ICAR-IARI, New Delhi
PI: Dr Anju Mahedru Singh
Co PI: Drs Neelu Jain, V K Vikas (IARI Regional Station, Wellington, TN)
Four Cytogenetic stocks for chromosome 1 and 6 (N1ATAB’ N6AT6B, Ditl.1AL and Ditl.6AL) have been used for development of durum germplasm with none or minimum of immunogenic epitopes for celiac disease. In order to enrich the number of plants with aneuploidy for chromosome 1A and 6A, BC1F2 and F2 of the four crosses involving cytogenetic stocks of Chinese spring with nullisomic or ditelosomic chromosomes 1A and 6 A were germinated in the field. Genomic DNA was isolated from 1275 BC1F2 plants of the four crosses (N1ATAB/2* HI8663, N6AT6B/2*HI8663, Ditl.1AL/2*HI8663 and Ditl.6AL/2*HI8663) and from 1181 F2 plants of four crosses (N1ATAB X HI866, N1ATAB X HI8663, Ditl.1AL X HI8663 and Ditl.6AL X HI8663). Using molecular screening with EST primers for the presence/absence of 1A(L) and 6 A(L), 47 BC1F2 homozygous plants (15 for N1AT1B, 8 for N6AT6B, 24 for Ditl.6AL) were selected. 21 F2 homozygous plants (6 for N1AT1B, 2 for N6AT6B, 3 for Ditl.1AL and 10 for Ditl.6AL) were selected. Further screening is continued.
Screening of DNA from plants of BC1F2 (Ditl.6A/2*HI8663) with EST primer BE 403550 to identify plants homozygous for the absence of short arm of chromosome 6.