PAU, Ludhiana

Article Index

PAU, Ludhiana

PI: Dr V.S. Sohu

Co PIs: Drs N.S.Bains, G.S. Mavi, H. Kaur

Donor lines were identified from various sources including adapted and unadapted wheat germplasm. The agronomically elite lines and varieties were used as recipient parents to develop breeding material. Promising lines with high grain Fe and Zn concentration were also evaluated for phytic acid (anti-nutritional factor) to identify lines with better bioavailability of micronutrients. Besides these, improvement for grain protein content was also targeted. 

Nominations of entries in National Wheat Biofortification Nurseries:  There were 12 nominations from PAU in 3rd National Wheat Biofortification Nursery and two entries viz., BWL 6086 and BWL 5191 performed better for grain Zn at Ludhiana and 8 nominations in 4th National Wheat Biofortification Nursery.

Identification of donors: Promising lines received from CIMMYT, Mexico in the form of 7HPYT were evaluated for grain yield, grain micronutrient concentration as well as phytic acid during 2017. On the basis of low phytic acid and high zinc concentration, entries 404 and 415 were identified to be promising.


Selected 7HPYT entries evaluated for Phyticacid (%) at Ludhiana during 2017                 
Selected 7HPYT entries evaluated for grain micronutrient  concentration (ppm) at Ludhiana during 2017 
Screening D genome: Eighteen accessions of D genome progenitor species Triticum tauschii were evaluated for grain Fe and Zn concentration at Ludhiana during 2017. Highest grain Fe was recorded for accessions AT 14 (108.2 ppm) and AT 104 (58.2) and highest grain Zn was recorded for accessions AT 104 (57.8 ppm) and AT 95 (52.2 ppm).
Development of Synthetic wheats: Synthetic (synthesized) wheats developed through crosses among durum wheat and T. tauschii were evaluated for grain Fe and Zn, phytic acid and grain yield. Among the 31 synthetic wheats evaluated, promising ones were Syn 9 and Syn 14 for high grain Zn and Syn 14 and Syn 5 for high grain yield and low phytic acid. 

Top 10 Zinc containing synthetics wheats  developed using D genome accessions

 Phytic acid and grain yield in synthetics wheats

Combining grain protein (GpcB1) and stripe rust resistance (Yr) genes in the background of high yielding genotypes: Since proteins are the binding site for zinc in the grain, improving grain protein content is expected to increase grain zinc concentration. With this objective, research efforts were made to introgress grain protein gene (GpcB1) into elite wheat cultivars like HD 2967, DBW 17 and HD3086. Since the recipient varieties have become susceptible to stripe rust, crosses were attempted to introgress Yr genes along with GpcB1 gene. During 2016-17, wheat breeding material was generated for pyramiding of grain protein content gene (Gpc-B1) and stripe rust resistance gene(s) Yr 5 or Yr 40/Lr57 in the background of wheat varieties DBW 17 (F3 generation) and HD 2967 (F2). Besides crosses were also initiated using HD 3086 as recipient parent.

Evaluation of Backcrosses: A set of high grain micronutrient wheat backcross derivatives was screened for the estimation of variation present for the phytic acid content. Two sets of 210 BC1F3 and 210 BC2F3 lines generated by crossing advanced backcross lines of T. durum with grain zinc QTL introgressed from T. monococcum and T. boeoticum in high yielding variety as  recipient parent back ground was taken as a base material. Among those wheat backcross lines, 107 genotypes from BC1F3 and 93 genotypes from BC2F3 were selected on the basis of high grain iron and zinc concentration and rust resistance. The phytic acid content of the selected genotypes was assessed that ranged from 10.92 – 63.93 mg/g of whole wheat meal. Thirty-five promising genotypes were further shortlisted with the combination of high grain iron and zinc concentration, low phytic acid content and rust resistance. Three ear to row progenies from each shortlisted genotype were sown at Keylong research station during off season for generation advancement.

 In another experiment, BC1F5 and BC2F5 progenies with high grain micronutrient and low phytic acid content were evaluated for morphological and grain quality parameters. The variation in the genotypes was significant for all the traits except the grain iron concentration. For the grain zinc concentration the genotype from the cross WH 1105*3/BF20 possessed highest zinc concentration among all the genotypes and for the phytic acid content the genotype from the cross PBW 698*3/BF22 showed lowest phytic acid content among all the genotypes. Moreover, it was having high zinc concentration as well. Although the genotype has the combination of both traits i.e. high grain zinc and low phytic acid content but it was found to be poor yielding. Analysis of variation and correlation studies showed that the genotypes which possess high grain protein content and grain zinc concentration were low yielding with less number of grains per spike, late maturity and relatively more plant height. Phytic acid content did not show significant correlation with any of the traits studied. 



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