Seven inbreds
Objective 2: Mapping of QTLs for high -Fe, -Zn, and storability of provitamin-A in maize kernels
Seven inbreds (VQL1-PV, V335-PV, HKI161-PV, HKI193-1-PV, CE-13, CE-25 and CE-477). possessing high proA (10.0-17.6 ppm) were stored for five months. Loss of proA during the storage was calculated which varied from 44-88%. Contrasting inbreds were crossed during rabi 2017-18 for generating F2:3 mapping populations. One desirable population would be selected for mapping of QTLs for retention of proA during storage.
Quality protein maize:
A set of 350 diverse inbred lines panel have been constituted (Fig. 8). The seed of same were multiplied through hand pollination and has been evaluated for Fe and Zn at multiple locations (total six). The sampling has been completed for Fe and Zn analysis for all environments. The analysis of samples for Fe & Zn is in progress, and so for completed for three environments. Based on available results, the sufficient genetic variation has been reported for Fe (8.1-63.5 ppm) and Zn (5.7-57.5 ppm) (Fig. 9). Depending upon the availability of fund during 2017-18, the DNA of 96 samples of panel was isolated, purified and quantified. The genotyping by sequencing (GBS) data has been generated for these samples. A preliminary study of population structure of association panel using SSR markers has reported six-sub-populations in the panel. The complete analysis of structure, kinship and association studies will be done once the Phenotyping and GBS for 350 samples will get completed.