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 38: 2001-1028. [NAAS rating: 7.33] (Impact factor : 1.33).
- Divya Ambati, Rahul M. Phuke, V. Vani, S. V. Sai Prasad, Jang Bahadur Singh, Chandra Prakash Patidar, Prakash Malviya, Amit Gautam & Vijay G. Dubey. 2020. Assessment of genetic diversity and development of core germplasm in durum wheat using agronomic and grain quality traits. Cereal Research Comminication (Hungary) 48 : 375-382. (Impact factor : 1.7).
- Sai Prasad S.V., V. S. Rao and H. N. Pandey. 2006. Hierarchical classification of allelic variation of gliadins in durum wheat. Cereal Research Comminication (Hungary) 34 (2-3) : 1153-1159. (Impact factor : 1.7).
- Sai Prasad S.V., V. S. Rao and H. N. Pandey. 2003. Allelic variation of gliadin and glutenins in genetic stocks and advance lines of Triticum turgidum var. durum. Indian J Genet. and Plant Breeding 63 (4) : 307-311.
- Sai Prasad S.V. and G.M.Rao. 1996. Cyto-histological studies on male sterility in different cytoplasmic genetic male sterile lines of Rice (Oryza sativa L.). Indian J Genet. and Plant Breeding 56 (2): 223-228.
- Tomar R. S. Vinod, S. M. S. Tomar, S. V. Sai Prasad, K. Bhojaraja Naik, Girish K. Jha, N. K. Singh and Suresh Chand. 2012. Development of mapping populations and their characterization for drought tolerance in wheat. Indian J Genet., 72 (2) : 195-207.
- Mishra AN, K Kaushal, VG Dubey and SV Sai Prasad. 2015. Diverse sources of resistance to leaf rust in durum wheat. Indian J Genet. and Plant Breeding 75 (2): 336-340.
- Mishra AN, K Kaushal, VG Dubey, GS Shirsekar and SV Sai Prasad. 2015. Validation of race non-specific, adult plant leaf rust resistance genes Lr34 and Lr67 in some common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars. Indian J Genet. and Plant Breeding 75 (2): 440-445.
- Shashi K P, Harikrishna, N Jain, N Sinha, D Chauhan, R M Phuke, D Ambati, J B Singh, S V Sai Prasad, G P Singh, K V Prabhu and P K Singh. 2020. Genetic variability, Genotype × Environment interaction for grain yield of wheat (Triticum aestivum) backcross inbred lines population under different moisture regimes. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 90 (9): 1678–84. (Impact factor : 0.33).
- Behera U.K., S. V. Sai Prasad and S Pradhan. 2008. Nitrogen scheduling for improving productivity and quality of durum wheat (Triticum turgidum) in central India. Ind. J. Agric. Sciences 78 (7): 599-603. (Impact factor : 0.33).
- Mahajan V, S. K. Shukla, H. S. Gupta, V. Tiwari and S. V. Sai Prasad. 2007. Identifying phenotypically stable genotypes and developing strategy for yield improvement to horsegram (Macrotyloma uniflorus) for mid-altitudes of Northwestern Himalyas. Ind. J. Agric. Sciences 77 (4): 319-322. [NAAS rating: 6.37] (Impact factor : 0.33).
- Sai Prasad S.V., R. Singh, S. Yadav, P. K. Varma and H. N. Pandey. 2005. Presence of β-carotene in durum wheat products. Ind. J. Agric. Sciences 75 (3): 165-166. [NAAS rating: 6.37] (Impact factor : 0.33).
- Sultan Singh, N. K. Theodorrow, D. S. Katiyar, S. V. Sai Prasad, U. S. Mishra, , K. C. Pandey, R. B. Bhaskar and O. P. S. Verma. 2008. Relative intake, nutrients utilization, nitrogen balance and fermentation pattern in sheep fed stay green and go-brown silage. Indian J Animal Sciences 78 (5): 536-540. [NAAS rating: 6.32] (Impact factor : 0.29).
- Sultan Singh, D. S. Katiyar, N. K. Theodorrow, S. V. Sai Prasad, U. S. Mishra, R. B. Bhaskar, K. C. Pandey, O. P. S. Verma and A. K. Mishra. 2008. Nutritional and morphological attributes of stay green vis-à-vis go brown sorghum cultivars at different stages of maturity. Indian J Animal Sciences 79 (4): 426-432. [NAAS rating: 6.32] (Impact factor : 0.29).
- Sultan Singh, D.S.Katiyar and S.V.Sai Prasad. 1999. Nutritional evaluation of stay green and go-brown strains of forage sorghum. Ind. J. Animal Sciences 69 (10): 864-866. [NAAS rating: 6.32] (Impact factor : 0.29).
- Divya Ambati, T. L. Prakasha, A. N. Mishra, S. Chand, K. S. Solanki, Pramod Prasad and S. V. Sai Prasad. 2020. Inheritance of leaf rust resistance in four popular Indian durum wheat cultivars. Indian Phytopathology https://doi.org/10.1007/s42360-020-00275-2. [NAAS rating: 5.95] (Impact factor : 0.46).
- Mishra AN, GS Shirsekar, SR Yadav, VG Dubey, K Kaushal, SV Sai Prasad and HN Pandey. 2009. Protocols for evaluating resistance to leaf and stem rusts in durum and bread wheats. Indian Phytopathology 64 (4): 461-468. [NAAS rating: 5.95] (Impact factor : 0.46).
- Sushil K Singh, Prakasha TL, Divya A, Kantwa SL, Sai Prasad SV and Mishra AN. 2013. Evaluation of Indian durum wheat germplasm for the presence of Sr36 gene for resistance to pathotypes of stem rust race 117-group. Indian Phytopathology 66: 308-310. [NAAS rating: 5.95] (Impact factor : 0.46).
- Divya A, TL Prakasha, VG Dubey, S. V. Sai Prasad and A. N. Mishra. 2014. Development of stem rust resistant durum wheat genotypes by identification and introgression of the Sr2 gene. Indian Phytopathology 67 (2): 184-186. [NAAS rating: 5.95] (Impact factor : 0.46).
Any other Information:-