IARI-Regional Station Indore

Article Index

IARI-Regional Station Indore

PI: Dr S Sai Prasad

Co PIs: Drs JB Singh and Rahul M Phuke

New Crosses Attempted: 55 crosses (30 durum and 25 bread wheat) were attempted for quality improvement among diverse parents.

Durum Wheat Donors: HI 8777, HI 8759, PDW 233, WH 896, UAS 462, HI 8737, HI 8713
  Recipients: HI 8663, HI 8591, HD 4672,
Bread Wheat Donors: WB02, HI 1605, 7th HPYT 403, 7th HPYT 422, 7th HPYT 425, 7th HPYT 426, 7th HPYT 447, 7th HPYT 443

 Durum Quality Breeding Material: 466 lines for quality breeding material were maintained under high fertility and restricted irrigation conditions. Based on visual observations, 84 bulks and 896 single plants were selected and gain quality traits are under analyses.

CRP Multilocation Trial: A combined trial of advanced genotypes from IARI, RS Indore and UAS, Dharwad was conducted at IARI, RS Indore and UAS, Dharwad for 12 genotypes with 2 replications. Morphological, agronomic and grain yield characteristics were recorded, and data is in progress for post-harvest and quality traits viz., yellow pigment, protein content and grain Fe and Zn.

Sr No Genotype Details of the genotypes
1 UASD-01 DDK-50383 (Dicoccum)
2 UASD-02 DDK-50404 (Dicoccum)
3 UASD-03 UAS-428 (Durum check)
4 UASD-04 DDK-50366 (Dicoccum)
5 UASD-05 DDK-50391 (Dicoccum)
6 IND -01 IND- 493 (Bread wheat)
7 IND-02 IND- 496 (Bread wheat)
8 IND-03 IND-505 (Bread wheat)
9 IND-04 ID-1706 (Durum wheat)
10 IND-05 47th IDYN717 (Durum wheat)
11 IND-06 MACS-2971 (Check variety)
12 IND-07 HI- 8777 (Check variety)

Quality Trial for multiple sowing conditions: 20 genotypes (10 durum and 10 bread wheat) were sown for quality analysis in three different growing conditions viz., early sown, timely sown and late sown. Morphological, agronomic and grain yield characteristics was recorded, and data is in progress for post-harvest and quality traits viz., yellow pigment, protein content and grain Fe and Zn.

Sr No Genotype Sr No Genotype
1 HI 8759 11 HI 8777
2 HI4728 12 HI 8713
3 HI 8737 13 HI 8627
4 HI 8663 14 PDW 233
5 HI 8498 15 WH 896
6 HI 1544 16 HI 1605
7 GW 322 17 HI 1612
8 GW 366 18 DBW 110
9 WB-02 19 MP 3288
10 HD 2967 20 HI 1531
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